What does it mean when you hear someone call your name while sleeping?

Do you get frightened on hearing your name called while sleeping or while falling asleep?

Actually, many a time, all of us had heard our name called while sleeping. We also have heard many superstitions behind this phenomenon. Still, we don’t know what the real reason behind hearing your name called while falling asleep is.

When we hear our name called while sleeping, we suddenly get up from sleep and wonder whether anyone is really calling our name. And most of the time, nobody might have called your name, and you end up figuring it out just like a game of your unconscious mind during sleeping.

But, aren’t at least some of us curious to know the reason behind it? Obviously yes. You have ended up in the right place if you have been searching for the spiritual meaning of this phenomenon. You can know more about the spiritual meaning of this phenomenon through this article.

Spiritual meaning of hearing your name called while sleeping

Have you got scared and lost sleep upon hearing your name called while sleeping? Many of us have gone through this phenomenon. 

Haven’t we all wasted the rest of our sleep thinking for its reason and spiritual meaning? Most of your answer to this question would be a yes.

And interestingly, many of you might be reading this article upon hearing your name called while sleeping at midnight and losing sleep.

Here is the truth. It is pretty normal to hear your name called when no one really hasn’t. But you might have often wondered why this happens to you.

So, here are some common spiritual reasons for this phenomenon:

  • You are more tuned with the spiritual world
  • Embarkment of your spiritual awakening
  • Alert that you are beginning to receive spiritual guidance from the angelic world
  • You are getting close to the loved ones you have lost

Higher realms of the spiritual path

So, there is probably nothing serious to be scared of. Hearing your name called while sleeping spiritually means that you are on higher realms of the spiritual path.

It might be a connection to you for tuning with the spiritual or angelic world. This phenomenon will also be an alert that you have started to receive guidance from the spiritual world. 

Absence of ego

Another reason you hear your name is called while you are asleep in the absence of ego during this time. Your mind will mostly be more relaxed and quiet while sleeping.

As a result, your mind certainly will be more receptive. Therefore, with less ego in your mind, the higher realms of spirituality find a way into your mind.

What to do when you hear your name while sleeping?

Hearing your name called while sleeping can be frustrating at times. However, we recommend you remain calm and remain in a receptive state to tune your mind more spiritually.

If you hear your name called just before waking up in the morning, it would be better to sit back and relax for a while by looking around. You can try to retain the receptive state of mind even after waking up. 

To retain your mind in a more receptive state, sit back, relax, and close your eyes. Notice whether you could find a change in the energy around you.

Mostly you would find an incredible light in this state of mind. The incredible light you see in your mind is angelic light. You can now try to connect with this light.

With this angelic light, observation, and practice, you will soon start being greeted with more insight, inspiration, and guidance from the spiritual world.

Hearing your name being called while sleeping means you are spiritually ready to accept deeper guidance from the angelic world. Therefore, it would be better to try to connect and develop a spiritual routine.

Do you have a habit of hearing your name called while falling asleep? This phenomenon may also disrupt your sleeping pattern.

Hearing your name is said to have so many spiritual meanings. However, it can become a serious issue if it happens regularly and your sleeping cycle is interrupted.

Here are few reasons why people hear their name being called when no one really hasn’t called:

  • Oversensitivity to voices
  • A divine gift from the angelic world
  • Trauma
  • Spiritual awakening
  • Emotional distress
  • Release of excess dopamine
  • Cognitive error
  • Dissociation

Actually, we don’t know the reason for people hearing their names called while falling asleep. There are no proven or scientific reasons for the same. 

Hearing your name when no one is calling

Some people do not just hear their name being called while they are sleeping. You might be one of many who have a habit of hearing your name called when you are at a shopping mall or walking across a street. Nobody might be really calling you. But you may at times feel hearing your name called. It is pretty normal to hear your name called even no one has actually called.

Let’s see some causes for hearing your name even when no one is calling:

  • Oversensitivity to noise
  • A habit of talking to yourself
  • Being in a calm space quite often over a long time
  • Emotional stress
  • Sleeplessness
  • History of sexual assault
  • Death of loved one
  • Result of drug addiction

You can also consider this phenomenon as the result of spiritual awakening, as mentioned in the first session of this article. However, have a check on how this phenomenon is affecting your mental health. 


Hearing your name can be a signal of your spiritual awakening. It may also happen when you are not sleeping, like when you are in a shopping mall or walking across the streets. If you can take its positive sides, your life may not be much affected by this phenomenon.

However, we strongly recommend you consult a psychologist if it starts to take a toll on your mental health and well-being.

What do you think about the spiritual meaning hear your name when no one is calling? I hope I have clarified all your doubts regarding this matter. Any additional questions, please feel free to comment below.

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Passionate about spirituality, numerology and spiritual accounts. I write about my spiritual experiences to help all those who go through the same.

What does it mean when you hear someone calling your name?

When you hear your name being called but no physical person has spoken, it could be that you're hearing a message from the spirit or Angelic world. Because your name is such a strong part of your identity, spiritual beings will use your name as a means to get your attention.

What does it mean when you hear someone calling your name but their not?

When you hear someone call your name but no one is there, it could be because you are gifted. It's possible that you have a gift called clairaudience, which is the ability to hear frequencies that are not audible to the human ear.


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