What does it mean when a step

\ ˈstep


1 : a rest for the foot in ascending or descending: such as

a : one of a series of structures consisting of a riser and a tread

b : a ladder rung

2a(1) : an advance or movement made by raising the foot and bringing it down elsewhere

(2) : a combination of foot or foot and body movements constituting a unit or a repeated pattern a dance step

(3) : manner of walking : stride

c : the sound of a footstep

3a : the space passed over in one step

b : a short distance

c : the height of one stair

4 steps plural : course, way directed his steps toward the river

5a : a degree, grade, or rank in a scale

b : a stage in a process was guided through every step of my career

6 : a frame on a ship designed to receive an upright shaft especially : a block supporting the heel of a mast

7 : an action, proceeding, or measure often occurring as one in a series taking steps to improve the situation

8 : a steplike offset or part usually occurring in a series

9 : the interval between two adjacent notes in a musical scale

11 : a slight lead in or as if in a race has a step on the competition

in step

1 : with each foot moving to the same time as the corresponding foot of others or in time to music

2 : in harmony or agreement

out of step

: not in step out of step with the times

intransitive verb

1a : to move by raising the foot and bringing it down elsewhere or by moving each foot in succession They stepped into the elevator. She stepped inside and closed the door. I'm sorry, but he just stepped outside for a moment. When I call your name, please step forward. She stepped up to the microphone. I stepped up/down onto the landing. He stepped back, startled. Please step away from the moving doors. They stepped aside to let the paramedics through. We watched as the passengers stepped ashore.

b : dance Joyfully along the contra lines, the dancers held hands, listened to the caller, and stepped to the music …— Joan Donaldson

2a : to go on foot : walk She stepped down to the corner store. — see also step out

c : to be on one's way : leave often used with along told them to step along — see also step aside, step down

d : to move briskly kept us stepping

3 : to press down with the foot step on the brake

4 : to come as if at a single step stepped into a good job

5 : to extend by or as if by a stairstep … the room steps down past a viewing area to a projection television screen hung from the ceiling. — Sunset A wooden retaining wall—which holds the slope above the staircase—steps up in level sections.— Susan Lang

transitive verb

1 : to take (a pace, etc.) by moving the feet in succession step three paces

2a : to move (the foot) in any direction : set the first person to step foot on the moon

b : to traverse (something) on foot … proud … of stepping this famous pavement …— Virginia Woolf

3 : to go through the steps of (something) : perform step a minuet

4 : to make (something) erect by fixing the lower end in a step step the mast

5 : to measure (something) by steps step off 50 yards

6a : to provide (something) with steps He stepped the front of the stage down into the stalls and built a permanent cyclorama across the full width of the rear wall.— Colin Chambers

b : to make steps in (something) step a key

7 : to construct or arrange (something) in or as if in steps … we looked down on an expanse of craggy peaks with terraces stepped up the sides … — Time

— see also step on it, step up

: related by virtue of a marriage (as of a parent) and not by blood stepparent stepsister

What does step mean slang?

The expression “Step” is slang for approaching someone with the intention of violence, either to fight or shoot. The expression “Stepper” / “Big Stepper” is slang for someone who carries guns and is about that life. The expression “Stepping” is slang for fighting or shooting.

What does it mean to step with someone?

idiom. in agreement with someone or something: She is very much in step with the times.

What does it mean to take a step?

If you take a step, you lift your foot and put it down in a different place, for example when you are walking. [...]

What are the examples of steps?

An example of a step is one stair in a staircase. An example of a step is the first part in a scientific experiment. A low platform used for exercise, as in step aerobics. One of a series of actions, processes, or measures taken to achieve a goal.


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