Keeper of the Lost Cities quiz playbuzz

Describe you personality . . .

Someone offers you five things, which would you choose?

You decide to runaway, who would be the person you tell?

Where would you like to live?

What Color of Eyes do you have?

What Would be your Battle strategy?

What kind of Family fits you?

What is the first letter of you LAST name?

What Color is closest to you hair?

The Power of the mind, your able to speak to others with and capable of giving other a brain push.

The Power of emotion, your able to read what emotion others feel with a simple touch. You can also clam others down if your an expert Empath.

The power of technology, your a very smart and a talented engineer. You can create any technology past the human mind. Your able to pick up scraps and make it into advanced machinery.

You have the power to weald fire, some Pyrokinetics go unstable and get sear the most dangerous, and powerful. Some may say its a blessing of power or a curse. This power also has a lot to do with emotion. My advice to you is to be careful.

This is the least powerful ability. But hey, at least you got something! Your able to create, expand, and dissolve frost anywhere. You can use this power as a excellent disguise as well.

You have the power to control water. This power is one of the rarest, but very dangerous as well. You can make a drop of water float or flood a whole city. Use this ability wisely.

You have the ability to speak any language. to English to Spanish . . . to goblin and the enlightened language. You a very talented person, people need more polyglots in the Elvin world.

You have been gifted with the power to enhance others. Once touched , you can enhanced there abilities to the next level. Probably the most rarest ability. Don't go enhancing the wrong people.

You have been bestowed the power to vanish. You can turn invisible when ever you wish. This power if very useful in a battle. You can only vanish others if you'd been enhanced.

You have the power to make objects of people levitate. This can be very easily controlled and can get people into really good jobs.

You have a power similar of telepathy. This power allows you to hide in the shadows or hide anything in the shadows. This Ability also slows you to speak telepathically to others if your shadow falls onto there's. Shades are usually very secretive.

You have been given the ability of inflict pain to others. This power can go very south if you loose control. I would only recommend using this power only if necessary.

You have been gifted the power to control people. If you use this power to harm people, you probably would be sent to exile. Best to only use this power for self defense. Or maybe use it for family pranks.

Body, mind, heart, or soul?

Do you generally make decisions with your head or your heart?

Favourite KotLC character?

How do you feel right now?

Do you like the idea of being able to read minds?

If you were a natural disaster, what would you be?

Choose the word that describes you best.

What happens more often: regretting saying something or regretting not saying something?

How many languages can you speak fluently?

When do you feel most connected to nature?

Are you more in control of your emotions or are they in control of you?

When a problem presents itself, how do you usually deal with it?

Beguilers can manipulate others through their vocal tones.

Mesmers cat put people into trances and control them.

Psionipaths can create force fields.

Conjurers can make objects teleport to and from themselves.

Invisibility, the ability to appear and disappear at will.

Pyrokinetics can control fire.

You can sense others' emotions.

Shades can control shadows and turn them into a powerful weapon.

Phasers can walk through walls and other substances.

Hydrokinetics can control water.

Gusters can control wind/air.

Enhancers strengthen the abilities of those around them.

Flashers manipulate light for different purposes, including healing, defense, and illusions.

Descryers can sense the potential in another person.

Technopaths can manipulate gadgets and electronics.

Polyglots can speak and understand any language.

Inflictors can inflict pain or emotions on others.

Teleporters can transport themselves and others to different places very quickly.

Telepaths can read minds.

The talentless have no special abilities and are considered outcasts and failures.


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