Should you keep dentures in water overnight

Most dentures can be safely stored in a glass of clean water overnight. This water should be room temperature. Hot water can melt or disfigure the plastic parts of the denture. You can use tap water or bottled water. Do not leave the dentures in the water for more than 12 hours.

Denture Cleansers

You can also store your dentures in a special denture cleaning solution. These solutions contain enzymes that help to break down food particles and bacteria. Be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging. Some denture cleaners work best when the dentures are brushed after soaking. Do not make your own denture-cleaning agent. Harsh chemicals like peroxide, rubbing alcohol and mouthwash are not meant to be a denture cleaning solution.

Where to Soak the Dentures

Another important part of denture care is where you put the container for overnight soaking. Keep the dentures away from places where the container could be spilled. The dentures should also be kept away from sinks and toilets. A flushing toilet can spray germs into the air. These germs could then land on your dentures, making you sick when you return the dentures to your mouth. A bedside table or the top of a chest of drawers are good places to put your dentures for an overnight cleaning.

After a long, exhausting day, you finally climb into bed, ready to knock out for the night. Right before you drift off to sleep, you briefly jolt awake as you remember that your dentures are still in your mouth! As tempting as it can be to simply fall asleep while still wearing your dentures in North Grafton, it’s important to always take them out before bed. Here are four reasons why it’s best to let your dentures soak overnight.

The Pores of Acrylic Dentures Can Get Dirty Fast

Acrylic is the material most commonly used to fabricate the pink base of dentures. It may look solid, but acrylic is actually full of microscopic pores that bacteria can easily enter. The more bacteria accumulate in the pores of your dentures, the more likely you are to develop an infection in your mouth, such as gum disease.  

Bacteria in Your Mouth Increase as You Age

The pores in dentures aren’t the only thing that can increase the risk of gum disease. The population of bacteria in your mouth constantly grows as you get older and are exposed to more pathogens over the course of your life.

You’re also likely to have less saliva as you age, which could be the result of the natural aging process, certain medications, or the dentures themselves. Saliva is your mouth’s first line of defense against harmful bacteria. To minimize the risk of infection, you’ll want to keep your mouth as clean as possible, and that includes soaking your dentures overnight.

Soaking Is an Effective Way of Cleaning Dentures

Brushing your dentures every day is important for removing food debris and bacteria that may be lingering on the surface. However, it’s not enough to target the pores that harbor bacteria. That’s where soaking comes in. Let your prosthetic soak in a glass of denture cleanser, ideally one that has been recommended by your dentist in North Grafton. You could also soak them in cold or room-temperature water, but avoid hot water – it could cause your denture’s shape to warp.

Your Gums Need a Break

It’s not healthy for your gums and jawbone to bear the force of supporting your dentures all day. That’s why your mouth might feel sore when nighttime rolls around. Luckily, soaking dentures overnight kills two birds with one stone – it keeps your dentures clean, and it gives your gums some much-needed rest.

If you want your dentures to last as long as possible, it’s important to know how to take good care of them. Soaking them overnight is one of the easiest ways to ensure you get several years’ worth of bright, healthy smiles!

About the Authors  

Dr. Tina Theroux and Dr. Alisun Kovach lead the team at Theroux Dental Associates, where they aim to improve their patients’ lives through state-of-the-art dental care and unmatched friendly service. Ultimately, their goal is to give patients smiles they’re proud to show off! They’re also happy to provide guidance on caring for dentures in North Grafton at home, including the proper way to soak them. For more tips on denture maintenance, contact their practice at 508-839-2262.

During the day, your dentures give you the confidence to smile, talk and eat the way you did before you lost your teeth. But at night when you're ready to take them out, how should you properly store them? Correct denture storage helps to prevent damage to your dental prosthetics and keeps them clean and fresh.

Why Denture Care Is Important

Dentures are made to fit comfortably in your mouth, and they should last for many years provided that they're treated with care. These dental devices include full dentures, which replace entire rows of teeth, and partial dentures, which replace several teeth. When you receive your dentures from your dentist, you should also receive detailed instructions on how to wear them, clean them and store them overnight. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), effective denture storage prevents your dentures from drying out, losing their shape and becoming stiff and uncomfortable to wear. What's more, dentures must be cleaned and stored hygienically, or they can become a breeding ground for mouth bacteria and develop plaque and tartar in the same way as natural teeth.

How to Store Dentures

Unless your dentist or prosthodontist provides alternative instructions, the ADA advises that the best method for denture storage is to place your dentures in clean water or a denture cleaning solution. Denture solutions may offer the advantages of reducing the amount of bacteria and fungi that live on the dentures and preventing unpleasant odors. However, you should always follow the instructions on the label when using denture cleanser solutions, and if the solution is created by dissolving tablets in warm water, make sure the water isn't too hot — which may cause your dentures to warp.

Before putting your dentures back in your mouth, make sure to rinse them well, as the Mayo Clinic advises. This step is especially important if the dentures have been soaking in denture cleaning solution. The chemicals in this type of solution can cause burns, pain and vomiting if swallowed.

Dos and Don'ts of Denture Storage

Storing your dentures correctly prolongs their life and helps to keep them clean, pliable and comfortable to wear. Remember these tips from the ADA and the Mayo Clinic for properly caring for and storing your dentures:


  • Keep your dentures moist, or they may lose their shape.
  • Follow the instructions on the label if you use denture cleanser solution.
  • Rinse your dentures well under clean water before putting them back in your mouth.
  • Place the container that holds your dentures somewhere safe where it won't be knocked over. This will help you avoid dropping your dentures onto a hard surface where they can break.
  • Go back to your dentist if your dentures no longer seem to fit comfortably in your mouth.
  • Follow the instructions on denture storage given to you by your dental professional.


  • Leave your dentures in overnight. Instead, remove them and brush them nightly to remove plaque and debris, and place them in clean water or a denture cleanser solution.
  • Place your dentures in boiling or hot water. This can cause them to warp.
  • Use abrasive toothpastes or hard brushes on your dentures. Instead, make sure you use a denture-friendly brush along with a gentle toothpaste.
  • Use any whitening products or bleach solutions on your dentures, as these can cause damage.

It only takes a few minutes to clean and store your dentures every night to make sure you'll have clean, fresh, comfortable dentures to wear the next day. Additionally, storing your dentures correctly means that you're prolonging their life. Follow your dentist's instructions on denture storage, and if you're unsure about anything, ask for advice.

How long can you leave dentures soaking in water?

Clean Water Hot water can melt or disfigure the plastic parts of the denture. You can use tap water or bottled water. Do not leave the dentures in the water for more than 12 hours.

Do dentures need to be kept in water when not in use?

Storing dentures in water when you are not using them helps to keep your dentures free of bacteria as well as making sure they keep their shape. When dentures are not stored in water, they can become dry and brittle. This can cause them to crack or break.

What is best to soak dentures in overnight?

Most types of dentures will lose their shape if they are not kept moist. Therefore, when you take your dentures out of your mouth at night, you should store them in a liquid-filled container. What kind of liquid? Many individuals use plain tap water or distilled water to soak their dentures.


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