Sisterhood of the traveling pants 2 watch

Join the four best friends as they finish their first year at college and dive into a summer of excitement. Bridget (Blake Lively) journeys to Turkey on an archeological dig. Carmen (America Ferrera) plunges into the hectic, creative world of summer theatre in Vermont. Lena (Alexis Bledel) discovers new love and old heartbreak at the Rhode Island School of Design. And in the Big Apple, Tibby (Amber Tamblyn) takes a big step in her relationship with Brian. Romance, laughs, tears and that magical pair of jeans that keeps the girls together even when they're far apart all here in the second film based on Ann Brashares bestsellers.

  • 66 %Rotten
  • Directed by Sanaa Hamri

2008177 minsUSA


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1h 59m | Dramas

The famed sisterhood lives on while Bridget, Lena, Tibby and Carmen scatter across the country for their first year of college.

Starring:Amber Tamblyn, America Ferrera, Blake Lively

Okay, so maybe I'm not the target demographic for this film. I don't care. I enjoyed it anyway. The main thing going for it is that Bledel, Tamblyn, Lively, and Ferrera have great chemistry together. They are consistently engaging and genuinely funny. Of course, like action movies, the plot has a habit of getting in the way of the fun, but in the last quarter of the film the four of them are together and deliver the best moments.

There are also some fine performances from rest of the cast. You've got Lucy Hale as Lena's idiot kid sister. (BTW, Hale handles this role much better than Bledel did in Bride and Prejudice, but I'd love to see her cast in something outside of this mold.) You've got Rachel Nichols as acting Carmen's friend/nemesis. As Bridget's supervisor at a Turkish archaeolgical dig, Shohreh Aghdashloo shows once again why she is Hollywood's go-to actress for a strong middle eastern woman. And you've got Blythe Banner as Bridget's grandmother from Alabama. On the male side, you've got reformed Dragon's Lair addict Brian (suddenly sporting washboard abs) as Tibby's guy, Ian as Carmen's British acting foil, and Lena's twin boy-toys, ex-boyfriend Kostas and model Leo. When you combine the stars, the rest of the cast, and the picturesque scenes of Santorini, there is a lot of eye candy, probably something for everyone.

On the downside, the DVD special features are a little on the skimpy side. There are a couple of deleted scenes, none of which are earthshattering. There is a gag reel, but most of the gags are flubbed lines, not too exciting either. There is a brief vignette on the "cliff scene". And you can watch the film dubbed in Spanish or French with or without subtitles. I guess the stars were too busy to deliver more like with the last movie. That's okay. The bottom line is that the film is worth watching. It is good clean fun. (By the way, the PG-13 rating is absurd. This is far tamer than Gossip Girl or even Ugly Betty.)

Watch The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 2008 in Australia

Released: 2008

Updated: 19th Sep, 2022

6.2 / 10

Rated: PG-13

Director: Sanaa Hamri

Where to watch The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2

What is The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 about?

Carmen Lowell is working on the backstage of a play at Yale. When the lead actress, her friend Julia, invites her to Vermont with her to work on a play with a professional cast, she decides to stay with her friends and her pregnant mother. However, she changes her mind after she finds that her friends will all leave for the summer: Lena Kaligaris will travel to a drawing course, Bridget Vreeland, who is in an existential crisis, missing her mother, will travel to an archaeological dig in Turkey, and Tibby Tomko-Rollins is working in a rental and still editing her documentary. Carmen grows a crush on the lead actor Ian, who convinces her to participate in an audition, and she is then invited by the director Bill Kerr to perform the lead female role. Later she finds the truth about the friendship of Julia. The broken-hearted Lena finds that Kostas has just married, and she dates the model of her drawing class. Bridget finds letters addressed to her from her grandmother that her father has hidden, and decides to visit her, discovering information about her mother. Tibby makes love with her boyfriend Brian McBrian and gets scared of a possible pregnancy. In the end, the girlfriends discover that their friendship is real and amounts to more than just a pair of jeans.

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 Trailer

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Good to know

No The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 is not available on Amazon Prime.

No The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 is not available on Apple TV+.

No The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 is not available on Binge.

No The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 is not available on Disney Plus.

No The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 is not available on Foxtel Now.

No The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 is not available on Netflix.

No The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 is not available on Stan.

Is Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 on Netflix?

"Get ready to celebrate 15 years of a friendship that is as beautiful and inspiring on-screen as it is in real life — Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 1 and 2 will be available April 1," Netflix tweeted.

Where to watch the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 2021?

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2, a drama movie starring Amber Tamblyn, Alexis Bledel, and America Ferrera is available to stream now. Watch it on The Roku Channel, HBO Max, Prime Video, Redbox., Vudu Movie & TV Store, VUDU or Apple TV on your Roku device.

Is there a sequel to The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants?

The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 2

Where to watch the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 UK?

Watch The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 | Netflix.


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