Salt lake city utah to boise idaho

What are the cheapest bus tickets for the Salt Lake City, UT Boise bus route? Which bus is the quickest? Compare every bus company that serves the bus route from Salt Lake City, UT to Boise. Get all bus schedules with a single click!

Facts about the Salt Lake City, UT Boise bus route

Cheapest Bus$81.00Fastest Bus7h 5mEarliest Bus12:10 AMLatest Bus12:10 AMDaily Bus Routes1 ØDistance296.6 milesBus CompaniesGreyhound US

Are you searching for a bus from Salt Lake City, UT to Boise?

You've come to the right place! With CheckMyBus, you can compare all available offers for the Salt Lake City, UT Boise bus route. In our search engine, you receive info about departure times, the exact bus stops, travel durations as well as the the best ticket prices. We’ll help you compare bus companies offering this route, including Greyhound US. Want to know if the bus offers air conditioning, WiFi or electrical sockets? We’ll show you which equipment different companies have.

You can see cheap buses to Boise from Salt Lake City, UT over the next few days on this page. We also show you more info about the bus stops in Salt Lake City, UT and Boise so you’ll know where to go. If you’re continuing your journey beyond Boise, you can find options for onward trips and alternative destinations from Salt Lake City, UT, as well as popular airport shuttles from Boise.

What are the cheapest buses from Salt Lake City, UT to Boise you would typically find?

Bus schedules may change. Below, you'll find bus companies that usually provide the bus route Salt Lake City, UT to Boise but are currently out of service.

  • Greyhound US

    7h 5m

    12:10 AM

    Salt Lake City, UT

    Salt Lake City, UT

    7:15 AM



    Salt lake city utah to boise idaho

    Temporarily not available: last found 07/26/2021


    from $81.00

Bus Salt Lake City, UT Boise: Further Information

Would you like to customize your search results?

We have already set that you’re departing from Salt Lake City, UT and arriving in Boise in the search bar. The travel date is automatically set for a few days in advance, since people typically book 3 to 7 days before traveling. If you’d like to travel on a specific date, just select the day in the calendar to update your search.

Are you planning on returning to Salt Lake City, UT? You can select the date for your return trip as well for the Boise Salt Lake City, UT bus route.

Do you want to book for more than one passenger? Then all you need to do is indicate how many people will be joining you before you start your search.

After getting all the results, you can compare all bus tickets for the Salt Lake City, UT Boise bus route. Then, you can consider several factors. Greyhound US offers the cheapest tickets at $81.00, while the fastest connection takes 7h 5m. In the end, you can decide if you'd prefer the cheapest ticket, the quickest journey or the bus with the most amenities. Regardless of what you're searching for, we can help you find the best deal for your travel needs!

Optimize your search results based on your travel needs. You can sort by by price, departure and arrival time and filter bus stops and companies for the most relevant results.

You can also compare other modes of transportation departing from Salt Lake City, UT and arriving in Boise. In our search results, you can also compare available trains, carpooling and flights.

We hope you enjoy your bus trip from Salt Lake City, UT to Boise!

You want to go the other way? Check all offers from Boise to Salt Lake City, UT

Bus stops in Salt Lake City, UT and Boise


Flying J Travel Center

S Federal Way 3355, 83705 Boise (USA)

Greyhound Bus Station

W Bannock St 1212, 83702 Boise (USA)

Main St Station

W Main St , 83702 Boise (USA)

Salt Lake City, UT Boise



South 6th West 340, 84104 Salt Lake City, UT (USA)

Courthouse Train Station

Salt Lake City, UT (USA)


Corner of North Temple and West Temple , 84150 Salt Lake City, UT (USA)

Intermodal Hub

S 600 W 300, 84101 Salt Lake City, UT (USA)

SLC Airport

Salt Lake City, UT (USA)

Salt Lake City, UT Boise


Flying J Travel Center

S Federal Way 3355, 83705 Boise (USA)

Greyhound Bus Station

W Bannock St 1212, 83702 Boise (USA)

Main St Station

W Main St , 83702 Boise (USA)

Bus Salt Lake City, UT to Boise: FAQs about the route

How much does a bus ticket from Salt Lake City, UT to Boise cost?

Among other factors, this depends on the day and time of travel. The cheapest bus ticket for this route starts from $81.00 and takes 7h 5m to get to Boise. Save money by comparing bus tickets!

How much can I save after comparing tickets for the Salt Lake City, UT to Boise bus route?

This route is connected by 1 bus company with ticket prices ranging from $81.00 to $81.00. Therefore, we suggest booking your ticket as early as you can to ensure you get the cheapest bus deal to Boise.

How many daily bus routes are available from Salt Lake City, UT to Boise on average?

Each day, the bus route from Salt Lake City, UT to Boise is offered by about 1 connection. You can compare bus times to find the perfect trip with our search engine.

How long does the Salt Lake City, UT Boise bus route take?

Greyhound US offers the quickest bus from Salt Lake City, UT to Boise, which can take 7h 5m. Tickets for this connection cost $81.00. However, keep in mind that the bus route can take longer when there is traffic.

Is there a direct bus route from Salt Lake City, UT to Boise?

For the Salt Lake City, UT Boise bus route, our search engine currently compares 1 direct bus connection with the following company: Greyhound US

When does the first trip depart for the Salt Lake City, UT Boise bus route?

The earliest bus to Boise departs from Salt Lake City, UT at 12:10 AM. However, bus schedules may vary on weekends and holidays. To find exactly when the bus is running on your planned travel date, check our search engine.

When does the last trip depart for the Salt Lake City, UT Boise bus route?

The latest bus trip from Salt Lake City, UT to Boise departs at 12:10 AM. Please keep in mind that departure times may vary on weekends and holidays. You can use our search engine to find the available times on your planned travel date.

Which companies are running for the Salt Lake City, UT Boise bus route?

When taking the Salt Lake City, UT Boise bus route, passengers can choose between companies, such as Greyhound US. By using our search engine, you can compare all available bus trips to find one that works for you.

What can I bring with me on the bus from Salt Lake City, UT to Boise?

Different bus companies have varying restrictions about what is and isn't allowed on board. Typically, you can take a suitcase and hand luggage with you for the Salt Lake City, UT Boise bus route for free. Find a bus that best serves your travel needs by using our search engine for your preferred travel date.

What equipment is available on the bus from Salt Lake City, UT to Boise?

What equipment is on board differs from company to company. Generally, many intercity buses provide WiFi to let you keep your friends up to date about your location during the trip. Air conditioning systems provide ventilation to maximize comfort while travelling. With our search engine, you can find precise information about the equipment of the bus from Salt Lake City, UT to Boise on your preferred travel date.

What is there to see between Salt Lake City and Boise Idaho?

The top stops along the way from Salt Lake City to Boise (with short detours) are Shoshone Falls Park, Antelope Island, and Lagoon Amusement Park. Other popular stops include Perrine Memorial Bridge, Snowbasin Resort, and Golden Spike National Historical Park.

Is Boise bigger than Salt Lake City?

When it comes to the size of Salt Lake City in comparison with Boise, SLC is larger. It covers 110 square miles whereas Boise covers 82 square miles. However, Boise has more people living there. 220,859 people live in Boise versus Salt Lake City having 194,188 people living there.

How far is Boise to Salt Lake City in plane?

How long does a flight from Boise to Salt Lake City take? The duration of a nonstop flight to Salt Lake City from Boise is typically 1h 13m. The journey crosses a distance of 290 miles.

What is the exact driving distance between Salt Lake City and Boise Idaho?

The total driving distance from Salt Lake City, UT to Boise, ID is 344 miles or 554 kilometers. Your trip begins in Salt Lake City, Utah.