What are the 4 most conductive metals?

In the electroplating industry every metal serves a specific purpose.  Some for their hardness, others for their ductility, while others are used for their resistance to corrosion. Metals are also valued for their conductive properties.

Why are conductive metals so important?

Most Conductive metals serve two primary functions:

Electric conductivity – Overall, as the reciprocal of electric resistivity, metals with high electric conductivity allow an electric current to move about with little resistance. In conclusion, this is a great feature for manufacturers of electric conductors or other industries.

Thermal conductivity -Hence, heat can only be transferred through three means: conduction, convection and radiation. In addition, conduction is perhaps the most common, and occurs regularly in nature. In short, it is the transfer of heat through physical contact. These properties make metals with thermal conductivity excellent for the automobile and aviation industries where the transfer and resistance of heat is a frequent concern.

Note: In general, metals with high electrical conductivity also have high thermal conductivity

What are the most conductive metals?

Silver – Consequently, silver in terms of conductivity does not take 2nd place. As a result, silver is by far the most conductive metal on Earth. This is because silver only has one valence electron. In addition, this single electron is free to move around with little resistance. As a result, metals like silver and copper are a few of the metals with this particular characteristic. That is why they are great electric and thermal conductors.

Copper – In conclusion, copper like silver, only has one valence electron which makes this metal very conductive. Therefore, one of the more popular commercial applications is the coating of high-end cookware and kitchen appliances.

Gold – Overall, the list is limited and that is a primary reason (other than its rarity) why this material is so expensive. In addition, the combination of gold’s resistance to corrosion and its conductivity make this metal an extremely valuable resource used in large amount of industrial industries.

Aluminum – Overall, is an excellent metal conductor. This feature, in addition to its low density and high resistance to corrosion, makes this metal perfect for the aeronautic and communication (transmissions) industries.

Zinc/Brass – Although these metals are much less conductive than their four counterparts. These metals are often less expensive and economical replacements when applicable.

So there you have it – The 5 Most Conductive Metals on Earth!

What Is the Most Conductive Element?

ThoughtCo / Hilary Allison

Updated on September 04, 2019

Conductivity refers to the ability of a material to transmit energy. There are different types of conductivity, including electrical, thermal, and acoustical conductivity. The most electrically conductive element is silver, followed by copper and gold. Silver also has the highest thermal conductivity of any element and the highest light reflectance. Although it is the best conductor, copper and gold are used more often in electrical applications because copper is less expensive and gold has a much higher corrosion resistance. Because silver tarnishes, it is less desirable for high frequencies because the exterior surface becomes less conductive.

As to why silver is the best conductor, the answer is that its electrons are freer to move than those of the other elements. This has to do with its valence and crystal structure.

Most metals conduct electricity. Other elements with high electrical conductivity, are aluminum, zinc, nickel, iron, and platinum. Brass and bronze are electrically conductive alloys, rather than elements.

Table of the Conductive Order of Metals

This list of electric conductivity includes alloys as well as pure elements. Because the size and shape of a substance affect its conductivity, the list assumes all samples are the same size. In order of most conductive to least conductive:

  1. Silver
  2. Copper
  3. Gold
  4. Aluminum
  5. Zinc
  6. Nickel
  7. Brass
  8. Bronze
  9. Iron
  10. Platinum
  11. Carbon Steel
  12. Lead
  13. Stainless Steel

Factors That Affect Electrical Conductivity

Certain factors can affect how well a material conducts electricity.

  • Temperature: Changing temperature of silver or any other conductor alters its conductivity. In general, increasing the temperature causes thermal excitation of the atoms and decreases conductivity while increasing resistivity. The relationship is linear, but it breaks down at low temperatures.
  • Impurities: Adding an impurity to a conductor decreases its conductivity. For example, sterling silver is not as good of a conductor as pure silver. Oxidized silver is not as good a conductor as untarnished silver. Impurities hinder electron flow.
  • Crystal structure and phases: If there are different phases of a material, conductivity will slow slightly at the interface and may be different from one structure than another. The way a material has been processed can affect how well it conducts electricity.
  • Electromagnetic fields: Conductors generate their own electromagnetic fields when electricity runs through them, with the magnetic field perpendicular to the electric field. External electromagnetic fields can produce magnetoresistance, which can slow the flow of current.
  • Frequency: The number of oscillation cycles an alternating electrical current completes per second is its frequency in Hertz. Above a certain level, a high frequency can cause current to flow around a conductor rather than through it (skin effect). Since there is no oscillation and hence no frequency, the skin effect does not occur with direct current.

What are the top 5 conductive materials?

Copper, silver, aluminum, gold, steel, and brass are common conductors of electricity. The most highly conductive metals are silver, copper, and gold.

Which metal is most conductive?

Silver: The single most conductive metal, silver conducts heat and electricity efficiently thanks to its unique crystal structure and single valence electron.

What are 4 good conductors of electricity?

Some common conductors are copper, aluminum, gold, and silver. Some common insulators are glass, air, plastic, rubber, and wood.

Which metal is 4 conductor of electricity?

Therefore, the correct option is (B) Silver.

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