What are the 4 Rs of repentance?

  1. Receive – gifts of forgiveness and peace.
  2. Release – forgive others and yourself.
  3. Restitution – restore what was lost if possible.
  4. Reveal – confess your sin.
  5. Resolve – decide to change your behavior. Transformation begins with you.
  6. Regret – feel sorry for what you have done, acknowledge your mistakes.
  7. Realize – know you have made a mistake.

Jesus is willing to meet us where we are to give us new life.

Repentance means discovering the emptiness that sin brings and the delight of Christ Himself. It is a turnaround, producing a lasting change and with it a lasting peace and joy. Romans 2:4 Tells us that the goodness of God leads you to repentance. Acts 3:19 “Repent and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out.

Repentance is turning from your sins, unbelief, abandoning your old ways and making a conscious effort to change your direction. Luke 13:3 “No I tell you but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.

2Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Renew your covenant with Christ the one you first sealed with Him to forsake all others. God is a covenant keeping God and there is no one like Him. Isaiah 44:22 tells us that I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you.” Be encouraged to God through repentance and to renew your covenant with Him. Be blessed. ~Regina

About beencouragedalways

My name is Regina Blessings and am passionate about encouraging people so as to bringing out the best in them, see them uplifted, strengthen and giving hope where hope is lost. I have been in need of encouragement at one point or another in my life when facing different challenges and have been encouraged by God’s word, various people and life experiences. I would love Be Encouraged Always Blog to be a blessing to God’s people and make a difference in their lives through God’s guidance knowing that one word of encouragement can change the direction of a person’s life. Be blessed and be encouraged always.

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By William J. Critchlow, Jr.

Recognition: we see that what we did was wrong

Remorse: we have Godly sorrow for our sin

Relating: we confess our sin to the Lord and, if necessary, to our leaders

Restitution: we do all we can to right the wrong

Resolution: we have firm resolve to forsake our sin

Reformation: we act on the resolution by changing our behavior

Realization: we realize the happiness that comes from righteous living

1 Comment

  1. Cap cresap on June 19, 2019 at 9:28 am


  1. Simple FHE Ideas: Repentance - […] are the steps in repentance and how do they […]
  2. God’s Grace - […] Growing up in the LDS church, I recall learning a certain number of ‘steps’ in the repentance process, all…

The only time you should forgive someone is if they deserve forgiveness. Most of you hear something entirely different in church, and I categorically disagree with that point of view. I know it’s tied in to very serious and profound biblical beliefs about God/Jesus forgiving you for your sins. However, forgiveness is not to be thrown around like confetti.

You should only forgive someone who has earned forgiveness. That means they have done the 4 R’s:

        1. Take RESPONSIBILITY. That means acknowledging what they’ve done. They’re not coming up with excuses or blaming anybody else. They’re saying, “I did this, and it was wrong.”

        2. Show true REMORSE. Saying you’re sorry because you got caught is not true remorse.

        3. Try to REPAIR the damage they’ve caused. Some things are irreparable, like spreading rumors about someone. However, they can still put forth the effort to make things right.

        4. Do whatever it takes to make sure they don’t REPEAT it.

If and only if the 4 R’s have been met can someone earn your forgiveness. Anything short of that shows disrespect to the victim and to the principles and values that were breached when the person did the bad deed. I believe in accountability, and I believe in justice. I don’t think you can pass on either of those an expect a civilized society. Letting go of being angry is letting go, it’s not forgiveness. Forgiveness is earned.

The Dr. Laura Call of the Day Podcast

What are the 4 R's of repentance?

The standard five or six R's of repentance (some commonly taught "R's" of repentance are recognition, remorse, restitution, reformation, resolution, etc.)

What are the four key elements of repentance?

Aspects of Repentance.
1) Responds Rightly: True repentance responds rightly to sin! ... .
2) Recognition: True repentance pursues God's mercy! ... .
3) Repentance: True repentance takes action! ... .
4) Reconcile: True repentance seeks appeasement with those you've sinned against! ... .
5) Restitution: True repentance will cost you something!.

What are the 5 steps of repentance?

How to Repent: 5 Steps.
Be honest about your need for repentance. How happy is the man the LORD does not charge with sin, and in whose spirit is no deceit! ( ... .
Acknowledge the danger of sin and damage of guilt. ... .
Confess fully. ... .
Hide in God. ... .
Seize the hope..

What are the four steps of repentance LDS?

Principles of Repentance.
We Must Recognize Our Sins. To repent, we must admit to ourselves that we have sinned. ... .
We Must Feel Sorrow for Our Sins. ... .
We Must Forsake Our Sins. ... .
We Must Confess Our Sins. ... .
We Must Make Restitution. ... .
We Must Forgive Others. ... .
We Must Keep the Commandments of God..

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