The meaning of the name leanne

What is the meaning of the name Leanne?

The name Leanne is primarily a female name of English origin that means Clearing/Gracious, Merciful.

Combination of the names Lee and Ann. LeAnn Rimes, singer.

Different Spellings of the name Leanne:

Leanne, Leeann, Leianne

People who like the name Leanne also like:

Alice, Frances, Hazel, Genevieve, Emily, Georgia, Molly, Samuel, Emmett, John, Cole, Edmund, Ronan, Stan

Names like Leanne:

Lan, Lana, Lanai, Lane, Lani, Layne, Leane, Leanna, Leena, Lehana, Leilani, Lena, Leoma, Leon, Leona, Leone, Leonie, Liam, Lian, Liana, Lin, Lina, Liona, Llewellyn, Lolonyo, Loman, Lona, Lonna, Louanna, Luana

Stats for the Name Leanne

Leanne is currently not ranked in U.S. births

Is Leanne a French name?

Leanne is French Girl name and meaning of this name is "Meadow".

What is a nickname for Leanne?

Nicknames for the name Leanne: Lea. Lee. Ann. Annie. Leni.

What is the personality of the name Leanne?

Leanne is a name that suggests you give up what you want so other people can have what they need. Like a six-sided cube, your personality is steady and balanced. You are very creative and artistically oriented but also willing to take action to accomplish your goals.

Where does the name Leeanne come from?

In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Leeanne is: Derived from an Irish Gaelic of Helen: (light;beautiful woman);.


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