Substance usually a caustic alkali preparation

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Substance, usually a caustic alkali preparation, used for the temporary removal of superfluous hair by dissolving it at the skin surface level.


Removal of hair by means of an electric current that destroys the root of the hair.


Substance used to remove hair by pulling it out of the follicle.


Growth of an unusual amount of hair on parts of the body normally bearing only downy hair, such as the faces of women or the backs of men.


Permanent hair removal treatment in which a laser beam is pulsed on the skin, impairing the hair growth.


Permanent hair removal treatment that uses intense light to destroy the hair follicles.


Temporary hair removal method that involves the use of a thick, sugar-based paste.


Temporary hair removal method that involves twisting and rolling cotton thread along the surface of the skin, entwining the hair in the thread, and lifting it from the follicle.


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a waxing technique that requires the removal of all the hair from the front and the back of the bikini area Brazilian bikini waxing
Substance, usually a caustic alkali preparation, used for the temporary removal of superfluous hair by dissolving it at the skin surface level. depilatory
removing superfluous or unwanted hair by passing an electric current through the hair root electrolysis
a cosmetic for temporary removal of undesired hair epilator
a questionnaire that discloses all medications, both topical and oral along with any known skin disorders or allergies that might affect treatment health screening form
Terms that refers to the overgrowth of the hair ont he body are hypertrichosis and hirsuties
condition characterized by excessive growth of hair or presence of hair in unusual places, especially in women hirsutism
Permanent hair removal treatment in which a laser beam is emitted on the skin, impairing the hair growth. A rapid method of removing hair with the uses of constant beams on the skin laser hair removal
Permanent hair removal treatment that uses intense light to destroy the hair follicles photoepilation
temporary hair removal method that involves the use of a thick sugar based paste sugaring
temporary hair removal method that involves twisting and rolling cotton thread along the surface of the skin, entwining the hair in the thread, and lifiting it from the follicle. threading
Using tweezers to remove hairs tweezing
Hair removal falls into two major categories, which are? Temporary and Permanent.
During the client consultation, all clients should complete a questionaire that discloses skin disorders, allergies, and? Medications.
One of the main purposes of a client consultation is to determine the presence of any? Contraindications.
An absolute requirement for laser hair removal is that the hair being removed must be? Darker than the surrounding skin.
in the nape area, the most common form of hair removal is usually performed using electric? Clippers.
a positive impact on the overall attractiveness of the face can be achieved by? Correctly shaped eyebrows.
The natural arch of the eyebrow follows the? Orbital bone.
The product composition of cold and hot wax is primarily beeswax and? Resin.
Disposable gloves should be worn during a waxing service to prevent contact with possible? Bloodborne pathogens.
Wax should never be applied over warts, moles, abrasions, or? Irritated/Inflamed skin.
To prevent wax contamination, an applicator should be placed in the wax how many times? Once.
in a waxing treatment, the wax should be applied? In direction of the hair growth
to prevent skin irritation or burns, the temperature of wax should be tested? Prior to application.
If redness or swelling occurs after a waxing treatment, soothe the skin with the application of? Aloe Vera Gel.
A wax that is thick and does not require fabric strips for removal is? Cold wax.

What is the term for a substance usually a caustic alkali preparation that is used for temporarily removing superfluous hair by dissolving it at the skin level?

hair removal.

Which substance is commonly used as an epilator?

Wax is a commonly used epilator. Also known as hypertrichosis; growth of an unusual amount of hair on parts of the body normally bearing only downy hair, such as the faces of women or the backs of men.

What is the caustic product used to remove hair at the Skins level?

A depilatory is a substance, usually a caustic alkali preparation, used for the temporary removal of sudperfluous hair by dissolving it at the skin's surface.

Which product is typically used to cleanse the skin prior to a waxing service?

An antiseptic lotion may be applied to cleanse the area first. Some estheticians apply a light dusting of baby powder to be sure the skin is dry before applying the wax. If soft wax is being used, the warm wax will be spread on the hairs in a thin layer.


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