Micro needling for loose stomach skin Reddit

Posted by2 years ago


OK so I felt the need to share this, so others might give it a try as well. I have rolled my traumatized body skin with a 1mm derma roller one week ago, because all the oils/lotions/capsules didn't do anything. And oooh my God. It is already so much tighter it's insane. So far I can't tell a big difference on the stretch mark department, but honestly I don't really care all that much about the marks. It was the floppy skin that I didn't like. And it is soooo much better already. I'm already so hyped to roll again in 3-4 weeks! I keep taking collagen capsules every once in a while and I applied vitamin C /hyaluronic serum before and after. It's still itching slightly so it definitely isn't even done healing yet

I have been looking at what I can do now, while losing weight to help with stretch marks and also maybe help a little with loose skin. I had some really not cute new-ish stretch marks that were still red and after reading and watching a lot about derma-rolling, I tried it on my stomach about 12 days ago. I used a 1mm derma-roller and it wasn't uncomfortable though it left red lines on my skin. I added a bunch of good skin stuff and have put on the skin things and exfoliated every day since then. My red stretch marks are almost entirely gone!

For skin things-- I've been using hyaluronic acid, Vitamin C suspension, Copper Peptides, Retinoids, resveratrol and ferulic acid, and centella (I had all these things already... I know it's a ton of stuff! They are all from the Ordinary except the centella), I've also been adding collagen gel on the area that I'm concerned about loose skin and using a snail mucin moisturizer on top of it all.

I think if I were to only pick a few things, I'd choose the hyarluronic acid, Vitamin C and Centella.

I know I can't be the only one out there who has looked for a solution, so hopefully it helps someone else too! Obviously, if you are going to try it, do your research on to hygienically use a derma roller and how often, etc.

I'm not dismissing it.

"SkinPen is a state-of-the-art micro needling derma roller that punctures the skin with small needles, creating a series of micro-wounds that trigger the formation of new collagen and elastin.  This smooths out wrinkles naturally, reduces scars, and improves skin texture, firmness, and hydration.  It is a proven skin rejuvenation treatment that works on:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Uneven skin tone

  • Acne Scars

  • Enlarged Pores

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Hypopigmentation

  • Stretch Marks

  • Slack Skin

  • Scarring"

Skin pen is just a fancy dermaroller and towards the end she was using some pretty intense needles. I would like a larger sample size but I think she might be onto something.

A lot of us have probably experienced drastic size movements. I'm not sure if many of you are familiar with derma rolling nor micro needling; people use this for doing simple facials, reducing wrinkles/acne scarring, and of course, stretch marks, especially for women who've gone through pregnancy. I've seem some pretty decent results, pretty favorable ones on YouTube.

With that said, have any of you personally experienced the effectiveness of derma rolling to reduce stretch marks during weight loss or once you're close/at goal weight? Do you feel it would be better to derma roll AFTER weight loss, being close to goal, or do during the whole journey there? Keep in mind, with derma rolling sessions, the needles are kind of long, maybe 1.5mm-2mm (I'm going to personally use 1.5mm) and at that needle length, can only do 1 session per 1.5-2 months. Conjecture backed by anecdotal-ish scientific facts is welcome. I'd like to hear as many opinions as possible. I honestly don't know what to lean towards as of right now.

I have some pretty bad stretch marks from expanding too fast over the past 2 years. Now I'm doing an extended fast water/coffee. I'm about 2 months in, and I have a few left to go, and I've shrunk a lot. I'll probably be at my half way point end of this month, so this subject is of high concern on my end and something I really need to be considering myself. So, when regarding my case, I also need to consider i'm shrinking at a pretty quick rate as well. Not sure if that'll contribute to more marks. Thanks for reading my wall of text per usual, y'all. If it's too long just answer the bold text, lol.

Micro-needling for acne scars has been around for many years and it still works. Many people who have had micro-needling treatments have reported that they are satisfied with the results. When micro-needling is used on the skin, the needles are small enough that the layers of skin are exposed to the tool, which causes the root of the scar to heal more quickly. The needle itself can be very small so that small scars can be worked into the skin. This technique is often used on acne scars because it is painless and it is non-invasive.

If you decide to try micro-needling for acne scars, you should first make an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon. The surgeon will explain to you the procedure in detail and will guide you in making your final decision. After the surgery, you will likely be on an anti-inflammatory medication for about two weeks. You will then begin to see results. These small scars may take several weeks to fade, but if you keep up with your anti-inflammatory medication, you will have a much smoother appearance. Once you have done the surgery, you will have a much smoother surface.

The most common cause of acne scars is inflammation. Once you find out why your scarred skin has gotten inflamed, the micro-needling for acne scars will work to remove the acne causing bacteria from your skin. After micro-needling for acne scars, the area of the skin where the needle was inserted is cleaned carefully. It may take a day or two, but your skin will be ready to start the healing process. You will have great results.


Does microneedling tighten skin on stomach?

Fortunately, there are surgical and body contouring procedures that can help combat the issue of sagging skin. These include tummy tucks, lift procedures, and microneedling. A tummy tuck (also called an abdominoplasty) is a procedure that results in a firmer and smoother stomach.

Does micro needling tighten loose skin?

Microneedling is generally a safe and effective procedure that can improve the appearance of the skin. It may reduce wrinkles, diminish scarring, and tighten or rejuvenate loose or aging skin.

Does microneedling work on stomach?

Most people get microneedling on the face, but it can also done on other parts of the body, such as your stomach or thighs.

How often should I microneedle my stomach?

How Often Should You do Microneedling Treatments? As a general rule of thumb, microneedling treatment can be safely done about once a month or every 4 to 6 weeks.


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