Stranded deep How To know when meat is cooked

In Stranded Deep, your Small, Medium, and Large Meats get spoiled if you either keep in Backpack or leave it on the ground. Though there are multiple ways in which you can avoid your meat getting spoiled but before getting into it, we would recommend to use Small and Medium Meat rather than cook Large Meat. We will explain all the reasons in this guide and how to preserve food without them getting spoiled.

Smoked Meat And How To Avoid Meat Getting Spoiled In Stranded Deep

To cook Meat, we can use Campfire, Fire Spit, Hobo Stove but among them Smoker is a true gem. It cooks meat pretty fast and when the meat is cooked for long, it will get smoked. Smoked Meat can be used at any given time as they don’t get spoiled. It would be wise to store them in Wooden Crate for future use or going out for an expedition.

Small Meat absolutely gets lesser time to get cooked and Smoked than Medium Meat. Large Meat instantly fills up your stomach but cooking them up and smoking them will require lots of resources that you might need to avoid unless you have nothing to do. One Stick is equivalent to 3 Fibrous Leaves which can be used to rekindle the Fire as Fibrous Leaves respawns, unlike Trees.

There is another way to preserve meat from getting spoiled, once you catch fish or birds, do not skin or collect their meat rather store them or keep them in your island storage place. You will notice the meat of dead fish and birds will not be spoiled and hence will not turn green. You can practice this method to store excessive meat or food that is caught without cooking them. For more guide on Stranded Deep, click on the following link that has been mentioned below the description:

Cooked Meat buy laying it all on top of the camp fire. Didn’t know if anyone knew this. I accidentally did it when preparing to fight the Squid for the first time. from strandeddeep

One of the first things that new players will need to learn in Stranded Deep is the ability to ready different foods, as starving from hunger is one of the easiest ways to die in the game. Finding food is an easy task. Not puking one's guts out over eating a raw crab, however, is a little harder.

Related: Stranded Deep: How To Make A House

Cooking is just one of many in-game challenges for survival. Thankfully, around each and every island is a myriad of different edible plants and animals, including various crabs, boar, and even some dangerously delicious sharks, whose dangerous encounters are proving once and for all just who is the alpha on top of the food chain.  As such, here are some tips for cooking food in Stranded Deep in the most efficient way possible.


7/7 Gather Every Stick And Stone

One of the first in-game missions to do in the game is to find and cook a crab. Which may seem straightforward at first, but to do so, players will actually need to gather up some needed resources. The most basic of which is to gather some sticks and stones.

You can find these littered around the island but can also chop trees down for even more sticks. Given that both items are needed to craft almost everything in the game, gathering as many as possible should be a new playthrough's first priority.

6/7 Drop Items From The Inventory

It may be very tempting to hoard all the things (especially for most gamers) in a game about resource management and survival while being stranded on a deserted island, but in Stranded Deep, a lot of the in-game challenges are less about hoarding and more inventory management. Knowing exactly what to craft will save you time, and thus, resources.

This is why players should actually still hoard all the items, but just get used to dropping them on the ground to save for later.  Almost every item will be needed at some point later anyway, and so, instead of knowing which items are needed to craft what items, players can just store bundles on the floor for use later.

5/7 Grab Every Coconut

Speaking of which, coconuts are very one of the game’s most essential early tools and resources. They should be gathered in abundance as their water provides the game’s first ways to combat dehydration. Just be sure not to drink coconut milk twice or suffer even worse dehydration thanks to coconut water’s diuretic properties.

Related: Stranded Deep: How To Get Water

Though that’s not all. Coconut meat can also be eaten as food. Afterward, their coconut husks can be cut up or even recycled into a myriad of different types of tools for crafting. This includes flasks and even, a small canteen for drinking, which is essential for staying hydrated.

4/7 Don’t Steak It...Yet

As delicious as it may seem to turn every shark, fish, and boar into steak meat upon crafting a smoker, one of the best ways to skimp on cooking resources is to not actually skin and gut an animal. Because for some reason, although meat can go spoiled, animals do not in Stranded Deep.

A better strategy is to actually leave dead animals nearby and unskinned. Holding the fish or shark next to a stove, and cutting a piece of meat whenever food is needed, is a much better strategy to stave off survival.

3/7 Go Fishing In The Deep Ocean

Even though trekking into the deep blue part of the sea may seem incredibly dangerous, the rewards of fishing in the deep ocean are just too good to hold back. A big fish can provide much bigger sources of food in terms of its meat and can even be smoked to be preserved for later.

Related: Stranded Deep: Every Shark And Where To Find Them

An essential task for building bigger food storages for when meat may be difficult to come by, it’s best to go fishing out to the deep ocean to hunt for cod and groupers. Just be careful of those sharks! They’re often in the deep ends as well and will bite aggressively if not being paid enough attention.

2/7 Craft A Crude Spear

In order to hunt for big game, it’s important to have all the right tools. Which is why crafting weapons in Stranded Deep is imperative in just about everything. And though axes are great for chopping, and knives are great for skinning, it’s truly the spears in the game that are best suited for hunting food.

What makes Crude Spears in particular very useful, is that they can hunt from a safer distance as their range makes them suited for poke and run combat, especially when approaching giant crabs or fish from directly behind. On top of this, these weapons are easily craftable out of sticks, and can even be thrown from a safe distance.

1/7 The Meat Smoker

The most important thing about cooking is to have the right oven. This is why the meat smoker stands out as one of the best cooking fires in the game and is easily the best in staving off hunger.

Unlike other meats, smoked meats help prevent it from spoiling too fast, letting all food preserve itself just a little bit longer. Atop of this, you can also cook eggs on its bottom rung, or attach other meat sticks, making this a multi-purpose cooking tool and easily the best item for cooking.

How long does meat take to cook in Stranded Deep?

Large meat takes 3 in-game hours to cook and additional 3 in-game hours to smoke.

Does smoked meat last longer than cooked meat in Stranded Deep?

The smoker improves upon the Fire Pit by having 5 slots in which food can be cooked. It can also smoke food, if left on the top part for a longer time. Smoked food doesn't spoil, unlike cooked food.


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