What does hp stand for in games

HP for Hit Points was popularized by D&D in the 1970s. Everyone understood the acronym "HP" referring to a number measuring what it would take to defeat you well before it ever appeared in a video game. The origin of the acronym was as an abbreviation for "Hit Points" but the acronym itself was far more successful / well remembered than the term "Hit Points", a lot of people who did not play D&D probably never learned what it was supposed to stand for. And this led to the "Health Points" backronym in some gaming contexts.

If a game's manual or help text says "HP" in your GUI stands for "Health Points" then I guess in that game "HP" stands for "Health Points". It wouldn't be "HP for Health Points" if D&D hadn't made "HP" ubiquitous but whatever, their game, things can stand for whatever they want them to.

1. What does HP stand for?

Health points


He has only 50HP so use your finishing move.

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2. What does HP stand for?

Hit points


That warrior has a ton of HP! He can probably solo that boss.

A typical representation of hit points in a video game

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3. What does HP stand for?

Harry Potter


Have you read every HP book?

Duh, I went to the midnight showing of each movie too!

The famous Harry Potter logo

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4. What does HP stand for?


An acronym often preceded by a number, which indicates the power of the engine; often utilized when describing a car, truck, or motorcycle but also used for just about anything with an engine; most widely used by men bragging about their vehicle.


How much hp does that baby got?

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5. What is hp short for?



I think it's much more comfortable to talk on a hp than my cell phone.

A look back at the hp's heyday

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So we have looked at games from all angles. Platforms, Genres, Playing style. What else is there to know. Well just like any other domain, the deeper you get, the deeper the water becomes. Today we look at some acronyms or short forms that the gaming community uses when discussing cheats, writing a walk-through, or just basically trolling someone on the internet.

Remember this is not an exhaustive list, but I will try to cover 15 of the most commonly used acronyms, or terms that are used in Gaming. Here goes nothing:

  1. H.P. (Hit Points): In most games your health/life is defined in numbers. If that counter runs to zero you die. So if your life meter says 100, you have 100 HP. When used alongside a weapon/attack, it denotes the number of life points it will take away when used.
  2. M.P. (Mana Points): Just like HP denotes health, MP denotes your magic prowess. If you run out of MP, you can’t cast a spell, or do anything magical. Different term it differently (aura, charm, power meter), but the gaming community uses this as a general term.
  3. X.P. (Experience Points): Points earned by doing some activity in a game. The more you do an activity (basically experience that activity), the better/stronger/faster/potent you become.
  4. N.P.C. (Non-Playable Character): Any character in the game that you can’t play, but it plays a role in the game, can be termed a NPC. But the term is mostly used for characters who buy/sell you in game stuff.
  5. Camper: A term used to denote a player in multi-player games (mostly shooters) who hides in a safe spot, waiting for enemies to come to him, rather than actually engaging him directly. This kind of gamers are usually not liked a lot.
  6. NOOB: Term used to denote a rookie of the game. Its a derogatory term, but hey its online gaming.

    Gamer Logic!!!Its True

  7. LAG or Lagging: The most used excuse you will hear from a gamer, when something untoward happens in an online game. It denotes the delay between you issuing an order and the server actually executing it. If it is too much, the game can become unbearable.
  8. COMBO: Its basically an acronym for Combination. It denotes a sequence of/simultaneous button pressing by you which results in your character chaining together different moves into one big fluid…what the word I am looking for…yes..COMBO. The sequence of keys can also result in a single very powerful move instead of a simple chain.

    Probably the most famous Combo name ever

  9. Co-Op: Means a game that can be played along with other players usually offline on the same console. Remember playing Street Fighter, or CONTRA or Double Dragon. You didn’t need the internet, thats Co-Op or Co-Operative Gameplay.
  10. Easter Eggs: These not only refer to games, but also movies and other media. Its usually hidden (like the actual easter eggs themselves), and can be an internal joke, a hidden message or even a nod to a pop-culture reference.
  11. Walk-through: These are extensive and usually exhaustive documents which list all/best way to crack/beat a game. They are different from achievement/trophy guides because they cover the full game from level 1 to level FINAL; while the achievement/trophy guides will only give you hints on how to get a particular achievement/trophy.
  12. Cheevos/Achievement/Trophy: These are special medals that you earn when you do something in a game. It can be clocking a certain number of hours, killing a certain number of enemies, or clearing a level. Every game comes with a certain number, and is considered complete only when you have all of them. Cheevo and achievements are used interchangeably for Windows/X-Box 360 games, while trophies are for Play Station 3 games.

    My GamerTag and score on X-Box..hit me up on X-Box Live

  13. Beating a game: Is basically finishing the single player campaign the game has to offer. Earlier it used to denote completion of a game. But with achievements as the new stat, completing a game may require beating the game several times.
  14. Boosting: Is a term where you use your friend’s help in order to get an achievement/trophy in a game.
  15. Freemium: A relatively new gaming model. Where you can own the game for free with some basic features, but you have the option of buying new in-game stuff using real money. This may include new characters, new missions, new equipment etc. LOL, DOTA2 and Team Fortress are some of the games who follow the freemium model.

This brings us to the end of my small series on Gaming. Hope you found it interesting enough, and the next time you hear/read Noob, RPG, HP or Platformer; you just won’t shake your heads in fake agreement.

What is HP and MP in games?

So if your life meter says 100, you have 100 HP. When used alongside a weapon/attack, it denotes the number of life points it will take away when used. M.P. (Mana Points): Just like HP denotes health, MP denotes your magic prowess. If you run out of MP, you can't cast a spell, or do anything magical.

Why is HP hit points or health points?

It is literally the origin of the hp abbreviation in regards to being a numerical counter for how much damage a character can take. It comes from the Dungeons & Dragons game, the original RPG. Every RPG manual that defines hp will define it as hit points. It means “how many hits can a character take before they die”.

What does HP stand for in League of Legends?

Health (shortened to HP) is a statistic that determines the number of hit-points a unit has. Death occurs when a unit reaches 0 health. Health can be restored via health regeneration, healing, life steal, and vamp.

What does HP stand for in the game Evony?

Gives your foot soldiers more hit points. Gives your foot soldiers more hit points. Gives your foot soldiers more hit points. Gives your foot soldiers more hit points.


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