She doesnt want me to touch her anymore

My girlfriend used to want sex all the time but now she won't even let me cuddle her. When I try asking her what's going on she says I'm pestering her. I've tried everything from candles to massage. It's making me really insecure. Is it sex she's gone off - or me?

Your insecurity is drawing you into a very unattractive behaviour pattern that is almost certainly making a bad situation worse. Your 'trying everything' doesn't seem to have included giving her any space to work this thing out for herself - it might be about you and then it might be not, but either way, putting pressure on her to sort it out isn't going to charge her libido up anytime soon. There's nothing less sexy than a whiny puppy begging for attention. Make a decision to let her come to you when she's ready and get on with your life so she can see you as the independent, confident, outgoing sort of bloke she fell for in the first place. If she doesn't come back, you can reassess your options like an adult who has choices.

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What does it mean when your girlfriend doesn't want to touch you?

If you and your girlfriend aren't able to talk about what's going on, she might continue to not want to touch you, and you might become insecure, and she might feel pressured, which might make you feel bad, which might repeat the cycle all over again.

How do you know if she doesn't love you anymore?

She doesn't hug or kiss you spontaneously. Communication is short and becomes colder and curter as time goes on. She spends way more time with her friends, and even when the two of you are together, she is on her phone. Her body language is turned away and she doesn't face you.

What does it mean when your wife doesn't want you to touch her?

If your wife won't touch you, maybe something has changed. She may be experiencing depression or a lack of self-confidence, or maybe she feels like she's failing at this parenting thing. Even if it is difficult, do everything you can to put yourself in her shoes.

Why do I suddenly not want to be touched by my partner?

Underlying Problems. One of the most common causes of thoughts like “I don't like being touched anymore” is underlying problems in the relationship. When we hold resentment towards our husbands, we don't feel connected with them. Often the negative feelings towards our partners manifest as sexual aversion.

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