Is it OK to not brush your teeth for 2 days?

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You had a late night out with friends and are finally headed back home in the wee hours of the morning. As soon as you’re in the house, you change right into your pajamas and can’t wait to get into bed. You’re completely exhausted and even the thought of brushing your teeth seems too strenuous a task. Would it be so bad to fall asleep without completing your nighttime oral routine?

What Happens When You Don’t Brush Your Teeth

When you skip running a brush across your teeth, you’re allowing plaque to grow in your mouth. “Food debris combines with saliva to form plaque,” explains Timothy Chase, DDS, cosmetic dentist and cofounder of SmilesNY. “Plaque eventually hardens to form tartar. Plaque and tartar cause irritation, inflammation, and bleeding of the gums, as well as dental decay, also known as cavities.” He also added that gum disease can lead to the loss of the supporting gum and bone that hold your teeth in, eventually leading to tooth loss.

This is why brushing your teeth twice a day, every day, is so important. “Brushing your teeth regularly and correctly cleans the food debris and plaque from your teeth before it has a chance to turn into calculus and decay,” says Dr. Chase. Using a toothpaste like Pronamel is also a good option, as it strengthens and rehardens enamel and helps protect against the effects of enamel erosion.

How Bad Is Not Brushing Your Teeth Before Bed?

So now that we know why we need to brush daily and what happens when we don’t, is it really so bad to skimp on the bedtime oral care routine once in a while?

“Failing to brush your teeth at the end of the day gives the bad bacteria in your mouth many hours to feast on the debris and release acids that cause tooth decay and gum disease,” Dr. Chase says. “It can also be enough time to allow some of the soft plaque to harden into calculus that you cannot remove by brushing. Doing this once, or once in a while, may not be the end of the world, but it certainly is a cumulative issue where prior neglect builds into a bigger problem.”

Long story short? It’s never a good idea to fall asleep without brushing your teeth if you can prevent it. “Of course, a little cleaning is better than no cleaning,” says Dr. Chase, “but investing the time to do it correctly is the healthy way to go.”

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You’re super tired at night, and you think if you skip brushing your teeth this once, it can’t be that bad… right?

It’s not the end of the world if you skip brushing your teeth every once in a while, but there are definitely some reasons why you need to remember to brush twice a day.

Keep reading to find out more about what happens if you don’t brush your teeth and how you can optimize your oral hygiene routine.

Your mouth can be the gateway to several health problems that extend beyond a toothache or cavity.

The following are some potential problems for your teeth — and the rest of your body — that can happen if you don’t brush your teeth.

Dental health

The brushing and overall care of your teeth help to remove plaque that’s often invisible to your eyes.


Plaque is a sticky film that coats the teeth and contains bacteria that can penetrate the protective enamel of your teeth, attacking the more vulnerable layers underneath. This leads to cavities.

If left untreated, cavities can lead to dental infections and, potentially, tooth loss. All of this is, for the most part preventable, if you brush your teeth and maintain good oral hygiene.


Plaque can do more than cause cavities in the teeth — they can also weaken the gums and lead to gingivitis, a form of gum disease. The bacteria present in plaque inflame and irritate the gums. The gums become puffy and more likely to bleed.


Just like plaque is a precursor to cavities, gingivitis is a precursor to periodontitis. This is a severe bone infection that impacts the bones that support your teeth. As a result, periodontitis is a leading cause of tooth loss.

Possible link to dementia

Researchers have established that those with dementia often experience dental decay at greater rates.

There is, however, some research to back the idea that dental decay could increase a person’s risk for dementia, according to a research review published in Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports.

The researchers reviewed a potential link between inflammatory dental conditions, such as periodontitis, and inflammation in the brain that can lead to conditions such as dementia.

While this review hinted at the possibility that poor dental hygiene causes dementia, there is no evidence that proves there is a connection.

Heart disease

A study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology found that those who brushed their teeth at least three times per day were less likely to experience atrial fibrillation and heart failure.

Going to the dentist regularly also reduced the likelihood that a person would experience heart-related complications, according to the researchers.

The study also found that a greater number of missing teeth were associated with an increased risk for heart-related conditions, such as atrial fibrillation.

There aren’t many research participants who are eager to give up brushing their teeth for a week or a year, but research can give us a pretty good guess as to what happens if you don’t brush for certain time periods.

Here’s what could happen if you don’t brush for the following durations:

  • One day: According to Shafer’s Textbook of Oral Pathology, dental plaque can start to decalcify dentin — the protective material underneath the enamel — within 48 hours. This means that you have a small window of time to eliminate plaque before it starts to penetrate and potentially damage your teeth. Brushing teeth more frequently ensures you are adequately removing plaque from your teeth to protect them.
  • One week: In addition to weakening tooth enamel, excess plaque can have a fairly smelly side effect: bad breath. The sticky food particles you would normally wash off will continue to add up, and your teeth would have that “sweater”-like feeling on them due to built-up plaque and food particles.
  • One year: It’s tough to fully predict what would happen if you didn’t brush your teeth for a year. Some of it depends on your overall health — if your body has a more active immune system, you may be able to fight off some elements of tooth decay. However, one year of built-up tooth plaque would likely lead to cavities, gum disease, and potential tooth loss. If dentists don’t advise to skip brushing for one day, definitely don’t skip out on brushing for a year.

People can have very different views on what constitutes good oral hygiene. Here’s some guidance from the American Dental Association as to how to properly care for your teeth on a daily basis:

  • Brush. Brush your teeth at twice daily with a toothpaste that contains fluoride to fight cavities. Aim to brush for at least 2 minutes to ensure you are removing as much plaque buildup as possible.
  • Floss. Floss at least once per day. If you don’t like using floss, you can try alternatives, such as water flossing, using an interdental toothbrush, or dental picks.
  • Visit your dentist. See your dentist at least once every 6 months. Some dentists may recommend you come more frequently. This is especially true if you are prone to cavities, have existing gum disease, or are at risk for gum disease.

While these are the basics of dental hygiene, there are some other steps you can take to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible. These include:

  • Drinking fluoridated water. Many cities will add fluoride to their water supply to enhance dental health. Drinking from the tap can help strengthen your teeth. For example, drinking fluoridated water can decrease a child’s risk for tooth decay anywhere from 18 to 40 percent.
  • Refraining from tobacco use. Smoking cigarettes or using smokeless tobacco products can increase your risks for dental decay and periodontal disease.
  • Using a fluoridated mouth rinse. This can help if you’ve had a lot of cavities recently or your dentist tells you that you are at increased risks for cavities.
  • Prescription fluoride. Your dentist may prescribe a special fluoride rinse or gel to use at home if you are at high risk for cavities.
  • Upgrading to an electric toothbrush. An electric toothbrush may help to remove excess plaque buildup from your teeth.
  • Having a healthy diet. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables while limiting high-sugar foods can reduce the risks for dental decay.

You can also talk to your dentist about individual steps you can take to strengthen your teeth, such as dental sealants that can protect your back teeth.

If you forget to brush your teeth every once in a while, don’t panic.

But remember that brushing your teeth at least twice daily, flossing once a day, and visiting your dentist at least twice a year, can be vital to your overall dental health.

A regular toothbrushing routine is important to not only your oral health, but also your overall health.

What if you dont brush your teeth for 2 days?

Even a few days without brushing can put you at risk of developing an early gum disease called gingivitis. You may notice red, swollen gums or bleeding while you brush and floss (note: you should never bleed while caring for your teeth!).

How long can I go without brushing my teeth?

One week without brushing: As soon as a week goes by, your teeth' enamel will start to break down. The plaque that hasn't been removed will make it easy for bad breath to grow. A dirty tooth will make it hard to clean. You will have a greater chance of getting cavities if you don't brush your teeth for a week.

Is brushing once every two days enough?

But for those who really want to have a conclusive answer to the question, the American Dental Association suggests at least twice a day. Keep these things in mind and you can be sure that you and your teeth are well protected against cavities and harmful bacteria. As they say, better teeth, better health.

Is it OK to not brush your teeth for 4 days?

Within a few days of not brushing your teeth, the plaque on your teeth can start to harden into tartar. This can start breaking down the enamel of your teeth (the hard outer layer). This is the beginning of tooth decay, which is the destruction of your teeth's enamel.


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