Introduction to individuality and conformity: initiation

Read the passage from "Initiation."

It would be rather fun for a change, Millicent mused, getting her books out of her locker in the hall, rather exciting to be part of a closely knit group, the exclusive set at Lansing High. Of course, it wasn't a school organization. In fact, the principal, Mr. Cranton, wanted to do away with initiation week altogether, because he thought it was undemocratic and disturbed the routine of school work. But there wasn't really anything he could do about it. Sure, the girls had to come to school for five days without any lipstick on and without curling their hair, and of course everybody noticed them, but what could the teachers do?

The author most likely included the information about the principal's and teachers' reactions in order to

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Terms in this set (15)

The author includes this excerpt in the falling action to

clarify the resolution

Which conclusion is best supported by the passage?

Bev is jealous of Millicent.

Which revision of this sentence best uses direct characterization?

Millicent's tense posture evaporated, replaced by a genuine smile.

What technique does the author use most to describe Millicent?

The author uses direct characterization to describe how Millicent looks.

How should a reader analyze indirect characterization? Check all that apply.

by noticing how the character interacts with other characters
by noticing details about what the character says, does, and thinks
by noticing how the other characters perceive the character
by noticing the context, and use it to make inferences about the character

An internal conflict features character vs. .


The author most likely included the information about the principal's and teachers' reactions in order to

introduce another character vs. society conflict.

Which excerpt from "Initiation" is the best example of an internal conflict?

. . .thinking, this is beginning to sound serious. Worse than a loyalty test, this grilling over the coals. What's it supposed to prove anyway?

Which are elements of plot structure that the reader can study in order to understand the resolution? Check all that apply.

falling action
rising action

Which situation from "Initiation" is an example of internal conflict?

Millicent struggles with her motivation for joining the sorority.

One way an author uses direct characterization is by telling the reader about the character through

what the narrator says.

This is an example of external conflict because it features character vs. .


In the plot of a story, most of the events result from a central conflict that leads to the
, or conclusion.


The author includes the sentence in the exposition to

imply the resolution of the story.

Which phrase from the passage is the best example of indirect characterization?

girls had laughed a little nervously

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What technique does the author use to describe Millicent in this scene quizlet?

What technique does the author use most to describe Millicent? The author uses direct characterization to describe how Millicent looks.

Which technique does the author use to describe Millicent in this scene?

What technique does the author use most to describe Millicent? The author uses indirect characterization to describe how Millicent looks.

Which excerpt from Initiation correctly matches?

Which excerpt from "Initiation" correctly matches with the implied resolution of the story? Answer: ✔ "It won't be any different with us, Tracy," Millicent had told her; This is the rising action implying that the two girls will remain friends.

Is Bev jealous of Millicent?

Bev is jealous of Millicent.


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