Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through

Marketing manager is responsible for selling and advertising products and services.
Production manager is responsible for making a product, such as a Ford Mustang

Operations manager is responsible for providing a service, such as a loan by Bank of America. (However, both product and service organizations now use the broader term operations.)

Accounting manager is responsible for keeping records of sales and expenses (accounts receivable and payable) and determining profitability, whereas a financial manager is responsible for obtaining the necessary funds and investments. The term finance is commonly used to mean both accounting and financial activities.

Human resources manager (known in the past as a personnel manager) is responsible for forecasting future employee needs and recruiting, selecting, evaluating, and compensating employees.

What is the goal of organizational management?

Organization management refers to the art of getting people together on a common platform to make them work towards a common predefined goal. Organization management enables the optimum use of resources through meticulous planning and control at the workplace.

When an organization is both effective and efficient What is it doing quizlet?

Terms in this set (29) Discuss the relationship between "efficiency" and "effectiveness" and identify real organizations you think are, or are not, efficient and/or effective. If a firm is both effective and efficient that means the right goals are being pursued and resources are being used well to achieve them.

What type of manager is responsible for the efficiency and effectiveness of an area such as finance or operations?

Functional managers supervise related activities such as marketing, operations, finance, and human resources management.

What is organizational goal What are the 3 types of organizational goals?

Organizational goals are strategically set objectives that outline expected results and guide employees' efforts. 3 types of organizational goals are strategic, tactical, and operational goals. Purposes of organizational goals are to provide direction to employees of the organization.


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