Setting spray before or after primer

Setting spray is one of those makeup products that has divided the beauty community. Some people swear by it, while others think it’s a waste of money.

So, is setting spray necessary?

In this post, we’ll discuss what setting spray is, its benefits, and whether or not you need it.

Spoiler alert: You probably don’t need it!

Read on to learn more.

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What is A Setting Spray?

A setting spray is a fine mist you can apply over your makeup to help set it in place. It usually comes in a small bottle with a pump for easy application.

There are two types of sprays:

  • Finishing sprays that contain polymers like this makeup setting spray. They work by creating a film on top of the makeup and helping it become waterproof and budge-proof.
  • Setting sprays formulated without polymers like this lightweight mist. The purpose of this spray is to help blend the makeup and give the skin a less powdery look.

Often, finishing sprays are mistaken for setting sprays. Finishing sprays are similar in that they are both fine mists that you can apply to your face.

However, finishing sprays typically contain ingredients that help the makeup stay longer and become budge-proof.

In contrast, setting sprays are designed solely to help set your makeup and make it look less powdery.

To know more, you can check the difference between a setting spray and a finishing spray.

So, now that we know what a setting spray is, let’s discuss whether it’s essential or not.

Is It Necessary To Use Setting Spray?

The answer to this question depends on what look you’re trying to achieve and how long you need your makeup to last.

You probably don’t need setting spray for a quick, everyday makeup look.

However, if you’re doing a full face of makeup for a special event or night out, then setting spray can be very helpful in keeping your makeup looking perfect all day long.

So I would say that a setting spray is necessary if you wear many layers of makeup like primer, foundation, concealer, powder, blush, bronzer, and highlighter.

Applying it after you’re done with your makeup will help blend all the products together and give you a more natural look.

Plus, a finishing spray will help keep your makeup in place and prevent it from melting in hot weather, especially if you have oily skin.

On the other hand, if you’re doing a minimal everyday makeup look, you probably don’t need a setting spray.

Is Setting Spray Important For Dry Skin?

If you have dry skin, a setting spray with hydrating ingredients can help make your makeup look fresh and prevent it from flaking.

Many setting sprays on the market are specifically designed for dry skin.

This setting spray is one of our favorites. It helps nourish the skin and gives it a healthy-looking glow.

Many finishing sprays contain alcohol that can dry the skin, so avoid using them daily. Make sure to spritz a small amount, as too much can cause the makeup to flake.

Is It Necessary To Use Setting Spray For Oily Skin?

If you have oily skin, a matte finishing mist can help control shiny makeup and allow your makeup to last all day.

Many setting sprays on the market are specifically designed for oily skin.

This setting spray is one of our favorites. It contains silica which helps to control shine and keep your makeup in place all day long.

Remember that using a setting powder after the foundation is essential for oily skin as it will help absorb excess oil.

The finishing mist can form an additional layer of protection on top to ensure that the makeup does not budge even in hot and humid weather.

Related: Primer Vs Setting Powder

Best Setting Sprays

There are many setting sprays on the market, and it can be hard to choose which one is right for you.

Here are some of our favorite setting sprays:

Benefit Cosmetics The POREfessional: Super Setter Pore-Minimizing Setting Spray

This product has PVP on top of its ingredient list. It helps to smooth the look of makeup and prolong its wear time.

It’s also designed to help blur the look of pores and give the skin a waterproof finish.

I like that this setting spray has a fine mist that distributes the product evenly into the skin. You only need to spritz a small amount to cover your face.

The packaging is also travel-friendly and easy to use.

I’ve found that this product helps to give the skin a smooth and blurred look, and it also helps to prolong the wear time of my makeup during summer days.

It’s also alcohol-free and doesn’t leave the skin feeling dry or tight after application.

If your makeup settles in your pores, use a smoothing primer underneath your foundation and apply this setting spray on top to get a flawless look.

MAC Prep+ Prime Fix Plus

You can use this setting spray alone or to set the makeup and hydrate dry skin during the day.

It has many nourishing ingredients such as Glycerin and Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract.

I like to use this product on the days when my skin needs extra hydration. It helps to refresh the skin and give it a healthy-looking glow.

This spray is an excellent choice for dry skin as it has hydrating ingredients and is also alcohol-free.

TIP: You can spritz your eyeshadow brush with this setting spray to intensify the color of your eyeshadow.

NYX Matte Finish Setting Spray

This setting spray has Alcohol and PVP, which helps to set the makeup and prolong its wear time.

It’s also designed to control shine and give the skin a matte finish.

I like that this spray is affordable and is one of our favorites for oily skin as it helps to control shine and keep your makeup in place all day long.

Avoid spraying too much as it might make your skin feel sticky and shiny. The key is to spritz a small amount and focus on your t-zone.

For more suggestions, check our guide on the best affordable setting sprays.

When To Use Setting Spray?

Knowing when to use setting spray can be tricky so here are a few tips:

If you want to create an everyday basic makeup look with minimal products, you probably don’t need one.

Apply your regular skincare, sunscreen, concealer, foundation, powder, and lip product.

Choose the products suitable for your skin type, which should be enough for your makeup to last.

For Weddings And Special Occasions

If you have a wedding or special occasion to attend, you might want to use a setting spray to ensure your makeup lasts all day or night.

Make sure to choose one that suits your skin type.

If you have dry skin, use a setting spray with hydrating ingredients to make your makeup look fresh.

If you have oily skin, use a setting spray that will help to control shine and keep your makeup in place all day long.

For sensitive skin, avoid using setting sprays containing fragrances and check the ingredients list to ensure that the product is suitable for you.

Use A Setting Spray Between Layers Of Makeup

You can apply a small amount of setting spray after each layer of makeup to get the best results.

Makeup artists use this technique to ensure the makeup lasts all day.

To get the best results, I apply a small amount of setting spray after foundation and powder, let it dry, and then follow with blush, contouring, and highlighting.

After everything is done, I apply a second layer of setting spray to make sure everything is in place and that my makeup will last all day or night long.

For Touch-Ups During The Day

You can also use a setting spray throughout the day to refresh your makeup or to help control shine.

I keep a small travel size of my favorite setting spray in my purse when I have any special occasion.

This way, I can touch up my makeup whenever I need to and keep it looking fresh all day long.

Use Setting Spray Without Foundation

You can use some setting sprays without foundation to help hydrate the skin and give it a healthy glow.

Make sure to choose the best setting spray for your skin type and avoid applying one with alcohol daily as it can dry out the skin.

For example, this hydrating spray with aloe and rosewater can be used without makeup to give the skin a boost of hydration.

It works great for dry skin and it has a lightweight formula that refreshes the skin and leaves it looking healthy and radiant.

If you have oily skin, choose a setting spray with rosewater which helps control oil and doesn’t leave your skin looking greasy.

This rosewater face mist for example can be used without makeup to help soothe the skin.

Use Setting Spray Before Foundation

You can use some setting sprays as primers before foundation to help prepare the skin.

Make sure to choose the best setting spray for your skin type.

If you have dry skin, you can spritz a glowy mist before makeup.

This setting spray, for example, has glycerin and can be used as a primer before makeup.

It might not be as effective as a regular primer, but it will help to hydrate the skin and make your makeup look glowy.

Is Setting Spray Bad For Your Skin?

Setting sprays are not skincare products, so their primary purpose is not to nourish the skin.

A setting spray can make a massive difference in your makeup, and using it is not bad for the skin.

However, some setting sprays that contain alcohol can dry the skin if used too often.

It’s essential to choose one that suits your skin type and to use it in moderation.

I keep a setting spray in my makeup kit, but I only use it on special occasions, weddings, or when I know I’ll be out all day and need my makeup to last.

Some setting sprays with hydrating ingredients like this lightweight mist don’t contain alcohol, so you can use them more often without drying the skin.

Do You Need Primer If You Use Setting Spray?

A setting spray can help your makeup last longer, but it’s not a replacement for primer.

A good primer will help to create a smooth canvas for your makeup and allow your foundation to apply evenly.

You can use a setting spray after primer and foundation to make your makeup last longer, but it’s not a necessary step in your beauty routine.

Using a primer or a setting spray depends on your skin type and the look you’re going for.

If you have oily skin and want your makeup to last all day, I recommend using a primer and a setting spray.

TIP: Applying a mattifying powder after your foundation is also a good option for oily skin.

Related: Primer Vs. Setting Powder

If you have dry skin, you can use a hydrating primer before foundation to help your makeup look fresh and glowy.

You might not need to use a setting spray if you find that your makeup is lasting well during the day.

However, an excellent hydrating face mist can help eliminate any powdery look that can happen when you have dry skin.

Remember to match your primer and foundation correctly so that your makeup will look good and last all day.


Setting spray can be a great way to keep your makeup looking perfect all day long.

Using a setting spray is not necessary for an everyday makeup look, but it can be a good option for special occasions, especially if you have oily skin.

Make sure to choose the best setting spray for your skin type and apply a small amount to prevent your makeup from looking patchy.

If you have dry skin, a hydrating setting spray can help your makeup look fresh and prevent it from flaking.

Can I use primer and setting spray together?

If you want to keep your foundation and concealer in place, use a primer before applying them to your face. Primer and setting sprays can be used together.

Should I put setting spray after primer?

You can use a setting spray after primer and foundation to make your makeup last longer, but it's not a necessary step in your beauty routine. Using a primer or a setting spray depends on your skin type and the look you're going for.

What's the order of makeup application?

The Correct Order To Apply Makeup Products.
Step 1: Primer & Color Corrector. ... .
Step 2: Foundation. ... .
Step 3: Concealer. ... .
Step 4: Blush, Bronzer, & Highlighter. ... .
Step 5: Eyeshadow, Eyeliner, & Mascara. ... .
Step 6: Eyebrows. ... .
Step 7: Lips. ... .
Step 8: Setting Spray or Powder..

Do you put setting spray before moisturizer?

Before using an alcohol-based setting spray, apply a hydrating skincare product as a base to prevent the skin from drying out.


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