Miles per hour to feet per second formula


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Miles per hour

Mile per hour is a unit of speed defined in the Imperial and US customary systems of units. It measures the number of miles an object travels within an hour. International mile [mi] is a unit of length, equal to 5280 feet and precisely defined as 1609.344 meters. The symbol more commonly used on signs and labels is the abbreviation mph, however in science and engineering contexts, mi/h may be more convenient for unit arithmetic.

The relationships between the miles per hour and some other speed units, native to the Imperial/US customary and SI systems, are shown in the following table:


Inch per second ips \frac{3600}{63,360}=\frac{5}{88}
Inch per minute ipm \frac{60}{63,360}=\frac{1}{1056}
Inch per hour iph \frac{1}{63,360}
Feet per second fps \frac{3600}{5280}=\frac{15}{22}\approx 0.681818
Feet per minute fpm \frac{60}{5280}=\frac{1}{88}
Feet per hour fph \frac{1}{5280}
Miles per second mps 3600
Miles per minute mpm 60
Meters per second m/s \frac{3600}{1609.344}\approx 2.2369
Kilometers per hour km/h \frac{1}{1.609344}\approx 0.62137

Feet per second

Foot per second is a unit of speed defined in the Imperial and US customary systems of units. It measures the number of feet an object travels within a second. Foot [ft] is a unit of length, precisely defined as equal to 0.3048 meters.

The relationships between the foot per second and some other speed units, native to the Imperial/US customary and SI systems, are shown in the following table:

Inch per second ips \frac{1}{12}
Inch per minute ipm \frac{1}{720}
Inch per hour iph \frac{1}{43,200}
Feet per minute fpm \frac{1}{60}
Feet per hour fph \frac{1}{3600}
Miles per second mps 5280
Miles per minute mpm 88
Miles per hour mph \frac{5280}{3600}=\frac{22}{15}\approx 1.46667
Meters per second m/s \frac{1}{0.3048}\approx 3.2808
Kilometers per hour km/h \frac{1}{3.6\cdot 0.3048}\approx 0.91134

How to convert miles per hour to feet per second

  • Multiply speed in mph with 5280
  • Divide the result by 3600
  • The result is the speed in feet per second

For example 60 mph is: 60x5280/3600 = 88 fps

How to convert feet per second to miles per hour

  • Multiply speed in fps with 3600
  • Divide the result by 5280
  • The result is the speed in mph

For example 99 fps is: 99*3600/5280 = 67.5 mph


Conversion table from [mph] to [fps]

In the following table some typical speeds in miles per hour are converted to feet per second:

1 1.467
2 2.933
5 7.333
10 14.67
15 22
20 29.33
25 36.67
30 44
35 51.33
40 58.67
45 66
50 73.33
55 80.67
60 88
65 95.33
70 102.7
80 117.3
90 132
100 146.7
120 176
200 293.3

Conversion table from [fps] to [mph]

In the following table some typical speeds in feet per second are converted to miles per hour:

1 0.6818
5 3.409
10 6.818
20 13.64
30 20.45
40 27.27
50 34.09
60 40.91
70 47.73
80 54.55
90 61.36
100 68.18
110 75
120 81.82
130 88.64
140 95.45
150 102.3
160 109.1
180 122.7
200 136.4
300 204.5

What is 1 mile per hour equal to in feet per second?

Miles per hour to feet per second. 1 mile per hour is 1.46667 feet per second.

What is the formula for converting miles to feet?

To convert a mile measurement to a foot measurement, multiply the length by the conversion ratio. The length in feet is equal to the miles multiplied by 5,280.

What is the formula for miles per second?

Take your current speed in either kmph or mph. Divide it by 60 to get kilometers per minute or miles per minute. Divide by 60 again, getting kilometres per second or miles per second.

How do you convert mph to seconds?

Please provide values below to convert mile/hour [mi/h] to mile/second [mi/s], or vice versa. ... Mile/hour to Mile/second Conversion Table..


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