I cant go upstairs in sims 4 ps4

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Long Time Player

2 years ago

Hi, I’m currently playing on Xbox and I notice I can’t go up or down stairs. So I’m just stuck on the first floor, which is fine but I feel like my gameplay is being limited. Is it a bug? I hope it’s fixed soon.

level 1

(Ps4)My d pad straight up stopped working. I couldn't go up or down floors. Thought the controller was broken, other games work fine though.

level 2

Yea I tried my other controller and it just doesn’t work, I hope it gets fixed soon, I started In the vampire town, sorry can’t think of the name at the moment lol and I can’t see all their houses like Id like to 😪

level 1

There's a bug where if you have an open floor above a staircase with fencing around it will break and the sim wont be able to use the stairs. U have to either add flooring around the top of the staircase, or remove the fencing. It'll look weird like ur sim could fall over, but that can't happen.

level 1

I had a bug where I wasn’t able to return downstairs after going up. Never did figure out exactly why but I moved the stairs to a new location and then it worked fine, so you might want to try that.

level 1

Try to going into build mode and then back to live mode. Also, if there is a fence around the state make sure there is no fence where the stairs meet the upper floor.

level 1

I found a weird fix. I uploaded all my saved data online and then closed the entire game and restarted it. It was glitch when it first opened up, But it was working

level 1

Select free camera then press up or down on d-pad

To go upstairs in The Sims 4, click on your Sim’s portrait and press the Page Up key on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can also use the Up Arrow located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

To go downstairs, click on the Down Arrow in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.

Things are pretty straightforward when it comes to moving upstairs or downstairs in The Sims 4, aren’t they?

Unfortunately, your Sim may sometimes get stuck at the base or top of the staircase. They won’t go upstairs or downstairs, no matter what you do.

Here’s how you can quickly fix this issue.

Something’s in the way

If your Sim can’t go upstairs or downstairs in The Sims 4, this indicates something’s blocking their path preventing them from moving to a different floor. Click on the area around the staircase to identify any elements that are blocking your Sim’s path.

There are various items that can block the path even if they’re not touching the staircase.

For example, fireplaces can cause issues like this one. Simmers suggested this happens because fireplaces have bricks on the back.

If you do have a fireplace near your staircase, try removing it and check if you notice any improvements.

Remove the stairs and add them back

If the area near the stairs is clean, maybe the stairs have become glitched. Delete them, save your game, add them back and check if your Sim can go up and down the stairs now.

You can also try to replace the stairs with a ladder.

Remove the fence surrounding the staircase

To fix the issue where your Sims can’t go upstairs or downstairs, remove the balustrade or handrail surrounding the top or bottom of the staircase.

To get the job done, use the free-placement fence tool. You can keep the rest of the railings.

Many Sims 4 noticed that if there’s a fence surrounding the staircase, Sims cannot go to that area. As a result, they can’t use the stairs.

As a downside to using this workaround, your lightning may look a bit weird, and you may notice some minor graphics glitches near the top of the stairs.

If nothing works, contact EA Support and check if this is a known issue that’s affecting other players too.


If your Sim won’t go upstairs or downstairs, make sure nothing’s blocking their path. Then, remove the fencing surrounding the top and bottom of the staircase. If they still can’t use the stairs, remove the staircase and replace it with a ladder.

This doesn’t solve the problem though, we should be able to have double volume rooms, just about every house I’ve ever built on sims has atleast 2/3 tiles around the staircase that for aesthetic purposes is fenced and then I delete the floor inside the fence. This has always worked, even when we first got the ability to manipulate staircases. Some houses obviously go to the extreme and have entire rooms deleted around stairs to create double floor stairwells and sometimes even triple, and this has always been the way we do it, you apply the fence and the game automatically removes the fence from in front of the stairs and as I mentioned this has been done countless times. Why would they patch the game in such a way that it breaks the way we build houses, I just checked a few of my houses i saved to my library and none of them have functional stairs anymore ... 

Why can't I go upstairs Sims 4 PS4?

Re: Sims can't go upstairs. 2020. @ElsaSweden you just have to remove the stairs and then you'll see the fence covering the way the stairs were place. u just have to remove those and then put the stairs back.

How do u go upstairs in Sims 4 PS4?

How to go Upstairs Sims 4 PS4 / PlayStation 5.
Focus on Your Sim by Pressing R3 button..
Press UP button from Left Side of Controller..
Move Left Stick to Move Character..
Click on Floor to Move or Perform a Task like Sit or Sleep..

Why can't I make an upstairs in Sims 4?

You should be able to click that and "build floor". If building hasn't created a room upstairs, try retracing your wall lines until it does. It should automatically build the floor once it recognises a room. You need to "build floor" before you can place floor tiles.

Why can't I toggle between floors Sims 4?

Re: Sims 4 Xbox One: Can't swap between floors You need to delete the userdata file that has your user settings and the user agreement in it.


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