Nail in tire but not leaking Reddit

Nail in Tire - Shops are closed. Am I good to drive on this for a week? Or should I try to get it plugged this week? from MechanicAdvice
Just found this in my tire and it’s not leaking air, but is it safe to drive on it and if not can it be patched or does it need to be replaced? from Cartalk
Small nail in tire near side wall, but no air is leaking. Should I try to pull it out? My uncle is telling me to not worry about it and leave it there... Not sure what to do from MechanicAdvice
This isn’t leaking, should I pull it out to see if it actually punctured the tire or leave it alone until (if) it leaks? from MechanicAdvice
My wife found a nail in our tire today. I'm not sure if it fully penetrated. She removed it and I'm waiting to see if it leaks or anything like that. I'm wondering how much rubber is behind the tread of the tire. If it hasn't fully penetrated it do I still need to get it repaired. 2 pictures. from MechanicAdvice
Found what I think is a nail in my tire this morning. No leak yet, pressures are fine. But not sure if this location repairable if it does start leaking. Pics in text. from cars

Can I leave a nail in my tire if its not leaking?

If you get a Nail in your tire, you should remove it as soon as possible. You can drive short distances with a nail in your tire but you should not just leave it there and continue to drive for a long period of time. It is very unsafe for not only you but the other drivers you share the road with as well.

Can I drive 2 hours with a nail in my tire?

The short answer is yes, you can drive with a nail in your tire. Drivers cruise over nails all the time and don't realize it. Nails can lodge in a tire so tightly that air isn't able to escape; the car hits the nail so fast and so hard that air is never given the opportunity to release.

Is it OK to drive a car with a nail in the tire?

Yes, you can drive with a nail in your tire as long as the tire isn't flat. Stine advises that it's fine to continue driving on a tire with a nail stuck in it.

How long does it take for a tire to lose air with a nail?

A nail in the tire can let out about 2-3 psi daily. Even two days with such an air leak may make the tire's performance much worse, or even make it dangerous to drive. If the nail stays in the tire tread, the loss of pressure will not be significant, but you shouldn't leave it like that.


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