Shifting from a higher to a lower gear

Many people who own automatic cars may wonder when the right time to use low gear is. This can be confusing since having an automatic transmission means that the gears shift automatically; however, in some cases, you may find that manually switching to low gear can be beneficial to the task at hand and the performance of your vehicle. If you own an automatic transmission vehicle, understanding what low gear is and when to use it can help you maximize fuel and oil efficiency as well as better utilize your vehicle’s power for the task at hand.

Unfortunately, if you’re having trouble with your transmission, using low gears won’t solve them. Just give us a shout, and we can help you out.

How your transmission normally works

The automatic transmission in your car is computer-controlled and programmed to keep the engine running at an optimum RPM (revolutions per minute). Whenever the RPM level increases above the top limit, the transmission automatically shifts into a higher gear so that the engine will turn slower under the same power. When the RPM level decreases beyond the low limit (the engine is turning too slow), the transmission automatically shifts into a lower gear so that the engine will turn faster under the same power. Varying the way you drive can help you control when and how the car shifts gears.


Why would you want to manually shift into a lower gear?

Shifting to low gear basically makes your car engine stay in low gear even when the speeds would generally have the engine shifting to a higher gear. This provides less speed and more torque from the engine that can give your vehicle more staying and towing power. Many owners of cars with automatic transmissions never use their vehicle’s low gear. This is because they either do not understand its purpose or have not had an occasion where it would be helpful. However, if you understand how to use it and what low gear is for, you may find that it would be helpful. Below are some reasons to use low gear in an automatic vehicle.


1. Towing Heavy Loads

If you are pulling a large boat or you have a truck and the flatbed is loaded down with heavy equipment or supplies, you could damage your transmission if you don’t drive in “low gear.” This is because your transmission is programmed to operate and shift under the manufactured weight of the vehicle. When you significantly change the weight, it can have adverse effects on the transmission. Using low gear to tow heavy loads ensures that the entire transmission keeps the engine running at higher RPMs in order to handle that heavier load.

2. Steep Inclines & Declines

Another reason that drivers of automatic vehicles may choose to shift manually to low gear is during times of driving on steep hills or mountains. Shifting your engine manually to low gear while driving up a steep hill can help give your car a little more power, or engine torque, to make the climb without stressing the engine. Conversely, driving in low gear as you descend a steep hill can help you stay slow and steady without riding your brake or burning up your transmission.

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The ability to change from high and low gears enables the driver to provide their vehicle with either more power or greater speed. Here we explain what high and low gears are and what they are used for.

What is Low Gear in a Car?

The lowest gear in a manual car is 1st gear, followed by 2nd gear. In an automatic car, lower gears are marked differently depending on the vehicle and are commonly indicated by:

  • Number ‘1’ for 1st gear and number ‘2’ for 2nd gear
  • The letter ‘L’ for low gear
  • A ‘+’ and ‘-‘ symbol. The plus symbol allows the driver to change to a higher gear whilst the minus symbol allows the driver to change to a lower gear.

Selecting a low gear in a car means the engine is working faster, but the car is moving slower. This means the engine is able to provide more power, or ‘torque’ at the wheels rather than speed.

The plus and minus symbols indicate high and low gears on an automatic gear selector lever

When Would You Use Low Gear in a Car?

In a car, you would use low gear for:

  • Moving off from a stationary position.
  • Changing down a gear or two from a high gear into a low gear for overtaking another vehicle.
  • Ascending a steep hill as this would provide more power to get up the hill.
  • Descending a hill. The lower gear provides greater ‘engine braking’ which helps to slow the vehicle down using the friction of the engine. This means the driver can reduce the amount of braking required when going downhill, which in turn lowers the risk of the brakes overheating. Brakes that have overheated cause brake fade.
  • Towing a heavy load due to the lower gear providing more power.
  • Driving in slippery, icy or muddy conditions as the lower gear provides greater control of the vehicle.

What is High Gear in a Car?

The highest gear in a manual car is 5th gear, or 6th gear if available, though not all manual cars have a 6th gear. For automatic cars, the gearbox usually automatically selects the highest gear based on the speed the vehicle is traveling at.

Some automatic cars may display an ‘H’ which stand for ‘high’ gear and often found on 4×4 SUV’s. Other vehicles can display ‘OD’ which stands for overdrive. This is also a high gear. A car with automatic transmission can have up to 10 gears.

What is shifting from a higher gear to a lower gear called?

The purpose of "downshifting", or shifting the transmission down from a higher gear to a lower gear, is so that a driver can accelerate their car as fast as possible when exiting a corner that they had to slow down for.

What happens if you shift to a low gear at high speed?

If you shift down to the immediate lower gear, it will slow down the vehicle and cause the engine rpms to rise. But if you shift down to an even lower gear, the engine will rev like crazy and your wheels may even lock up under adverse situations, causing loss of control.

What does shifting to lower gears do?

When you shift to a low gear, your car will always drive more slowly and with more power, which can help your wheels grip the road under slippery conditions and prevent you from spinning out of control.

When should you shift into a higher gear?

Uphill: Approach uphill situations with an appropriate amount of momentum, a higher gear (3rd in an automatic transmission) and less throttle to reduce torque, which also reduces wheel spin.

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