The Blue and the Gray play

Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Republic of, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, French Guiana, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guernsey, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jersey, Jordan, Korea, South, Kuwait, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Martinique, Mexico, Monaco, Montserrat, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States

In the turn-based operational strategic game AGEOD's American Civil War: The Blue and the Gray, players are military and political leaders trying to lead the troops of their nations (armies and fleets) to victory, in the midst of some of the toughest operations during those five years of wild campaigning throughout a divided nation.

Most of the individual years of campaign between 1861 and 1865 are playable via a separate scenario. Advanced scenarios will allow recreation of some yearly and/or theatre campaigns, and there will be of course the complete Grand Campaign covering the whole war.

The game is played in alternating phases of giving orders followed by simultaneous execution (known as WEGO system).

Easy to play, hard to master, play a scenario over a few hour or a full X-turn!

Organize divisions, armies and corps, manage supply and morale, use sea, riverine and rail moves, and put the best leaders in command (if politics allows)! Fight to reconcile the nation (USA) or ensure independence (CSA): victory can be military or political, as national will plays a crucial role.


The Grand Campaign follows Grants or Lee's footsteps. Players will have a large selection of Scenarios (11) and Campaigns (5). Moreover, the game features a huge Civil War map ever, with unequaled look and detail levels, 2 playable nations, dozens of different troops, hundreds of events, over 300 historical leaders with unique abilities.

© 2007 Slitherine Ltd. All Rights Reserved. American Civil War: The Blue and the Gray, Slitherine Ltd. and their Logos are all trademarks of Slitherine Ltd. All other marks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Top reviews from the United States

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Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on June 30, 2022

This older depiction of life during the civil war is a better version than most (in my opinion) as it lacks todays special effects and relies on realistic acting and shows both the harsh reality and human side of war that all too often gets overlooked in todays virtue signaling - special effect laden "good guys vs bad guys" movies.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on August 5, 2016

Wanted to say... This is one of my favorite movies. Unfortunately, the dvd "remastered release, as everybody is complaining is about 78 minutes shorter than the vhs original release. Having listened to all of the complaints, the vhs which has been hard to get for some time.... Suddenly... Is everywhere on the internet! They have a dozen or more on ebay.... Plenty here on Amazon too.... Well, You probably know the old saying, if its too good to be it probably is? ? Well.... I warn you fine people.... I believe these VHS sets to be defective. I purchased a copy here on Amazon. Watched it for four and a half hours. Put the third vhs in the player, and... nothing... The entire third tape was BLANK! This has only happened to me one time before. When i had purchased, for a far too reasonable price, a copy of the movie Longitude. On that set... The second tape was either defective... Or... If you were one of the lucky few, you happened to get two of the SAME episodes (two part ones in the same box). At the time, Everyone returned them to either Sam's club or the Barnes and Nobles in our area where they had been sold. Unfortunately, all of these VHS tapes are sets, apparently defective, originating from either 1994 or 1999... And cannot be returned to any store. Thes best we can do now, is to warn the rest of you to buy at your own risk. And be prepared to file a complant. Ask yourself this (those of you who might not believe me), how is it possible, an otherwise rare copy of the VHS is suddenly available (BRAND NEW IN THE BOXES), from the nineteen nineties...? And Everywhere on the internet sooooooo suddenly.... Coincidence? Probably not. The sellers know people who still own vhs machines are worried that they'll never be able to get movies for those machines anymore as they dont even make them... And they also see people complaining about how the dvd version of this movie is the extremelly cut copy available now.... And bam... Your screwed.... I only hope you.... As i did in this case... Purchased the item from a reputable dealer on Amazon whom made up for this. I got lucky this time... Do you think you will be lucky too? If so.... Buy a copy.... And good luck!

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on June 14, 2000

Let me begin with a caveat. This movie is available in two versions. The full-length film (from the tv mini-series) and an abridged version. By all means, get the full length video. It's six hours long, but every scene in the story is relevent.
The film itself chronicles historical events from a year or two prior to actual hostilities, up to the end of the war and Lincoln's assassination. The story is related from the viewpoints of two families (related by marriage): The Geysers from Virginia, and the Hales from Pennsylvania.
Events and happenings in the movie are generally (but not always) seen via John Geyser's (John Hammond, IV) perspective. John is the youngest son of a well-to-do, but not wealthy Virginia farmer who is turned against Southern ideals by the death of a black friend. He seeks solice and employment with his Uncle Hale's newspaper and moves to Pennsylvania. However, John is not comfortable in the North either. He cannot bring himself to join the military because of the possibility of having to face his elder brothers in combat.
The story is a moving one with several themes running through it. Brother against brother is one of the stronger themes, but also present are the price of friendship, loyalty to one's home, family and State, and responsibility. The issue of slavery is minimized - and probably well so, as that was not a major issue in the outset of the actual war in any event.
The cast is superbly chosen for their parts, and play them with enthusiasm and credibility. All manner of charactorizations are present from the young boy who thinks of the war as a lark and adventure, to those who are committed due to home and family, and those who believe the war will be short and can't wait to be a part of history.
Especially well done are the parts of Lincoln (Gregory Peck) and R.E. Lee (Robert Symonds). All charactors are believeable - moving the audience to tears at times.
What's the bottom line?
Well, scene for scene this may not be the most accurate depiction of the Civil War that can be found, but it certainly captures the flavor. I was disappointed that Gettyburg was so glossed over (but then there's an entire movie dedicated to that battle itself under its own title), however everything else seems to be there. The drama and acting are some of the best you'll find anywhere -- and the story is compelling.
If you've any interest at all in what the Civil War was about or how it impacted those living during the time, this is the film to see. Two thumbs way up.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on June 9, 2022

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on May 10, 2022

Love the story. Gregory Peck and Stacey Keach are great.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on July 11, 2019

This is not as good as North and South nor does it compare with Gone With the Wind. That being said it was made in the 80’s for TV and is not a widescreen version. Some of the actors seem to be “in training” (and yes they needed more at the timing of this film) and some of them probably were by there excessive drama and southern drawl. It wasn’t a high budget series either at the time. Now that all of the complaints have been addressed let’s accept this series for what it is, a partial representation of the possible mindset that was prevalent leading up to the civil war and after it began. Mans inhumanity to man and how 2 people can see the same things yet each have a dramatically opposite perspective. Sadly, today, I can see how another civil war can begin again with such opposing and fractious viewpoints. 😥

Top reviews from other countries

1.0 out of 5 stars Información errónea

Reviewed in Spain 🇪🇸 on September 17, 2018

Atención a los que quieran adquirir este producto en DVD: La información referente al artículo es falsa puesto que pone que proviene del Reino Unido-Región 2 cuando en realidad proviene directamente de Estados Unidos-Región 1 (por lo menos el que yo he recibido en mi domicilio) y no se puede leer en el reproductor DVD/BD y además iba sin el plástico de protección. Es inaudito y lamentable que se usen estas triquiñuelas para vender un producto. Me veo en la obligación de devolverlo. Espero que sirva de advertencia a los que deseen adquirirlo.

4.0 out of 5 stars Warum werden alle anderen Serien wiederholt - nur diese nicht?

Reviewed in Germany 🇩🇪 on May 27, 2013

"Die Blauen und die Grauen" wurde 1985 im deutschen Fernsehen ausgestrahlt - und nie wiederholt! Ich konnte mich noch gut an die Serie erinnern (!!) und fand sie jetzt auf DVD. Allerdings nur im amerikanischen Original, das heißt mit Ländercode 1. Kein Problem, wenn man die drei CDs auf dem PC anschaut und gegebenenfalls die englischen Untertitel dazuschaltet.
Der "Look" ist den Achtzigern geschuldet und die Kampfszenen reißen keinen Hering vom Teller, vor allem wenn man Filme mit einem diesbezüglich höheren Anspruch kennt (Gods and Generals, ....). Auch die Prachtentfaltung von pompösen Festen auf Südstaaten-Plantagen à la Vom Winde verweht oder Fackeln im Sturm fehlt, dafür wartet die Serie mit einer interessanten Story auf, die versucht, die Konflikte, die zum Bürgerkrieg führten, auf die Ebene einer Familie zu projezieren. Die Handlung ist spannend und wartet auch mit komischen Elementen auf. Die Hauptcharaktere, besonders der Korrespondent und Illustrator John Geyser, sind sehr sympathisch gezeichnet und - nicht wie in den vielleicht historisch genaueren Schlachtenepen - kann man sich gut in die Zeit hineinversetzen (und hält sich nicht nur bei der Betrachtung der Bärte, die hier unhistorisch kurz ausfallen auf ;-).

3.0 out of 5 stars Film gut für Liebhaber - aber Achtung wegen Technik.

Reviewed in Germany 🇩🇪 on January 5, 2013

Die Serie ist natürlich ein Muss für Civil-War-Interessenten. Vor allem, da sie seit der Erstausstrahlung in Deutschland nie wieder wiederholt wurde, ist das eine Rarität. Doch Achtung, die DVDs sind RC 1 (d.h. mit Ländercodebeschränkung). Eine Alternative dazu gibt's derzeit nicht, aber wer das nicht abspielen kann, der wird keine Freude damit haben.
Also wirklich nur für alle, die RC 1 abspielen können!

Abgesehen davon gibt es keine deutsche Tonspur und keine deutsche Untertitel.

Aufgrund der technischen Schwierigkeiten, die durchaus nicht unerheblich sind, vergebe ich nur 3 Sterne. Diese haben nichts mit der Qualität der Serie zu tun.

5.0 out of 5 stars A good family tale of the Civil War form the Union point of view.

Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on January 7, 2013

This tale of the Civil War about a family who mostly support the South but follows one who supports the North. We get to see the extent to which the conflict divides families and the utter destruction war dishes out to families and society. This is an epic story I can watch time and again. I recommend this DVD disk set to anyone who enjoys a well spun story.

5.0 out of 5 stars DVD

Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on July 29, 2020


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