Live white doves for sale near missouri

I have a lone male in a jumbo-size cage and he builds a nest every day. I looked for 2 years for a female that had been rescued from overcrowded conditions, as he was. However I have not found a rescued female Diamond Dove. I am actually not going to breed them, just want him to be happy. Please help?

Prosperity, unity, peace, faith, hope, and of course, love; all of these attributes of life’s sweetest moments have been symbolized by the enduring beauty of doves.

Our pristine white doves will provide an elegant touch for your celebration of love and life. They can also add meaning to a solemn funeral or memorial service.

About Doves

Doves have been used throughout history as a symbol of love and peace. Noah’s hope and faith soared when a dove brought to him proof of a glorious future in the form of a simple olive branch.

In ancient Greek and Roman times, doves were worshiped and considered sacred. In modern times, doves have been used in Olympic ceremonies to symbolize the hope and peace throughout the world. Doves were even used by Walt Disney at the Grand Opening celebration of Disneyland in 1955 and again at the 50th Anniversary of the opening.

The preferred type of release doves are white homing pigeons. They are members of the Rock Dove family. Homing pigeons are preferable to ring neck doves due to their inate ability to find their way home from hundreds of miles away with speeds of up to 60 mph. White ring neck doves do not share that same ability and if released into the wild may not survive.

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We are the Premier White Dove Release Company in St. Louis. For the last 17 years we have been providing professional dove releases for the St. Louis area. EXPERIENCE MATTERS.
Perfect for Weddings, Funerals, Memorial’s, Birthdays Parties, Veteran Memorial Services or ANY OCCASION!

Releasing white doves has been a tradition throughout the world for centuries.

We want to create a beautiful memory of the moment for you, your family and friends that will last a lifetime. As you and your guests watch these magnificent creatures ascend into the sky, it will create the lasting memory (moment) for all to enjoy.

The Release of Doves is a special way to remember loved one who have passed on. It is a personal touch to your loved ones memorial service that will remain in your memory forever.

How much do white doves cost?

Overall, the prices for the white dove release range from around $100 for a single dove to $250+ for more doves.

Can you buy a white dove?

In most jurisdictions, anyone can walk into a pet store, buy some white ring-neck doves (for about $25 each), and release them at a wedding or a funeral.

Are there white doves in Missouri?

The white-winged dove is a native of tropical America and abundant in Mexico. It's a regular summer nesting species from Texas to Arizona, as well as an introduced species in Florida. It is a notorious wanderer, first seen in 1973 in Missouri at Schell-Osage Conservation Area.

Can you keep white doves as pets?

Domestic pigeons and doves make great pets. Good natured and mellow, they love both their own kind and people and they are easy to care for. They're quiet, smart and social. They don't bite, pluck, or chew and are low maintenance pets.


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