The Lady, Her Lover, and Her Lord quotes

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The Lady. T.D.'s insight into the female psyche is uncanny. I know not every woman is going to relate to every aspect he pinpoints, but I've been hard-pressed not to find someone I know that he hasn't touched on so far, be it my mother, my sister, my girl friends, etc. A nice insightful read for the Christian lady. Can't wait to finish! My only wish is that likewise he has written a book regarding The Gentlemen, His Lover, and His Lord. I could use some insight into the male mind! 4 stars

The Lov


Was unable to relate to the 1 st part (The Lady) as Jakes focuses so much on women who have gone through abuse and very little on other struggles women have, but I loved the 2nd and 3rd parts of the book a lot! Read the book before I got married, and it helped me understand one very important lesson every believing woman needs to know before they get into a romantic relationship that's to end in marriage - A woman must depend primarily on God and He must come first. A husband, as well meaning as ...more

when i was given this book, i thought to myself'this is another christian book that wants to dictate how i live my life and tell me to go to church blah blah" well i was wrong and this book came at the right point in my life,
"there are moments when even the strongest woman can appreciate the reinforcement of a man who is comfortable with who he is and who can be her anchor in storms of life'
"you are your own preacher and occasionally you must say the kind of speech to yourself that enables you t

AMAZING Read!!! I think this book is one of the best Christian books I have ever read. He is so romantic with his words, you fall in love with the idea of becoming a Lady. It encourages you on how to become a woman of virtue, respected, loved. Teaches you how to be a loving wife to your husband. Most importantly having the Lord be the center of your relationship. I woke up today feeling rejuvenated. Grateful to have the man in my life to love me and be my lifetime partner. definite attitude for ...more

Ladies are special people and if treated with much care can become the best treasures ever. There are some things a lady can find in only God and therefore gentlemen out there don't try to that place. ...more

That life is alll about relationships, meaning three vital relationships firstly with yourself, God and your man. It is a must read for all the ladies out there.

You will the richest woman in the whole world,,,

Must read for EVERY woman. He's very adept at looking at our internal and external relationships as women. I was taken by surprise by how much insight he had. I would give this as a gift to any female. ...more

It was very inspirational and a great guide on how to be a lady of the Lord.

this book was very informative

I read this back when I was single right after it was released. I still appreciate the insight and credit a lot of the advice to my marital success.

This book came to me during some deep, personal heartbreaks. It delves into the relationship between man and woman, and woman and God. Very humbling and healing.

I love this book, really good for stuff for women who know Christ :-)

8 combined hours of flying make for great reading time. The content of this book is great. I find the writing style a little distracting because TD Jakes is a wonderful orator but he tends to write in the same way he speaks. He switches from 1st to 2nd to 3rd person from one sentence to the next at times. Nonetheless, a very important read to remind any woman of our own worth, the potential God has built in on the inside of everyone of us, and the fact that regardless of the messages conveyed in ...more

It is a great book that every Christian lady should read. It captivated my attention as all of his books do. It made me take a good hard look at my past. It helped me to understand how God brought me through the death of my mother, father and my husband. It made me come face to face with my Lord. It made me realize that I shoud not look for something in a man that only God can do. It made me come face to face with God as my husband, my lover and as my provider. Great book with a message for the ...more

based on the observation on how many ladies, as the day goes by, are loosing self-esteem, are becoming desperate, and throwing themselves into the arms of men without shame...this is definitely a book to be read- to help you love yourself, adore yourself, respect yourself, appreciate what God has imbedded in you as a lady; this goes to further building a good and right relationship with your lover; and most of all, the place of your Lord as the foundation and covering of your relationship. If yo ...more

I really didn't have any intention to re-read this book, but during a lull in spirits, I did just that.

I'm not particularly religious, but I do believe in God and I think a lot of the points Jakes makes in this book do hold true regardless of your belief system.

It is female-focused and addresses many of the underlying issues women have with relationships and life in general today.

It is very positive and boosting.


Great incite to a troubled past, relationships, wonderful marriage and healing. Made me think more of my husband's feelings more than my own. I am so fortunate to have such a relationship with my Lord and then my Lover. Great book! Keep to reference. I know many woman who could benefit from this book, but I can't control anyone's desire to change. They have to want it for themselves. Thanks for a great book. ...more

This book is so insightful so far.We have relationships with friends,family,spouses and God.I'm currently reading this book and so far I have understood more the importance of understanding oneself in order nurture existing relationships and make room for new relationships that may present themselves in the future and most importantly understanding that one relationship a lady has with her God..Its one of those books you don't want to put down! ...more

I read this during a time I was battling with self-worth. It gave me peace, understanding and clarity. It taught me how to "draw the line in the sand and say nothing beneath this will do." I embraced myself, rekindled a relationship with God and removed those from my life who were unable to see my worth. ...more

This is the perfect book for any Christian woman. It was given to me by one of my best friends right before I moved to Arizona. TD Jakes hits everything head on. I was inspired by this book to be the Virtuous Woman I feel that I am. A must have!

I loved this book. It rreally helped me come out of a phase in my life when i experienced low self esteem and hurts from my past. I learned who I am and whose I am.
Awesome book for every young lady seeking to know herself and her heavenly Father better!!

100 % reading progress.

Awesome read :)
Great motivational author.
It encourages you on how to become a woman of virtue, respected, loved. Most importantly having the Lord be the center of your relationship. I was inspired by this book to be the virtuous woman. A must have!!

Awesome awesome book. A must read for every woman who wants to make the best wife and maintain balance amidst all the responsibilities she must juggle in today's career world. Beautiful work right there ...more

This is a really cute book

Very uplifting. One of my favorites.

I can truly understand how I can serve my God and the man who he has sent to share my life whilst nurturing my spiritual self.

It's just me and my Lord....what a great inspirational book! ...more

great reading for all women

Jakes is a top-notch writer in the category of self-help books for Christian women. God has really gifted him in this area. I highly recommend this book to every woman.


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