What are 6 ways to maintain good health?

After many years as internal medicine physicians, we have found that, all too often, patients only visit their doctor to fix a pressing issue. Because of this, we saw the need to develop a new primary care practice that engages each and every patient, offers tools and resources that focus on comprehensive health, and transforms the patient experience.

Proactive Health by Carolinas HealthCare System is a fresh approach to primary care. Our team includes a wide array of experts, including physicians, a nurse practitioner, a registered dietitian, registered nurses and health advocates for coaching and support. Each patient works with our team to complete an individualized and comprehensive health assessment to establish health goals that align with six core health pillars:

1. Medical

It’s important to establish and maintain a relationship with a primary care provider who will partner with you to help you understand your specific medical risks and assess your general state of health. Preventive care is of the utmost importance in staving off health consequences of untreated chronic medical conditions. And effective identification and management of chronic medical conditions is just as important. By getting the right health services and testing, you are not only improving the longevity, but also the quality, of your life.

2. Fitness

Regular exercise helps keep your body mass index in a healthy range, decreasing the chance that you will suffer from heart disease or diabetes, while also combating depression, osteoporosis and dementia. Exercise is a key component in the management of high blood pressure, joint and muscle diseases, and relieving stress. Physical activity keeps both the body and mind strong, which is why we begin by assessing your current level of fitness and working with you to set activity goals.

3. Sleep

Sleep serves as the main support of the immune system and is absolutely essential for the body and mind to function normally. The average American gets about 6.7 hours of sleep per night, and research would tell us that we need closer to 8 hours. We work with our patients to identify any health problems that may be affected by inadequate sleep and develop specific strategies to alleviate these issues so that they get the most peaceful and restorative sleep possible.

4. Nutrition

The average American diet is highly processed, and many of the essential nutrients our bodies need are stripped away during packaging. Fatigue, migraines, insomnia, gastrointestinal disorders and even some cancers are now linked to poor diet. It’s important to bring it back to the basics. We can help you develop a new way of eating that not only improves your overall health, but is also fun, easy and delicious. In addition to the advice and guidance they will receive from our licensed nutrition professionals, our patients have access to app-based tracking tools, videos, recipes and more.

5. Mindfulness

Mindfulness is defined as the state of being aware and accepting of the present state. Mindfulness-based practices are now recognized to help with chronic conditions, as well as general mental well-being. With the constant demands and stresses of daily life that many people feel, we believe that mindfulness is an important cornerstone of every patient’s wellness journey. Our guidance and tools can help our patients achieve more peace and joy in their daily lives.

6. Social Wellness

Social wellness is not only important for mental health, but it’s well-known that meaningful relationships and support systems are integral to physical health as well. At Proactive Health, we feel that by understanding and supporting our patients’ social needs, we can provide a better overall experience. We encourage patients to live with a sense of purpose and belonging while surrounding themselves with a strong circle of family and friends.

The Proactive Health Promise:

We will provide the high-quality healthcare that you deserve and expect, while partnering with you to help you be your healthiest and happiest self. Whatever goal you are trying to achieve – whether it’s losing weight, getting in better shape, improving your overall health or getting a handle on a chronic condition like diabetes – we will be with you all along the way.

Learn more about Proactive Health.


Greg Weidner, MD, FACP, board-certified in internal medicine, is the medical director at Proactive Health by Carolinas HealthCare System.

Melanie McMinn, MD, board-certified in internal medicine, is a physician at Proactive Health by Carolinas HealthCare System.

We've all had those well-intentioned moments when we resolve to make sweeping lifestyle changes: Quit smoking. Lose 20 pounds. Join a gym and start exercising every day.

While we should always strive to accomplish these types of health goals, the road to better health doesn't always have to mean making huge leaps.

There are also many smaller steps you can take that will help improve your overall health and quality of life — and because they're things you can easily incorporate into your routine, they'll be easy to maintain for the long haul. Even if you have only a few minutes to spare, you can use that time to improve your well-being.

Try incorporating the following activities and strategies into your day. When these simple steps become habits, they can add up to a big positive effect on your overall health.

1. Enjoy de-stressing.

Experts recommend regular exercise, meditation and breathing techniques to reduce stress. But even something as simple — and enjoyable — as listening to soothing music, reading a good book, soaking in a hot tub or playing with your pet can help you relax. 

That's advice you should take to heart because prolonged stress can cause or exacerbate a number of health problems, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, depression, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines and obesity.

Don't have a lot of time? Don't let that stress you out. As with exercise, even brief periods of relaxation are beneficial.

Spending even 10 minutes at a time doing something you enjoy can go a long way toward beating the stressors of everyday life. Just reading one chapter or taking your dog for a few laps around the block will help you feel calmer, more refreshed and more energized.

If you can't take a full break from whatever you're doing, try simply taking a few slow, deep breaths in that moment. When you slow down your breathing, it helps you relax. This relaxation response releases body chemicals that relieve stress and may improve immune function.

Deep breathing can also lower your resting heart rate. People with lower resting heart rates are typically in better physical condition than those with higher rates.

2. Put away the salt. 

A saltshaker on the dining table makes it all too easy to consume excess salt, which can lead to high blood pressure. So put the shaker in a cabinet or pantry and bring it out only when you're cooking.

It's also a good idea to taste your food before you salt it. You may find it doesn't need more.

You can also try spicing up your food with lemon or lime juice, garlic, red pepper flakes, herbs or a salt-free seasoning blend. Stock your fridge and pantry with your favorite fresh and dried herbs so you'll always have them on hand to flavor your foods.

3. Get to bed earlier.

Most of us don’t get the seven or more hours of sleep adults need.

Over time, a shortage of shut-eye can raise your risk of a heart attack or stroke — regardless of your age, weight or exercise habits.

If you're consistently sleep-deprived, going to bed even 15 minutes earlier every night could help. Also set a regular sleep and wake schedule, and stick to it — even on days off.

4. Have a glass of red wine.

Studies have shown that the powerful antioxidants found in red wine protect against heart disease, colon cancer, anxiety and depression. So unless there is a medical reason why you shouldn't imbibe, go ahead and enjoy that glass of merlot with your nightly meal — you can even toast to your good health.

But drink in moderation. Just as a small amount of red wine has health benefits, too much alcohol — even red wine — can cause a variety of health problems, including liver and kidney disease and cancer.

Women, in particular, need to be careful about alcohol consumption. They are at higher overall risk of liver problems than men, so they are more likely to experience liver problems from smaller amounts of alcohol.

For a healthy man, two drinks a day is not likely to do harm; women, on the other hand, should limit themselves to one daily alcoholic beverage.

5. Check your posture and ergonomics.

Next time you're at your desk or on the phone, take a moment to think about your posture. Then straighten up your back, tuck in your stomach and put your feet flat on the floor with your legs uncrossed. You'll feel more relaxed right away.

The few seconds this takes can help you avoid back pain, one of the most common health problems in the United States and a leading cause of disability.

And if you work at a computer, look at the ergonomics of your workstation — how you fit and move in your environment — to help prevent back and neck strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, eye strain and other occupational injuries.

A few simple adjustments, such as repositioning your computer monitor, switching to a chair that provides more low back support and taking regular breaks throughout the day to do stretching exercises, can go a long way toward creating a healthier and more comfortable workspace.

The next time you're going to a higher floor, bypass the elevator and climb the stairs instead. You'll get your blood pumping, exercise your lungs and work the muscles in your lower body.

6. Do a crossword puzzle.

Researchers at RUSH have found that mentally challenging activities, such as reading, doing crossword puzzles or Sudoku and playing chess, may have a protective effect on your brain.

According to research studies, regularly engaging your mind may help lower your risk for the dementia associated with Alzheimer's disease.

Don't enjoy puzzles or games? Don't worry: There are other ways to maintain your brain health. Eat with your nondominant hand. Walk a new route home from work. And connect with others — staying socially engaged may also protect against dementia.

7. Weigh in.

Maintaining a healthy weight can lower your risk for heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer. But for women, there’s another reason to keep pounds from piling on: It will decrease the risk for future pelvic floor disorders.

Pelvic floor disorders are more common in women who have delivered babies vaginally. However, a recent study found that even women who have never had a vaginal birth are at increased risk for urinary stress incontinence if they're overweight or obese.

8. Make a few dietary substitutions.

  • Swap white bread, rice, crackers and pasta for healthier whole grain versions.
  • Use skinless chicken and turkey in your recipes instead of skin-on, and leaner cuts of other meats such as beef or pork.   
  • Replace one sugary drink (soda, juice, etc.) each day with a tall glass of water.
  • If you get hungry between meals, snack on a handful of almonds or cashews, a piece of whole fruit, or carrot sticks dipped in hummus rather than reaching for candy bars or potato chips.

In addition, try incorporating an extra serving of nonstarchy vegetables into your daily diet.

Want a snack? Munch on a carrot instead of a cookie. Making dinner for your family? Serve broccoli or spinach as a side dish instead of mashed potatoes. Add green peas to your brown rice, or slices of red or yellow pepper to your sandwich.

It's no secret that vegetables — especially dark, leafy greens — are good for you. But there's another benefit to packing more veggies into your daily diet: They're rich in fiber and contain lots of water, so they'll leave you full and satisfied without a lot of calories and fat.

There are plenty of great recipes in cookbooks and online — including on RUSH's content hub — for tasty yet healthful veggie dishes. 

9. Take the stairs. 

The next time you're going to a higher floor, bypass the elevator and climb the stairs instead. You'll get your blood pumping, exercise your lungs and work the muscles in your lower body.

It’s a great way to add physical activity to your day without having to block out time to exercise. If you are aiming for the recommended 10,000 steps each day, taking the stairs counts toward that total.

All of these small steps can add up to a healthier you.

10. Stretch it out.

Regularly stretching your muscles helps you avoid injuries, stay limber and move freely as you age.

Take a few minutes to stretch out before and after you exercise. If you aren't working out that day, take a few stretch breaks. Find a quiet space in the office where you won't be disturbed. On the go? Look for natural opportunities in your daily routine to stretch, such as getting out of your car or reaching for items on a high shelf at the store.

Stretching right before bed can also help you relieve tension and help you get to sleep. 

And balance exercises — like Tai Chi — can help dramatically reduce your risk of dangerous falls.

Looking ahead

The good news is that it's never too early — or too late — to adopt healthy habits.

When you're young, you can build the foundation for a lifetime of good health. When you're older, healthy habits can help you control any diseases you have and lower your risk of getting others in the future. 

What are 10 ways to stay healthy?

Measure and Watch Your Weight. ... .
Limit Unhealthy Foods and Eat Healthy Meals. ... .
Take Multivitamin Supplements. ... .
Drink Water and Stay Hydrated, and Limit Sugared Beverages. ... .
Exercise Regularly and Be Physically Active. ... .
Reduce Sitting and Screen Time. ... .
Get Enough Good Sleep. ... .
Go Easy on Alcohol and Stay Sober..

What are 5 ways to maintain good health?

Here are five ways to live a healthier lifestyle:.
Diet. Eat plenty of fresh, non-processed foods, drink 64 ounces of water every day, and limit caffeine and alcohol intake..
Exercise. ... .
Sleep. ... .
Socialization. ... .
Have a primary care physician..

How do you maintain good health?

Eat a variety of nutrient rich foods. Your body actually needs more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and there is not one single source for them. ... .
Eat moderate portions. ... .
DO NOT eliminate certain foods. ... .
Foods are not good or bad. ... .
Drink water! ... .
Avoid too much caffeine. ... .
Be active..

What are the 12 tips to be health?

Here are 12 tips you can do to be healthy:.
Eat a healthy diet..
Be physically active..
Get vaccinated..
Don't use any form of tobacco..
Avoid or minimize use of alcohol..
Manage stress..
Practice good hygiene..
Don't speed or drink and drive..


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