How to uncrease air force 1s

What’s creasing more? My face when I see your AF1’s OR your AF1’s? We’ve all been there. You buy your first AF1’s and think voila, something that’ll last me until next summer. Three days later and your creps have more wrinkles than your great grandma.

No one wants to be walking around with creased trainers. Allow me to explore three hacks you can employ to improve the quality of your Air Force 1’s. Whether they are old or new, these hacks will help restore and revitalise your trainers ensuring their longevity.

The first suggestion to remove creases in your Air Force 1’s, and perhaps the more extreme suggestion, would be to purchase a sneaker shield. This can be hard or soft and goes inside your shoe above your toes and keeps the trainers structure well intact. The down side to this is it may be rather uncomfortable to walk around in.

A more sensible alternative to the sneaker shield would be a shoe tree. This can be a plastic mould that goes inside your shoe once you are finished wearing them for the day. They keep the creases in your Air Force 1’s away when you’re inside. The only issue with this is you will still encounter creases when actually wearing your trainers.

An alternative to the alternative, use an iron. Add some socks into your AF1’s to keep the shape, use a damp cloth and iron your creases out.

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Try not to leave it too late as deep creases may not remove so easily.

Let me know in the comments if these hacks helped you avoid the crease in the middle.

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How do you Uncrease Air Force 1s at home?

Household Cleaning Eraser If you're wearing your Air Force 1s all the time, it's a good idea to have a cleaning eraser at home for quick and easy cleaning. To use it on your shoes, simply dip it in water and use it to scrub out stains from the leather upper and the sole of the shoe.

How do you Uncrease Air Force 1 without an iron?

Using steam on creased sneakers is virtually the easiest method as it can get creases out of leather shoes and doesn't require purchasing any extra products. For this method, wet a towel and heat it up in the microwave until it's steaming. Take the towel and rub it on the creased areas of the sneaker.

How do you Uncrease a Air Force One with a hair dryer?

Try Blow-Drying They won't get hot inside the shoe. To use a hairdryer: Turn it on at the low heat setting. Hold it 20–25cm away from the shoe.

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