What are the 4 types of hosts?

Host immune responses to parasitic infections are dictated by organism size, location within the host, and parasite complexity. Natural barriers provide the first line of protection, and portals of mucosal entry are lined with degradative enzymes and immunoglobulins (Ig) (e.g., IgA). For example, the immune response to intestinal protozoa is primarily humoral and inflammatory. Protozoa such as Cryptosporidium and the Entamoeba spp. stimulate an immune response from the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Initial reactivity begins with a nidus of tissue damage and ensuing activation of enterocytes, characterized by release of cytokines and chemokines. Neutrophils are a first line of defense once organisms have invaded tissue, phagocytosing when they can, or releasing factors (cationic defensins, lactoferrin, and myeloperoxidases) that have direct cytotoxic effect. Chemotactic factors, including breakdown products of complement activation, attract dendritic cells and macrophages (antigen-presenting cells), which initiate recognition by lymphocytes. In most cases, lymphocytes induce production of proinflammatory responses while triggering B cells to produce both IgA and IgG antibody subclasses.

Extraintestinal protozoa represent further requirements for complexity in immune responses. The malaria parasite changes morphology during its life cycle in humans, which requires different immune interventions. Although blood-stage protection can be mediated by antibodies, a T-cell and productive interferon response against blood-stage antigens may be required for complete protection against disease. Toxoplasma is an organism that easily crosses encephalic and placental barriers. The limited acute phase of this infection is associated with strong interferon responses elicited from T lymphocytes, effectively limiting tissue dissemination. However, this specific lymphocyte response triggers an organism life-cycle change resulting in manifestation as an intracellular bradyzoite that may persist in brain and muscle tissue. Trypanosomes bring about an even more complex response. Primary resolution of trypanosomal infection is through antibody recognition of surface antigens; variations in surface glycoproteins through molecular rearrangement of DNA sequences allow replicating organisms to escape specific host antibody recognition.

Nematodes, cestodes, and trematodes undergo physical changes as they adapt to life in the host, and they are therefore subject to differing immune mechanisms depending on form (larval, adult, or egg stage). Tissue reaction to Ascaris and Trichinella consists of an intense infiltrate of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, with a predominance of eosinophils. Likewise, schistosomes are readily attacked by eosinophils and mast cells, through complex stimulation patterns released by both T cells and antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity. Proteins reacting with IgE antibody bound to intestinal mast cells stimulate release of inflammatory mediators such as histamine, proteases, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and serotonin. However, schistosomal eggs trigger responses from macrophages and T cells, leading to development of a granulomatous physical encapsulation of slowly released, nondigestible antigenic materials.

Key Points About Parasitology

It is extremely important to understand the life cycle and have strong knowledge of the developmental stages of parasites for positive diagnostic identification to occur.

Immunologic mechanisms to combat parasite pathogens are varied depending on the size and number of organisms and relative location of directed responses.

Key Points

Parasitic organisms may be facultative or require obligate interactions with the host. Knowledge of the life cycle and developmental stages of parasites are critical for diagnostic identification. Intermediate hosts (or vectors) serve only as temporary reservoirs, allowing physical metamorphosis to reach a human infective stage.

Intestinal protozoa are causative agents of gastrointestinal disorders, usually transmitted by ingestion of contaminated food or water. Organisms subsequently disseminate from the gut to alternate sites, leading to varied pathology and tissue damage. Entamoeba histolytica and Cryptosporidium parvum are two examples of this organism class.

Extraintestinal protozoa spread by vectors include the Plasmodium species, the causative agents of malaria. Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas disease) and Leishmania spp. are transmitted to humans by blood-sucking insects, after completion of life-cycle stages in the arthropod host.

The nematodes (roundworms) are large parasites. The adult worms produce larvae or eggs. Ascariasis, caused by Ascaris lumbricoides, is the largest roundworm able to parasitize the human intestine. Strongyloides represents an infection that can affect both intestinal and pulmonary systems. Onchocerca volvulus causes river blindness (onchocerciasis); Brugia is the agent responsible for filariasis.

Cestodes and trematodes include the tapeworms and schistosomes, respectively. An example of a cestode with clinically relevant importance is Taenia, which causes cysticercosis. Schistosoma spp. are the causative agents of schistosomiasis. In many cases, ensuing pathology following infection with these organisms is due to immunologic responsiveness to foreign egg antigens deposited in host tissue.

Many diverse immunologic mechanisms to combat parasite pathogens have evolved, dependent upon the size of the invading organism and the relative physical tissue location where directed responses occur.

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Infectious disease

Adam Feather MBBS, FRCP, FAcadMEd, in Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine, 2021

Parasitology and pathogenesis

There are three species of schistosome that commonly cause disease in humans:Schistosoma mansoni,S. haematobium andS. japonicum. S. mekongi andS. intercalatum also affect humans but have a very restricted distribution (Fig. 20.34). Eggs are passed in the urine or faeces of an infected person and hatch in freshwater to release the miracidia. These ciliated organisms penetrate the tissue of the intermediate host, a species of water snail specific to each species of schistosome. After multiplying in the snail, large numbers of fork-tailed cercariae are released back into the water, where they can survive for 2–3 days. During this time the cercariae can penetrate the skin or mucous membranes of the definitive host, humans. Transforming into schistosomulae, they pass through the lungs before reaching the portal vein, where they mature into adult worms (the male is about 20 mm long and the female a little larger). Worms pair in the portal vein before migrating to their final destination: mesenteric veins in the case ofS. mansoni andS. japonicum, and the vesicular plexus forS. haematobium. Here they may remain for many years, producing vast numbers of eggs. The majority of these are released in urine or faeces, but a small number become embedded in the bladder or bowel wall and a few are carried in the circulation to the liver or other distant sites.

The pathology of schistosome infection varies with species and stage of infection. In the early stages, there may be local and systemic allergic reactions to the migrating parasites. As eggs start to be deposited, there is a local inflammatory response in the bowel or bladder, while ectopic eggs may produce granulomatous lesions anywhere in the body. Chronic heavy infection, in which large numbers of eggs accumulate in the tissues, leads to fibrosis, calcification and, in some cases, dysplasia and malignant change. Morbidity and mortality are related to duration of infection and worm load, as well as to the species of parasite. Children in endemic areas tend to have the heaviest worm load because of both increased exposure to infection and differences in the immune response between adults and children.

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Infections Caused by Parasites

Audrey Wanger, ... Amitava Dasgupta, in Microbiology and Molecular Diagnosis in Pathology, 2017


Parasitology is the study of parasites and is traditionally limited to parasitic protozoa, helminths, and arthropods. Human parasitology is focused on medical parasites and includes their morphology, life cycle, and the relationship with host and environment.

Broadly speaking there are two types of parasites: endoparasites and ectoparasites. Endoparasites live within the host. They may be obligate parasites (dependent on their hosts and cannot live without the host), facultative parasites, and accidental parasites. Ectoparasites are parasites which live on the outer surface of the host.

Life cycle of parasites varies. Some have simple life cycle where all the developmental stages are completed in a single host. In others two different hosts are required. One is the definitive host and the other intermediate host. The definitive host is the one which harbors the adult parasite and where the parasite reproduces sexually. The intermediate host is the host which harbors the larval stage or the asexual forms of the parasite. Few parasites require two different intermediate hosts in addition to a definitive host.

Parasites are transmitted by various routes. These include, oral route, penetration by skin or mucous membrane, inoculation by arthropod vectors, and lastly by sexual contact.

Clinical features as a result of parasitic infestations may vary; some are acute, whereas most are chronic.

Diagnosis of parasitic infections depends on clinical diagnosis and laboratory diagnosis. Laboratory diagnosis includes documentation of characteristic forms of the parasites in the feces, urine, sputum, body secretions, or blood. Serologic tests are also available for certain parasites.

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History, Science and Methods

G.W. Esch, ... M.R. Zimmermann, in Encyclopedia of Food Safety, 2014


Traditional parasitology includes the study of any eukaryotic organism that lives on, off, and at the expense of another organism. With the development of mathematical models describing parasite population biology, however, conventional exceptions such as bacteria and viruses are now included as parasites. Balkanized subdisciplines were thus combined with the one dealing with eukaryotic parasites, creating a more unified approach to parasitism. The overdispersion concept emerged as a quantitative assessment for the distribution of certain parasites within host populations. Mathematical modeling of parasite population biology and overdispersion were responsible for developing an innovative methodology for interpreting the dynamic nature of host–parasite interactions. Other new concepts and the application of some older ones, in addition to modeling and dispersion, included codification of parasite population and community biology, competition, colonization strategies, host and site specificity, emerging infectious disease, and food web ecology.

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Mouse Inbred Strains

Moyha Lennon-Pierce, Janan T. Eppig, in Encyclopedia of Immunology (Second Edition), 1998


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Recent advances in the diagnostic methods of Leishmaniasis

Prashant Khare, Utkarsha Sahu, in Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention of Leishmaniasis, 2021 Host responses to infection

Host parasite interactions are crucial for parasitology studies. The host gene array complements to the parasite gene array and studying the host cell undergoing infection, transcription profiling, growth latency, and mortality gives a clear idea about the development and survival of parasites in the host cell. These interactions can be explored by three ways: (1) Understanding and establishment of parasite infection in the host cell and initiation of an immune response; (2) Induction of immune responses stimulated by parasite; (3) Determining if the host transcripts facilitate the host or the parasite. The closely connected genes may have some difficulty. It should be assured that the signal detected is not because of cross-hybridization between host DNA printed on the microarray and parasite transcripts. The ribosomal protein genes are the among the ones that are highly conserved, hence hybridization could occur between them (Diehn et al., 2000). The host genes controlled during parasitic infection are broadly divided into three different categories: pro-host genes that increases host survival, pro-parasite genes which increases the survival of parasite, and the bystander genes that are regulated during regulation of first two genes. Microarray-based tests are based on the involvement of transcripts and pathways that offer several reporter assays, supporting in the detection of these factors (Boothroyd, Blader, Cleary, & Singh, 2003).

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Conservation, Behavior, Parasites and Invasive Species

S. Bevins, in Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, 2010


The intersection between invasion biology, parasitology, and animal behavior is, at its most basic, an interaction among two species: an invasive parasite may adapt to a native host, or an invasive host could become infected with a parasite. The reality, as is often the case with animal behavior, is typically more complex, involving multiple host species and/or multiple parasite species. Examination of interactions among multiple species – and the behaviors that guide them – requires a community-wide approach. The mechanisms influencing a biological community, including parasitism, predation, and competition, must be taken into account as well.

A seminal experiment that first examined the dynamics of a parasite's effect on species interactions was completed by Thomas Park in 1948. Over a period of 4 years, 211 populations of flour beetles where sustained in a laboratory. These populations consisted of two species, Tribolium confusum or T. castaneum, which were either maintained alone or in mixed species colonies. Mixed-species colonies displayed marked competitive interactions, with one species always going extinct during the experiment. Park also added a naturally occurring protozoan parasite to some mixed-species populations and the results were striking: T. castaneum often went extinct when the parasite was present, but T. confusum died out when the parasite was absent. These were the first results to demonstrate the existence of parasite-mediated competition, leading to a flurry of research on parasites and their ability to regulate host populations, thus influencing the structure of biological communities.

How many types of hosts are there?

Figure 1: There are majorly 5 types of hosts namely primary host, secondary host, paratenic host, accidental host, and reservoir host.

What is host and types of host?

In biology and medicine, a host is a larger organism that harbours a smaller organism; whether a parasitic, a mutualistic, or a commensalist guest (symbiont). The guest is typically provided with nourishment and shelter.

What are the two types of hosts?

What are the two types of hosts? The two types of hosts are – primary and secondary hosts. The primary host is a definitive host or organism in which the parasite reaches the adult stage and reproduces sexually. The secondary or intermediate host harbours a sexually immature parasite for a short transition period.

What is a primary host and secondary host?

A primary host or definitive host is a host in which the parasite reaches maturity and, if applicable, reproduces sexually. A secondary host or intermediate host is a host that harbors the parasite only for a short transition period, during which (usually) some developmental stage is completed.


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