What does it mean spiritually when you see birds?

Birds have inspired humans throughout history with their ability to rise above the Earth. Birds soaring through the air stir our souls, motivating us to rise above earthly concerns and learn about the spiritual realm. Birds and angels share a bond, because both symbolize the beauty of spiritual growth. Additionally, angels often appear with wings.

People sometimes see birds appear before them to deliver spiritual messages. They may encounter angels in the form of birds, see images of a beloved bird that has died and believe it is acting as a spirit guide, or glimpse bird images, or animal tokens, symbolizing something God wants to communicate. Or they may receive extraordinary inspiration from God simply through ordinary interactions with birds.

If you're open to receiving spiritual meaning through birds, here's how God may use them to send you messages:

Angels as Birds

Angels are associated with birds more than any other animal because angels that appear to humans in heavenly glory sometimes feature wings. Wings symbolize God's care for people and the freedom and empowerment people gain from spiritual growth. Angels sometimes appear in the physical form of earthly birds, if that can help them convey messages from God to people.

In "A Small Book of Angels," author Eugene Stiles writes:

"As with angels, some birds are symbols of uplift and peace (the dove, the eagle) while others function much as the Angel of Death (vulture, raven). ... Surely it is no coincidence that in fulfilling many of the tasks once given to simple birds, angels were perceived to be winged: there seems to be a compulsion to link angels with wings, which, by their very nature, have to do with flight, with freedom and aspiration."

Birds and angels exist in spiritual harmony, writes author Claire Nahmad in "Angel Messages: The Oracle of the Birds." Birds may deliver angelic meaning through the songs they sing, she writes:

"The magical Milky Way, eternally associated with winged angels and home-going souls, is called in Finland ‘the Birds’ Way.’ It is the mysterious stairway to spiritual worlds, trodden by shamans and mystics but available to all, if we are taught how to listen to birdsong and recognize the angelic messages that birds deliver to us."

Your guardian angel can help you seek spiritual guidance through a bird whose appearance seems like an omen to you, Nahmad suggests: "Ask your guardian angel to link your soul with the soul of the bird, and then ask for the help that the augury specifies and that you would like to receive."

Departed Birds as Spirit Guides

You might see in a dream or vision an image of a bird with which you've shared a bond but has since flown out of your life. God could be delivering a message to you through the bird as a spirit guide.

Arin Murphy-Hiscock writes in "Birds: A Spiritual Field Guide" that relationships with birds can be rewarding in connecting you to the natural world and helping you gain insights into your soul.

People who were close to you before they died may send you comforting messages through bird spirit guides, writes Andrea Wansbury in "Birds: Divine Messengers," "People in spirit use many means to let us know they are fine, and sending the message via the bird kingdom is just one way."

Birds as Symbolic Animal Totems

Another way that God may deliver spiritual meaning through birds is by showing you a symbolic image of a bird, either a physical bird or the spiritual image of one called a totem. Murphy-Hiscock notes that birds people have been drawn to repeatedly or that constantly appear in their lives may be personal totems, and her book explores their symbolism.

Birds symbolize key aspects of spirituality, writes Lesley Morrison in "The Healing Wisdom of Birds: An Everyday Guide to Their Spiritual Songs & Symbolism." They symbolize freedom, expansiveness, and keen vision.

Specific kinds of birds also convey different symbolic meanings. Wansbury writes that doves symbolize peace, eagles symbolize power, and swans symbolize transformation.

Birds as Spiritual Inspiration

God may send you spiritual messages through your daily interaction with birds. Wansbury writes:

"These messages are words of wisdom and advice, and they can help us to identify talents we are not using, or the negative beliefs and thought patterns that are holding us back. Once these messages are understood and applied to our lives, they can be a valuable source of direction as we progress on our spiritual journeys."

Humans have always been fascinated with flight. And we’re attracted to the pretty songs and colorful wings of the birds we see around us. But beyond the sense of freedom we paint on them, what is the spiritual significance of birds? Let’s look through some top possibilities.

Just to note, the spiritual meaning of birds depends a lot on the species of the bird itself. Is it a phoenix, an owl, a thunderbird, or a cockatoo? In this article, we’ll discuss the symbolism behind birds in general. Check our other articles if you want to know about specific species.

Table of Contents

  • spiritual meaning of birds
    • 1. You’re Headed For Enlightenment
    • 2. Trust in God’s Provision
    • 3. Check Out the Bigger Picture
    • 4. Good Things Are Flying Towards You
    • 5. Your Loved Ones Are Near
    • 6. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
    • 7. This Cycle is Ending
    • 8. You’re Going the Wrong Way
    • 9. Someone is Praying for You
    • 10. Money is Headed Your Way
    • 11. You’re Closer Than You Think
    • 12. You Will Soon Be Healed
    • 13. It’s Going to Be a Good Day
    • 14. You’re Losing Control
    • 15. It’s Time to Get Closer to God
    • 16. Turns Out Domesticity Suits You!
    • 17. Set More Reminders on Your Phone
    • 18. You Need to Protect Your Privacy
    • 19. Feel Free to Raise Your Vibrations
    • 20. The Heavens Are On Your Side
    • 21. Learn How to Pick Your Battles

spiritual meaning of birds

1. You’re Headed For Enlightenment

Generally, gravity keeps humans glued to the ground. But birds have hollow bones and powerful wings that let them float above it all. Sometimes, they flap energetically to keep themselves up. Other times, they glide effortlessly on warm air currents called thermals.

Your angels might therefore use birds as a symbol that your spirit is beyond the worries and concerns of the world. Your soul has overcome its physical trappings and barriers, so it’s time to focus on the development of your spirit. Birds represent elevation and illumination.

2. Trust in God’s Provision

This message might come when you’re worried about earthly problems. Maybe you just got fired or divorced and you don’t know how you’ll pay the bills. Or you might be concerned if the breadwinner (your parent, elder sibling, or spouse) falls ill, gets disabled, or passes away.

Your spirit guides could send bird symbols – or even an actual flock of birds – to let you know they’ll provide for you. This spiritual interpretation is explained in Matthew 6:26-34. It reminds believers that God feeds the birds and dresses the flowers, so he can do it for us too.

3. Check Out the Bigger Picture

Have you noticed that when people are asked about bad things like cruelty and war, they say it’s just human nature? But when they’re asked about positives like empathy and kindness – the things we call humane – they assume it’s exceptional. Our concepts are clearly skewed.

So what does it mean for our spiritual values when we see birds flying? We assume it’s about getting a bird’s eye view and taking a holistic approach to the situation. And it is. Birds see the world more accurately than we do. And their context is reliable, so broaden your outlook.

4. Good Things Are Flying Towards You

It’s easy to see why we associate birds with the heavens. Many faiths believe their chosen deity lives up there somewhere, in the sky. And angels are often depicted with feathery wings. So we associate birds (and angels) with deities. They take our prayers to the gods.

So what does it mean when you see a large flock of birds heading towards you? It could imply a rush of blessings and good fortune, particularly if the birds are silent. You can only hear the flapping of their wings, so that’s a positive sign. Noisy flocks of birds indicate something else.

5. Your Loved Ones Are Near

As we pointed out at the start of this article, we’re not going to touch on the meanings behind particular bird species – we have lots of other articles that cover that in detail. But the type of bird can still send a significant message. What does it mean to see a bird inside the house?

Assuming this isn’t a pet bird that’s sitting in a cage, see if you can figure out the species. It’s likely to be a bird you associate with someone who passed away. Maybe they had a parakeet. Or maybe they had a raven tattoo. The bird suggests your deceased loved one is visiting you.

6. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Here’s another scenario – you see a nervous bird inside your house and it’s struggling to escape. It may be flying around frantically and squawking. And this could be any bird – a goose or chicken from the farm or a finch that accidentally flew through an open window.

These trapped birds express discomfort, unease, and restriction. Your higher helpers are saying you’re too comfortable in that ‘home space’ and you need to spread your wings. You may like your current lifestyle, but your angels want you to achieve your full potential.

7. This Cycle is Ending

You’d probably be pretty upset if you hit a bird with your car or bike and killed it. But what does it mean if you suddenly start seeing dead and dying birds? No, it doesn’t mean you have a future as a serial murderer (though it would be nice to give the dead birds a decent burial).

In this context, the bird represents the end of a negative cycle or phase. Things are looking up. Something you’ve been dreading has now come to a close and you’re starting something new, exciting, and positive. Send the bird off with a blessing and look out for that fresh start.

8. You’re Going the Wrong Way

Here’s a similar message from the bird world. We’ve talked about running over a bird – but can you be sure it’s dead? Well, most birds have extremely rapid heart rates, so as you watch the bird lying there with its eyes closed, you can tell if it’s breathing and its heart is beating.

In this case, when you hit the bird with your windscreen or it rams your glass window and collapses, your angels are advising you to take a detour. It’s a spiritual sign that you’re on the wrong path, either figuratively or by GPS. Listen to your guides as they gently redirect you.

9. Someone is Praying for You

Prayer is an interesting term. We mostly think of it in Christian or Islamic contexts, because Buddhists and Hindus opt for chants and mudras instead. (These four make up the world’s most popular religions.) But prayer simply means communicating with your supreme being.

And the reason birds represent someone interceding for you is their wings. They can fly into the heavens – which we can’t. So they symbolize sending our desires and requests to our chosen deity. Seeing bird imagery, therefore, means someone is thinking of you and praying.

10. Money is Headed Your Way

Regardless of the bird species, seeing bird eggs means money is coming. And the setting of the eggs could show you where the cash will come from. If you see a mommy bird sitting on her eggs or rearranging and turning her eggs, wealth will come from your long-term effort.

If it’s a daddy bird helping to tend the eggs, your fortune might come from an unexpected relative. You can recognize the dad because male birds are often smaller and more colorful to attract mates. If the eggs are hatching, you’ll have to wait a while before that windfall.

11. You’re Closer Than You Think

We love to say it’s darkest before dawn, even though the science disagrees. It’s a comforting thought, just like the alleged sugar rush and synchronized periods (although both these myths have been disproved by science. Either way, that concept echoes when you see birds.

How so? Well, we’ve talked about hitting birds with your car’s windscreen, but what does it mean when you see the bird zooming ahead of your car and out of reach? It means your spiritual target is close and the desires of your higher self are just about to come true.

12. You Will Soon Be Healed

Your spirit guides don’t always use living birds in their messages. You might find yourself attracted to a book in the library (or a video on the internet) that described mythical birds. Or you might suddenly notice bird tattoos on the bodies of random people as they walk past.

Three birds, in particular, might grab your attention – a phoenix, thunderbird, or caladrius. These birds all represent rebirth and have immense healing powers. Spotting them means you have a sickness or wound you don’t know about, but your angels are already healing you.

13. It’s Going to Be a Good Day

This message may seem pretty straightforward but consider this. Every day, birds greet the sun by chirping. But you don’t always notice them. And even when you do, you might be irritated that they got you up so early. Don’t be – it’s a heavenly message of good cheer.

If you catch birds chirping, whether it’s first thing in the morning or some random part of the day, that’s a positive signal. It means things will go well for the rest of the day. Your angels might send a few birds your way on a dreary Monday, or by the road in heavy traffic.

14. You’re Losing Control

Wild birds rarely come close to humans, even when they’re sent by the angels. So what does it mean when birds attack you? This could be a murmuration (of starlings) in a dream or even a swarm of seemingly angry ravens dive-bombing your yard (yes, it does happen).

The spiritual significance here is that you’re spiraling out of control. Maybe your moods and hormones are haywire for some reason. Or maybe you’ve taken on too much responsibility and your potential burnout has you lashing out at everyone. You need to step back and chill.

15. It’s Time to Get Closer to God

Many spiritual people prioritize their practice over their earthly tasks, and that can sometimes be a problem. But the opposite challenge can happen too. Most of us go to church or temple once a week. But if your soul journey is important, you commune more often.

This interaction refers to any higher being, whether that’s Buddha or Mother Goddess. If this path matters to you, getting distracted by work and the material world can take a toll. Being attacked by birds, they’re telling you to pause and pray – you’re neglecting your spirituality.

16. Turns Out Domesticity Suits You!

We’ve talked about wild birds indoors and what it means if they’re fighting their way out. But what does it tell you when the birds seem happy in your home? If you spot a bird’s nest inside your house, it means you live in a space filled with love, warmth, kindness, and commitment.

The birds can sense your positive energy, that’s why they choose your house as their safe space. And in the same way, they’re letting their guard down and raising their family in your presence, your own family will thrive and succeed. You’re ready to settle down and have kids.

17. Set More Reminders on Your Phone

Woodpeckers tap trees to send coded signals to the other birds around. It’s a kind of birdie morse code for them. But what does it mean for you if this bird knocks on your door or if any other species taps your window? They may have been diverted by the angels and sent to you.

A tapping bird – especially if you can see it through the clear glass – is a reminder that you forgot something important. In practical terms, they might be reminding you to refill their feeder. But on a deeper level, your spirit guides are nudging you about something you forgot.

18. You Need to Protect Your Privacy

In the example above, that tapping bird won’t help you much if you can’t figure out what you’ve forgotten. It merely draws your attention. Then you’ll have to ask your higher helpers which loose ends they want you to tie. But if the knocking doesn’t jar you, they’ll send more!

You might suddenly spot a bird flying into your window! Now you’ll really need to ask the spirits what they’re trying to say. But their main hint is that you should close your metaphorical windows. You’re over-exposing yourself to malevolent forces – watch out!

19. Feel Free to Raise Your Vibrations

One of the things we love most about birds is their sense of freedom. They can just get up and go anytime they want! So when you’re seeing birds around a lot – especially if you’re routinely watching them take flight, it’s a message from your ancestors to join the birds.

No, it doesn’t mean you should flap your arms on a tall building – you’ll end up committed via the ER!! But it means you should raise your focus higher. You’re getting onto a higher frequency and leveling up your spirituality. Allow yourself to be used as a loving messenger.

20. The Heavens Are On Your Side

You’ve probably heard that bird poop is considered lucky in many cultures and that you shouldn’t rush to clean it off. But where does this idea come from? Well, birds routinely poop mid-flight because they have no sphincters. Spiritually, this means they don’t get distracted.

They’re busy with their … business, pun intended, and they don’t let the s**t in life stop them. And the gods bless their consistency and concentration. Your angels are using guano to praise you for staying on your path even as the world deters you. And angels will bless you.

21. Learn How to Pick Your Battles

Our final interpretation of bird symbols is a tricky one. Have you heard of the Five Fs? You probably know about fight and flight, but there’s also fawn (sucking up and/or blaming yourself), freeze, and flock (seeking allies and huddling with like-minded folk for protection). In some spaces, you’ll see the term friend used instead of flock, or flop used in place of fawn.

But what does this have to do with birds? Well, most of us default to one of the Fs depending on how we were raised. But our reflexes might push us to another F if it’s a safer option in those circumstances. You might want to flop or friend, but if you’re repeatedly seeing birds, your higher helpers want you to flee. They want you to survive so you can fight another day.

When was the last time you saw a bird symbol? Tell us all about it in the comments section!

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Do birds represent spirits?

Birds are routinely seen as portents of impending calamity and death, while they are also often thought to bear away or steal spirits of the dead, sometimes even embodying those very spirits themselves. On the other hand, birds are also commonly associated with life, fertility, and longevity.

Are birds spiritual messengers?

Birds soar as spiritual messengers between the Earth and the sky. Revered and reflected by Native American cultures on both petroglyphs and modern ceramics, they flutter across objects both functional and decorative.

What do birds usually symbolize?

Birds have served as symbols of good luck, good health, wealth, fertility, love, truthfulness and many other things in hundreds of different cultures all over the world. But how did these beliefs get started? Well, humans have long been fascinated with birds and their abilities to fly.

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