No Game No Life Volume 11 translation

If you’re interested in an answer, I have translated the part of chapter 1 that answers your question. And I believe their capital was going to be decimated anyway, as Think already had plans to unleash a bomb (the Áka Si Anse) upon the capital as a countermeasure for Lóni’s invasion.

Answer (Spoilers for next chapter):

Context: Shiro is using her phone to talk with Jibril, who has the sibling’s tablet in her possession.

“The ninth-ranked Ixseed: Fairy. A race that since times of the eternal Great War has been on consistently amiable terms with the Elves.”

——So you’re telling me there is such a thing as “friendly” races in this world?

Shiro was taken aback by such an astonishing fact, but beyond her room’s door——

“Eh? But I thought most of the Fairies were supposed to be enslaved in Elven Gard?”

“Indeed. As of now, approximately sixty percent of the Fairies are enslaved to the Elves—not to mention the rather explicit absence of their agent plenipotentiary.”

Steph had immediately been crushed by Jibril, who answered her question rather swiftly.

“The Fairies are the race of flowers, whilst the Elves are protectors of the forest—both are ecologically compatible. With friendly relations at an all time high, in the late years of Great War the two developed magic with one another, however after the Great War’s conclusion, most of the Fairy population was enslaved. As such, the establishments of an agent plenipotentiary were never conceived...of which the details pertaining to why are unknown.”

Comment: it’s essentially a benefit-benefit situation and the Fairies don’t mind being enslaved.


Sora, Shiro, Steph, Jibril, and Emir-Eins find themselves somewhere completely unfamiliar: a Spratul, home of the ninth-ranked Ixseed, the Fairies. Next thing they know, a Fairy named Foeniculum shows up and announces that unless they partner up into couples, they’ll be trapped there forever…Oh, and the whole thing is being livestreamed. To emerge victorious, Sora must choose one of the four ladies as his girlfriend—but what if they simply pair off with one another and leave him in the lurch?!

I am an independent hobbyist who enjoys translating Japanese books in their free time! Many thanks to my friends who help with proofreading. I’m looking to gain more experience and strive for professional quality!

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No Game No Life
Volume 11

It Seems the Gamer Siblings Can’t Leave Unless They Become a Couple

Prologue Out Now!!

In the world of Disboard, a world where everything is decided by games—Sora and Shiro, Steph and Jibril, along with Emir-Eins wake up in some room they had never seen before! They had lost all their memories as to what on earth happened before being here! And amidst the confusion, standing before them was a being from the ninth-ranked race: it was a Fairy called Foeniculum—!!

No Game No Life
Practical War Game

Translation Complete!

Before the creation of Disboard—a world where everything is decided by games—there raged an eternal war that tore apart the stars. The notorious Immanity weren’t the only ones who sought to bring an end to the Great War, by their owns means of play. However, some played by different rules—such as the future a certain Elf envisioned: “If you kill all the stars and remain standing, you win.” In other words—anything goes!

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