One day at a Time Al-Anon quotes

Step 11

A collection of Inspirational Readings, Podcasts and Tips to help navigate the Holidays

Daily readings from Al-Anon's Magazine The Forum • Recovery Reflections • Quote/Sayings

Friday 11/25/22

My Happiness is My Responsibility.

Acting As If
The behavior we call "acting as if" can be a powerful recovery tool. Acting as if is a way to practice the positive. It's a positive form of pretending. It's a tool we use to get ourselves unstuck. It's a tool we make a conscious decision to use.

Acting as if can be helpful when a feeling begins to control us. We make a conscious decision to act as if we feel fine and are going to be fine.

When a problem plagues us, acting as if can help us get unstuck. We act as if the problem will be or already is solved, so we can go on with our life.

Often, acting as if we are detached will set the stage for detachment to come in and take over.

There are many areas where acting as if - combined with our other recovery principles - will set the stage for the reality we desire. We can act as if we love ourselves, until we actually do begin to care for ourselves. We can act as if we have a right to say no, until we believe we do.

We don't pretend we have enough money to cover a check. We don't pretend an alcoholic is not drinking. We use acting as if as part of our recovery, to set the stage for our new behaviors. We force ourselves through positive recovery behaviors, disregarding our doubts and fears, until our feelings have time to catch up with reality.

Acting as if is a positive way to overcome fears, doubts, and low self-esteem. We do not have to lie; we do not have to be dishonest with ourselves. We open up to the positive possibilities of the future, instead of limiting the future by today's feelings and circumstances.

Acting as if helps us get past shaky ground and into solid territory.

God, show me the areas where acting as if could help set the stage for the reality I desire. Guide me as I use this powerful recovery tool to help create a better life and healthier relationships.

Grateful for Small Things, Thankful for All Things

A few years ago, for 40 days, my Sponsor and I e-mailed each other every day ten things we were grateful for. My Sponsor suggested that we had to come up with ten different things each day, no repeats! Some days it was work, but I will never forget the effect it had on my life.

This exercise changed my life. I began to see miracles every day, things that occurred every day that I had taken for granted. The beauty of my Higher Power’s work in my life became more evident each day.

I started living in the moment. I began to see how much joy and pleasure I received from even the smallest things, like my dog nuzzling me for love, seeing a bright red cardinal after a snow storm, a texted picture of my son’s shoveled driveway (the miracle is that my son only has his left arm), or hearing my grandson say, “I love you, Mimi.”

This very important exercise taught me to be alert and aware of how my days are so unique, but how for years they all felt the same. I know for sure I have changed. Something shifted in me, and I am so grateful for my Sponsor’s suggestion.

I still have days of discouragement. I don’t always see my Higher Power’s hand in my life, but I know now I have a tool to help me through those moments. I can take time to write down what I do have in my life, not what I don’t have, and share it with my Sponsor or a friend. I have the power of choice—to turn my attitude around, if I choose.

By Sandy H., Illinois December, 2013

Reprinted with permission of The Forum
Al-Anon Family Groups Incorporated, Virginia Beach, VA

Read here

What do you say in Al

The Al-Anon Slogans.
How Important Is It? “It's not important for me to comment on everything I hear. ... .
Easy Does It. ““Easy Does It” suggests not only that I learn to slow down, but also that I learn to lighten up. ... .
Keep an Open Mind. ... .
Think. ... .
Progress Not Perfection. ... .
Keep Coming Back. ... .
But for the Grace of God. ... .
One Day at a Time..

How do you introduce yourself in Al

Although many individuals work on our Conference Approved Literature, no names appear as authors. In meetings most members introduce themselves by first name only. We gather as equals, from unknown or unnamed origins until we get to know each other in Al-Anon.

How many Al

The indexes of current Conference Approved Literature list 16 Al‑Anon slogans. You can find all of them in the index of Many Voices, One Journey (B-31), which gives information on when each slogan first made its way into our literature.

What are the spiritual principles of Al

The 12 spiritual principles of recovery are as follows: acceptance, hope, faith, courage, honesty, patience, humility, willingness, brotherly-love, integrity, self-discipline, and service.


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