Saezuru tori wa habatakanai manga baka updates

Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai 



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Matsu no Ma
Aibenki - Tonari no Dosukebe Onee-san
Kedamono no Rensa
Ayamachi, Hajimemashite.
Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki








Original Publisher

Taiyo Tosho

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Licensed (in English)


English Publisher

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Pos #337 



Pos #437 


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Pos #558 


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Pos #574 



Pos #428 


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The author of this manga was able to convey the psychological and emotional torture that haunts survivors of sexual assault. You really fall in love with Yashiro along with Duomeki. It’s gut wrenching to see his battle and you can really feel his pain especially in the graphic scenes.

I can tell it's good. Genuinely. But I'm having a really hard time following the plot for a couple of reasons:

1) speech bubbles rarely have tails on them, so it's hard to tell who's speaking.
2) there are too many characters with similar designs.
3) one character can be referred to with different names/titles depending on who's speaking. This is my recurring complaint about yakuza stories, but when you add in the other issues, it makes this one especially hard to follow.

Despite all that, it's still a very compelling story. I've just accepted that I'm going to have to read it again from the beginning once I catch up, so I can hopefully get a handle on the plot.

i had so much fun reading this, just that sometimes its hard to know who's who and who's speaking. also i just wanna hug yashiro rn.

I just sing-in to say this ,GOAT
I read this manga from day one and never tired of waiting for updates
Yoneda kou is the best storyteller with a beautiful realistic way of drawing and depth in characters
Simply the best

Without a doubt this series is Yoneda Kou's magnum opus, a work of a lifetime for sure. It all started out in a oneshot with the age-old premise of unrequited love, and got the darkest most devastating backstory of a character as the backbone to build this manga into the masterpiece that it is today. I had the luck to have been able to follow it since day 1, and in the decade seeing it grow and develop with my own eyes I can say with confidence this is definitely GOAT (greatest of all time) stuff. Yashiro is, without question, the best written, most complex and compelling main character in a BL manga to have ever existed, which isn't a statement I say lightly if you know me. And to think I can still discover new things to ponder over every time I revisit this story in all these years.. Truly a masterpiece.

I'm not going to ramble on about the many amazing points of this manga. Other people have already done this, so I will just say this:

(mild spoilers ahead.)

I really love the look on Yashiro's face when he and Doumeki had sex for the first time. He looked absolutely devastated the whole time (like his heart was completely broken, and his weaknesses have all been laid bare) even though the man he loves is making passionate love to him and bringing him to climax like 4 times. That reaction is just one example of why this manga is so perfect. The emotion isn't spelled out for you, but you understand how significant a scene is by the subtle visual cues the mangaka put in. I really like that. It's one of the many things makes this manga stands out above so many others.

... Last updated on August 11th, 2018, 10:45am

I would say I have a good manga in each category and I must say this is my top 1 in the yaoi section. the characters might be the same (the drawing style) but they have story, its not like simple, the mangaka really earn a good rating in this. It has a plot, character and you can feel something when you are reading the manga. I love it. I want more.

I'm a beginner yaoi manga reader and I've tried so many times before to engage in the genre because I crave a good BL story but honestly, all those 'rape as love' and the 'boys that look more like girls' characters keep me away. Maybe the fault is mine for not knowing where to look for BL/yaoi that doesn't follow this formula. Then I stumbled by chance on 'Twittering Birds Never Fly' and got intrigued by the summary and the title. I've glanced at some random pages and man, I was hooked, line and sinker. Read the whole thing in one day. If only yaoi genre was dominated by this kind of quality manga...
Everything on it is great ... the story is intriguing, the art is beautiful... There is an effort that the reader has to make to interpret the characters and follow their evolution along the story. The side characters are interesting and the main pairing, Yashiro and Doumeki, make for an emotional couple to follow. They are not only sexy and alluring but there is chemistry in their relationship -- if such a thing exists in manga fictional characters. My only fear is that I am not for tragic endings so I am hoping so much that this is a history of redemption and happiness. After all, their current story is already a tale of tragedy and unhappiness so I'm guessing the twist would be if these two can beat the odds and be happy.

... Last updated on January 6th, 2018, 2:49pm

I got to hand it down to Yoneda Kou sensei, when she makes characters, they really have a soul. They stick to their personalities and grow logically in their time frames. This unfinished, adult, dark, and angsty manga is one of my favorites, besides Bi no Kyoujin (which has a seemingly unending sequel too) and gokudou darling (fluffy, very light read with hot abs). For those who would like to start reading, please note the tags included (psychological, smut and tragedy) which are apparent all through out the manga. Also, sensei has been known to drop some of her great plot mangas, which is quite unfortunate (hopefully not this one too). Id give it a 9.5 simply because I cannot fathom a decent and fulfilling ending for the story. Since there is a tragedy tag, Im assuming it would not be a happy ending though. Still, it is a must read (just prepare to be hungry) for hardcore fujoshis out there.

There is so much sexual tension between the main couple I f*cking love it. Each character has their own quirks and you'll probably fall in love with the relationships in the plot. AND LIMP D*CKS.

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