Is it easier to push a stroller or pull a wagon?

Strollers with decent storage usually do the trick, but when it comes to going to the beach or park for a few hours, kids’ wagons will hold a lot more stuff … not to mention, most bigger kids who are too cool to sit in a stroller are more than happy to take a ride in a wagon (this is usually the 2.5 and older crowd).

Kids’ wagons come in two main styles: the traditional kind, like Radio Flyer, that you pull behind you, and a new breed of high-end kids’ wagons which you can push like a stroller or pull like a wagon. These new stroller/wagon hybrids are essentially strollers for kids who hate strollers: haha, fooled ‘em!

Whether you’re looking for a simple, no-frills wagon to lug your little ones to the playground with, or a fancier stroller/wagon hybrid to cart them off to the beach or even along rugged trails, we’ve put together a list of our favorite kids’ wagons for the upcoming summer season. Here they are, in order of price (from lowest to highest). Enjoy!

Quick and Dirty

$ — Step2 All Around Canopy Wagon ~ $ 104  – Economy Pick ~ A decent infant seat for a great price

$ – Radio Flyer All Terrain 3-in-1 EZ Folding Wagon ~ $ 109

$$ – Hauck Eco Wagon ~ $292 Foldable Wagon

$$ – Wonderfold Wagon ~ $289+

Regular Wagons (the cheaper “pull around” kind)

Step2 All Around Canopy Wagon ~ $ 104

Step2’s All Around Canopy Wagon features “whisper ride” wheels that move quietly across pavement (unlike some cheaper plastic wheels, which sound like a mack truck roaring down the street). It has seating for two kids, seatbelts, 6 cup/snack holders, and storage underneath the seats. It’s easy to pull, has seats that flip forward into a bench seat or table, and comes with a canopy for sun protection.

The only downside parents find with this wagon is that it can be challenging to assemble. Additionally, it doesn’t fold up for easy storage in your trunk or garage.

For a basic wagon to pull kids around in, this basic wagon will do the trick— though note that the small plastic wheels won’t do well on rougher terrain or sand; for that, you’ll want a wagon with all-terrain wheels (below).

Radio Flyer All Terrain 3-in-1 EZ Folding Wagon ~ $ 109

As an upgrade to their traditional wagon, the Radio Flyer EZ Folding Wagon has air-filled “all terrain” tires designed to handle rougher terrain more easily. That said, the tires are still medium-sized and aren’t going to magically move a heavy wagon across the sand for you without some effort on your part: heave! Ho!

This wagon can hold two kids (or one kid + beach gear). Its seat cushions wipe clean pretty easily, and it has two external cup holders and a very easy one-hand fold. To fold, simply pull up a handle in the center of the seat and it collapses into a rectangle. The ability to fold up this Radio Flyer compactly (to throw in your trunk or whatnot) is a unique feature among this group of basic wagons.

The EZ Folding Wagon has zippers that can undo one of its sides, so you can also use this wagon as a bench seat once you get to your destination (see below). Radio Flyer now makes a version of this wagon that comes with a sun canopy (sweet!), but also has the regular ol’ plastic wheels.

Other downsides: the handle has no grip and feels a bit slippery, and the magnet designed to hold the handle upright is too weak to hold it fully extended, so it will come crashing down.

Note that none of these basic wagons has a parking brake, so if you park it on a hill… watch out.

If you don’t need a wagon that folds, Radio Flyer also makes the Radio Flyer Ultimate Comfort Wagon ($189 on Amazon), which has plastic sides, air tires, and a UV blocking canopy.

If you prefer your kids’ wagons with a “vintage” look, Radio Flyer also make the classic All-Terrain Steel & Wood Wagon ($135 on Amazon), which lacks a canopy and the outer storage pockets of the others, but gets points for its simplicity and ruggedness. Melissa has this wagon and is very happy with how it handles on sand – and how much beach gear she can cram inside it!

Hauck Eco Wagon ~ Foldable Wagon ; $292

The Hauck Wagon is something in between the cheaper wagons (mentioned above) and the nicer stroller-wagons, which tend to be $450+ (mentioned below). Because it lacks seat belts, is intended for your older kids who don’t need to be strapped in when going for a ride (they recommend ages 3 and up). It’s made with a foldable steel tube and a hand washable fabric that’ll fit in the trunk of any average sized car.

The wide foam wheels are made of a durable rubber, and it includes a removable sun shade. The Hauck wagon weighs 37 lbs (5 lbs more than the Radio Flyer E-Z Fold Wagon, for reference) and can schlep up to 100 lbs of weight.

For many parents, this is a great “in between” solution for a kid’s wagon.

Hybrid Kid’s “Stroller-Wagons”

Stragons? Yes, let’s go with stragons.

These luxury hybrid wagons are the newer generation of wagon-strollers; and they are super cool!! They are much pricier than the Radio Flyer-type of wagon and have the high end features you’d expect in a luxury stroller.

There are 2 newer wagons on the scene, the Wonderfold and the Evenflo Xplore, which we have added to the lineup (below). There’s a brand new stroller-wagon from Graco that we haven’t even delved into yet. I imagine we’ll see many more brands get into the game as this product type gains popularity.

Wonderfold Wagon ~ $289+

They hit all the high points with the Wonderfold Kids Wagon. It’s a serviceable option (and affordable option) if you dispense with all/any of the luxury upgrades. This wagon comes in many different version – with prices ranging up to $900. Essentially, there is a 2-kid and a 4-kid version; and among those, these are variations within them.

The base model works great on flat, even terrain, but it’s less than ideal on uneven pavement or bumpy terrain. The higher end models have better wheels that are more suited for heavier kids and rougher terrain.

A big selling point of this stroller is the easy, one-step folding design that allows you to fold it in seconds (hence, the name). Please read more about in the Wonderful Wagon – Complete Review.

Price $289


Wonderfold W1 Wagon

Read full review BUY NOW

Evenflo Pivot Xplore Stroller Wagon ~ $399

The Evenflo Pivot Xplore All-Terrain Stroller Wagon is an awesome wagon/stroller hybrid. With the ability to add a real stroller seat and even a car seat, this is definitely the most versatile wagon out there. It can hold two kiddos, each up to 55 lbs (though, it’s definitely best for smaller kids… more on that in a minute), and seats them facing each other with a tray table and two cupholders (for alllll the snacks) between them.

Note that if one of your children is still in a car seat, you can purchase a car seat adapter separately. This is a unique feature with this wagon!

Car seat configurations

You can also add a regular stroller seat (purchased separately, for $150). This allows you to use the whole bottom (wagon) area for storage.

Stroller Seat

Push or Pull: Your Choice

The Pivot Xlpore easily transforms from a wagon to a stroller simply by flipping the handle — which, by the way, is adjustable to make it easy for parents of all heights to push/pull.

As a stroller
As a wagon

The individually-operated and adjustable canopies do offer UPF 50+ protection, however, the canopies are still quite small and don’t provide a large amount of coverage.

Other reviewers say that their taller children don’t even fit underneath the canopies at all. Speaking of which, a common complaint about this wagon is that, although it can holds kids up to 55 lbs and 39 inches, it really doesn’t comfortably fit kids this big or tall. One reviewer noted that her tall 2.5 year old can barely fit beneath the canopy, though one friend who has a 3-year old says you just have to tweak the canopy position to get her comfortable.

The Evenflo Pivot Xplore offers decent storage both inside and outside of the wagon. It comes equipped with a storage basket that can hold a smaller diaper bag or backpack, snacks, sippy cups and other smaller to medium-sized items. The cool thing about this basket is that it can be used either inside the wagon (if only one child is riding in it) or on the outside.

Storage basket can be used inside or outside of the wagon

There’s also storage pockets within the wagon as well, to hold smaller essentials such as wallet, keys, water bottles, diapers, etc.

Something to be aware of, however — though not unexpected, since it’s a hybrid wagon/stroller — is that at 34.7 lbs the Evenflo Pivot Xplore is bulky and heavy. Once folded, it’s going to take up A LOT of room in your trunk… if it even fits in your trunk. If you plan on carting it around in your vehicle, say to the beach, on a day trip, etc., you’ll definitely want to make sure it fits in your car before purchasing.

Speaking of carting it around, with its all-terrain wheels, the Pivot Explore All-Terrain Stroller Wagon strolls okay on uneven terrain… but it works much better on paved surfaces (after all, the wheels are plastic, not air-filled). One other point to note is that there is a footwell in the middle of the seating area, so you cannot have your kiddo lie down flat for a nap, like you can with some of the other wagons here (though I imagine you can overcome this problem by covering the footwell “hole” area with something rigid.)

All-terrain wheels attempt bumpy surfaces

Bottom line: The Pivot Xplore All-Terrain Stroller Wagon is a great pick if you’re looking for a wagon/stroller hybrid that rolls well over all kinds of ground. It can seat up to two children of differing ages (and even accepts an infant car seat with adapter and a regular stroller seat), and is also a great and versatile option for twins! However, just bear in mind that this wagon/stroller is definitely best for children who are on the smaller side. Also, if you don’t have a large trunk and plan on storing this stroller in your car, you may want to look elsewhere.

Keenz 7s Stroller Wagon ~ $449

Warning: Stock goes in and out for this wagon.

Keenz is a company out of Korea that first brought the luxury wagon/stroller to the market in 2016. Meg was one of the first to test it – YAY!

The Keenz wagon has everything you need, including a large attached cooler that can hold a full 12-pack of… juice! Of course 😉. I love the generous sun canopy (shown above – though the canopy is a little bulky and awkward). This stroller/wagon is very well built and pushes easily.

My girls love sitting in the Keenz and being pulled around – even at the age of 5 or 6! The weight limit is 110 lbs, so it can hold quite a bit of humans and gear. The bottom is soft and my girls love buckling themselves in (it’s a cheap thrill, don’t ask).

It’s one of the only wagons with 5-pt harnesses (instead of 3-pt).

I’m a huge fan of the high-quality tires, the adult cup holder, the faux leather handlebar… everything is very upscale on this wagon. It folds down nicely into a square-sized package that will fit into most trunks. I wouldn’t call it “small,” but it takes up FAR less room than a side-by-side double stroller.

The weight is 29 lbs without the canopy (and 32 lbs with), so it’s very comparable to a regular double stroller.

All in all, I think the Keenz Wagon is pretty dope. Kids who hate strollers will love riding around in it, so it’s a great tool for managing older toddlers and gear, especially if you have a lot of outings that involve a lot of gear – whether it’s sports gear, beach stuff or a picnic.

Veer Cruiser ~ $ 699

The Veer’s long list of premium features include two cup holders, a snack/drink tray (shown above), and vented passenger seats with 3-point safety harnesses. These seats are meant for your older kids who can sit up well on their own (approx. 1 year and up).

But wait: this is very cool…. for newborns and infants, you can do two things: turn the bed into a bassinet (for 1 child) — or, you can attach an infant car seat, which allows you to use it with a baby and a toddler.  Yep, the Cruiser really functions as a double stroller for the parents and a wagon for the kids at the same time.

The Veer’s long list of premium features include two cup holders, a snack/drink tray (shown above), and vented passenger seats with 3-point safety harnesses. These seats are meant for your older kids who can sit up well on their own (approx. 1 year and up).

But wait: this is very cool…. for newborns and infants, you can do two things: turn the bed into a bassinet (for 1 child) — or, you can attach an infant car seat, which allows you to use it with a baby and a toddler.  Yep, the Cruiser really functions as a double stroller for the parents and a wagon for the kids at the same time.

The Cruiser’s handle and sides fold down (and the wheels are removable) for more compact storage and fitting it into your trunk (for reference, it will fit in the back of a Camry with the wheels still on).

You can also get a retractable canopy (shown below) or two ($49 each) to provide shade for each of your littl’uns. Yes, parents are raving about the Veer Cruiser.

Price $649


Veer Cruiser Wagon

Read full review BUY NOW Amazon Nordstrom

There you have it: our top picks for kids’ wagons for 2022. Happy Wagoning!

Back To:Best Reversible Strollers

About the Author

Meg Collins Editor in Chief

Meg Beilsmith Collins started Lucie’s List in 2010 after learning everything about babies the hard way; she is now the Editor in Chief. She’s an Industrial Engineer from Georgia Tech and a former car seat technician (CPST) who lives near Clearwater, FL with her husband Rich and daughters Lucie and Alice. She enjoys 90s music, MomFit, camping and anything on the water.


  1. Jane McPhetres Johnson says:

    June 30, 2020 at 6:48 pm Reply

    BTW, I have no connection with the Amish Toy company. I live in Massachusetts and just purchased a Berlin Flyer for our twin grandchildren’s 3rd birthday. We and they love it!

  2. Anna says:

    February 23, 2021 at 5:41 pm Reply

    The wonderfold pops up in my IG a lot and I’d be curious to see how this luxury stroller compares!

  3. Tafriha Banin says:

    July 4, 2021 at 11:40 am Reply

    The stroller is an important baby gear for smart parents. Do you have any idea which stroller is more suitable on-off roads or beach and beach side areas? Finding the right one is not easy. A suitable baby stroller can provide a smooth riding experience.

    Why use a wagon instead of a stroller?

    If you have an older child who still gets tired on all-day outings but is too leggy (and heavy) for a stroller, you'll want a wagon. While most strollers max out at 40 pounds, a stroller wagon's seat can hold kids 50 pounds and up.

    Is a wagon or stroller better?

    Wagons are good if you mostly drive somewhere, then walk around. If you take public transit or are out long enough that kids needs a nap, a stroller – whether double or sit & stand is probably the answer.

    Can a wagon replace a stroller?

    Although not a substitute for a double stroller, a stroller wagon is a good alternative for some families who need to get around with more than one child. If there's a baby in the mix, a stroller wagon that accommodates an infant car seat and an older child is a must—and this one from Gladly Family does that and more.

    Is wagon good for toddlers?

    Entertainment: Kids' wagons are great because the bigger models let children ride along with their siblings or friends. Better yet, unlike with strollers, they can usually face each other for conversations and play. The top kids' wagons also include space for toys, food and even drinks—yes, we're talking cupholders!


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