Is how I met your mother good Reddit

Posted by12 years ago


I keep getting it recommended to me, but it's not on hulu. Should i even bother downloading it?

edit: ahh cool thanks y'all

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level 1

You mean The Barney Stinson Show?

I'd say definitely yes, but some of the side characters like Ted can sometimes get a bit annoying and steal the limelight from Barney.

level 2

In my body where there is supposed to be a shame gland, there is a second awesome gland.

level 2

Neil Patrick Harris is absolutely hilarious, but Marshall is still my favorite character. His faces KILL me.

level 2

I really think the show has started to drag though. The first few seasons were far better than the last few. I'm getting really tired of the whole spoiler

level 2

I honestly think that he's written to be lame on purpose so that the other male characters are even more comparatively awesome

level 2

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed some pretty blatant similarities to Friends? Besides that, it is Barney that makes the show.

level 2

I think it's LEGEN - waitforit -DARY!

level 2

What confuses me is that we've already seen Barney's mother, so why is the show still going?

level 2

We actually tried that at a bar several times. It works. It really really works. Scariest thing I've ever seen.

level 1

Last week I learned that Neil Patrick Harris is apparently not the main character.

That really discouraged me, but I'm thinking of giving it a shot sometime. I didn't think I would like Community but it was amazing

level 2

Donde. Esta. La. Biblioteca.

Community is among the best comedy shows in the last 10 years.

level 2

He may as well be the main character, because he is the most memorable character and gets a story in most episodes. If Lots of NPH is what you're looking for then it's worth a watch

level 2

He's not the main character, but he's one of the main five characters and has a TON of episodes centered around him. He's not the one telling the story, but he is one of the most important characters in it.

level 1

I like watching the show after eating a sandwich

Every time someone brings up HIMYM, people bring up the last episode...and for good reason. It's really not very good, and without getting into spoilers, for a lot of people it kinda ruins the whole series.

My advice is to absolutely watch the show, but when you get there, skip the final episode and watch the alternate ending instead. It was on the DVD set and is available on YouTube. It's so much better and won't spoil the experience for you.

When I first starting watching HIMYM, I didn't really like it. There were some funny jokes, but none of the characters were particularly likable to me. Honestly, Carl the Bartender was my favorite character of the show until the penultimate episode of Season 1. That episode finally landed the emotional hook of the show for me, and then the Season 1 finale drove it home, and after that I was able to enjoy the show and its characters.

I loved Season 2. Loved Season 3. And loved Season 4 (apart from the Karen bits).

Season 5, however, has always been my least favorite season of the show, even on rewatches. It just feels like a season of filler. Seeing Barney and Robin fall apart after all the buildup was a real bummer, and Don was just such an uninteresting replacement love interest to me. The Window was a nice episode, the musical number from Girls Versus Suits was great, and Last Cigarette Ever had some great continuity foreshadowing, but for the most part that season felt like it was spinning its wheels more than any other.

Then I loved Season 6 (which I know isn't a popular opinion, but the Zoe, Captain, Marshall's dad, and Barney's dad stuff was all fantastic to me).

Season 7 was the next misstep for me. It was just a really inconsistent mashup of great episodes and mediocre ones. And it didn't help that Kevin was another really incompatible partner for Robin, and that Nora got cast aside as quickly as she did. The back half of the season was much stronger, but still had plenty of mediocre episodes among the really fun ones. Lots of great ideas in this season, but some just didn't land.

Season 8 started out amazing. The premiere was a great episode. But then episodes 2-6 were quite bad. Possibly the worst run of episodes on the show. (They weren't all terrible, but none of them were particularly strong, and they made Victoria look pretty bad in the long run and made me question Quinn's purpose on the show apart from being a fakeout option for the finale reveal.) But after that the episodes got better and better, and the back half of the season was fantastic. I'm sure a lot of my issues with Season 8 are because of the out-of-show issues with the writers not knowing whether they were going to be able to make Season 8 the final season like they originally planned, of course.

Then Season 9 is like a weaker Season 7 to me. It's got some great episodes and ideas, but it also has a lot of not-so-great episodes and ideas mixed in. I'm totally in favor of the season taking place over the course of three days (it gave them some really interesting story opportunities, allowed greater usage of the flashback and flashforward motifs, and allowed them to fit the last season into the show's timeline without any major problems), but I wasn't a fan of the ending. The alternate ending is acceptable, and even good, but overall the ending just wasn't quite what it could have been. I don't think it ruins the show retroactively in the least though despite it being very disappointing.

Overall, I think I'd rank the show as my third favorite comedy overall if we discount dramedies. I love how strong the show's continuity is and how the only other comedy to rival this show in terms of callbacks and callforwards is Arrested Development, I love the emotional heart of the show, and I love the meta nature of the show that is allowed by framing it as a story being told by an unreliable narrator. It's experimental in all the right ways without getting too far out there. But it wasn't without its flaws, particularly in the character development and ending areas.

Is how I met your mother worth watching?

At its best, HIMYM was as hilarious, heartbreaking, or swoon-worthy as anything on TV, blessed as it was with a top-notch cast and a storyteller's knack for knowing how to build suspense. And as its characters aged into their late 20s and early 30s, the show never refrained from throwing true-to-life trials their way.

Does how I met your mother get worse?

Most fans will agree that the gang's character development got a lot worse as the seasons went on. When the viewers first met the gang, they couldn't help but see what a good fit they were. They were loyal, caring, and extremely likable.

Was how I met your mother successful?

It averaged 9.47 million fans per episode in season one. It averaged 9.67 million in season seven and 9.02 million in season eight. The entire original main cast has remained with the show for the whole run, the only change being the addition of Milioti for season nine.

Do I have to watch how I met your mother before how I met your father?

How I Met Your Father is not a reboot or prequel to the original series, despite their very similar names and concepts. Instead, How I Met Your Father is a standalone show, set in the same world as HIMYM.


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