Subjective data nursing

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Sometimes as healthcare professionals, we are trained to look at the numbers. We run tests and examine the heck out of lab values and vital signs to discern how our patient is doing today. This is all objective data that can’t be questioned. This is all very important, and ultimately it allows physicians to assist in determining what the patient’s official diagnosis is, or help nurses to paint a picture of a patient’s condition, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. What is missing, however, is the subjective data.

Last week I was talking to a good friend who is an ICU nurse, and she told me that her patient was wearing oxygen and his oxygen saturation was reading 99% but that when she asked him how he was feeling he was saying that he was very short of breath. Some nurses would’ve argued with him and told him that he’s fine, but my friend listened to him and took steps to relieve his dyspnea.

There are definitely times when we need to allow the numbers do the talking, but there are other times when we need to allow our patients to tell us what is going on as well! Below, let’s discuss the differences between subjective data and objective data, and why we need both of them together to help us take excellent care of our patients.

What is Subjective Data?

During the first phase of the nursing process (the Assessment), we gather data. Subjective data is what the patient tells us their symptoms are, including feelings, perceptions, and concerns. This kind of data is imperative, because it gives you the background as to why they came into the hospital (or doctor’s office), and listening to them is critical to understanding the whole picture. Taking great notes creates an overall view of the patient. These nurse’s notes help to tell the patient’s story. A patient knows themselves better than you do, so listening to what ails them will ultimately make their outcome better. Listening allows us to better perform patient advocacy.

In the above example about my friend, the subjective evidence gathered from her meeting with her patient would be him saying that he’s short of breath. Often, patients can tell us what’s wrong before any objective data brings anything to light! Like when a patient tells us they have an impending feeling of doom – YOU BETTER PAY ATTENTION!

Pain is a very important piece of subjective data and is often called the fifth vital sign. There’s no true way to put a number from an objective standpoint. The patient gives us a number from one to ten. But unlike the other four vital signs, there’s no real way to measure it with a tool. We are relying on the patient’s report, the subjective evidence that they are giving to us, to tell us how severe the pain is. Pain is one of the very earliest indicators that there is something that needs to be addressed.

With the pain situation, we can’t know exactly how severe pain is, but we can use other information to gauge the accuracy of someone’s reported pain level. For example, if a patient rates their pain a 10/10 most, but are eating Cheetos and talking on their phone, it’s probably not a good idea to give them 2mg of Dilaudid.

What is Objective Data?

For those numbers junkies out there, objective data is much different than subjective data, you can let out a sigh of relief! Whereas there is a lot of room for interpretation and misunderstanding in somebody’s subjective statement, objective data is the complete opposite and cannot really be argued. Objective data is observable and measurable and can be obtained through vital signs, physical examination, and laboratory/diagnostic testing. There’s not much room for debate with objective data. Palpating a radial pulse of 90 is objective. Checking a patient’s CBC count and seeing that their white blood cells are 20,000 is objective. Taking your patient to a ct scan of the brain and seeing an occipital lobe infarct…that is objective.

Most nurses are more comfortable with objective data over subjective data. Objective data is quick and to the point; oftentimes (sadly), we are too hurried to sit down and listen. My co-worker went on a medical mission trip to Central America where they didn’t have much technology to perform objective measurements, so they relied a lot on the person to tell them what is wrong. Here in America and many other westernized countries, we have all the technology at our fingertips to be able to rely heavily on our objective data.

Subjective and Objective Data Examples

Subjective Data Examples

  • How a patient is feeling
  • Reported symptoms
    • Pain
    • Diarrhea for 2 days
    • Nausea
    • Vertigo
    • Headache

Objective Data Examples

  • Blood pressure
  • Heart rate
  • Respirations
  • Temperature
  • X-Ray results
  • Lab test results

More info: Objective Vs. Subjective Data: How to tell the difference in Nursing

Putting it All Together

Subjective and objective data are vastly different but equally important. In the initial assessment, the nurse usually begins by talking to the patient, seeing how they’re doing and what brought them in today. Respecting their point of view and their understanding of what is going on is beyond important. Allow them to give you all the information they know, and that actually could help you to pinpoint exactly what the problem is. After collecting subjective data, nurses usually go on to do a full head to toe assessment (objective data gathering) and taking vital signs. Depending on all of that, further tests or exams may be ordered.

So which is more important? What wins in the battle of subjective vs objective data?

The short answer is both. Objective data and subjective data are both needed for accurate patient diagnosis, medical interventions, and nursing care.

By now, I hope that you can see why we need both subjective data, as well as objective data, to make our full assessment of the patient. No real assessment is complete without both sets of data. Each works in tandem with the other, and you can get a much better and much more accurate clinical picture when you utilize each.

What is objective data in research?

Objective data is information obtained using our senses. If you can see, smell, touch, taste, or feel it, then it’s either measured or observed and is an example of objective data. In research, this is the data that is factual and unquestionable.

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What is objective data in nursing?

Objective data in nursing is data that is measured or observed by the 5 senses. Examples include blood pressure, temperature, skin color and texture, and heart sounds.

What is the importance of subjective data in nursing?

Subject data is important in nursing because it’s part of the communication and trust in the nurse-patient relationship. Subjective data is data a nurse cannot verify it because it is based solely on what a patient says. Subjective data is important because it paints a more thorough picture of a patient’s medical situation, assuming they are a good historian.

Is pain a subjective symptom?

Pain is a subjective symptom because a nurse cannot verify it. Pain can only be reported by the person experiencing it. However, there are some objective indicators a nurse can use to get additional details on the severity of pain. Objective data such as facial expressions, heart rate, breathing pattern, blood pressure, and demeanor are all indicators that can reinforce a patient’s reported pain level.

Subjective Data Definition

According to, “Subjective data, or subjective assessment data, is a common term in nursing; it refers to information collected via communicating with the patient. “

What is subjective information?

Subjective information can be used interchangeably with the term subjective data. This is data reported by a patient that a nurse cannot verify with her 5 senses.

Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination – Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 7e
Nursing Assessment: Head-to-Toe Assessment in Pictures (Health Assessment in Nursing)
Health Assessment in Nursing

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What is an example of subjective data in nursing?

Examples of subjective data in health care include a patient's pain level and their descriptions of symptoms. As a nurse, you can record subjective information by asking patients how they feel or what they notice about their own experiences.

What is objective and subjective data in nursing?

Subjective data are information from the client's point of view (“symptoms”), including feelings, perceptions, and concerns obtained through interviews. Objective data are observable and measurable data (“signs”) obtained through observation, physical examination, and laboratory and diagnostic testing.

What is subjective data in healthcare?

Subjective data is information obtained from the patient and/or family members and can provide important cues about functioning and unmet needs requiring assistance. Subjective data is considered a symptom because it is something the patient reports.

Why is subjective data important in nursing assessment?

Subjective data provide clues to possible phys- iologic, psychological, and sociologic problems. They also provide the nurse with information that may reveal a client's risk for a problem as well as areas of strengths for the client. The information is obtained through interviewing.


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