What does the word steamy mean?

Britannica Dictionary definition of STEAMY

[also more steamy; most steamy]

: full of steam or warm, moist air

  • It is 92 degrees in steamy Miami this afternoon.

  • steamy [=hot and humid] weather

: showing or relating to sex : sexually exciting

He awoke next morning from rosy scenes of dream to a steamy atmosphere that smelled of soapsuds and dirty clothes, and that was vibrant with the jar and jangle of tormented life.

And especially have I a grudge against all ardent, steaming, steamy fire-idols.

There was the warm, steamy smell of dung when the frozen door was opened, and the cows, astonished at the unfamiliar light of the lantern, stirred on the fresh straw.

I turned and stared, arms akimbo, at the thick green behind me, into which the steamy ravine cut like a smoking gash.

The yellow glare from the shop-windows streamed out into the steamy, vaporous air, and threw a murky, shifting radiance across the crowded thoroughfare.

It was hot and steamy. The little shaggy piebald horse was also covered with snow and coughing, I remember that very well.

She opened the door of the TOP oven;--out came a rich steamy flavour of veal and ham, and there stood a fine brown pie,--and through a hole in the top of the pie-crust there was a glimpse of a little tin patty-pan!

When I had got warmed up sufficiently to prepare me for a still warmer temperature, they took me where it was--into a marble room, wet, slippery and steamy, and laid me out on a raised platform in the centre.

The river breeze had ceased, and a hot steamy atmosphere, thick with scents, came from the forest.

And the cab jolted in front of a steamy, greasy shop in a blaze of gas and in the smell of fried fish.

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  1. full of ; covered with
    • a steamy bathroom
    • He rubbed a clear patch on the steamy windows and peered out.
    • It was cold in London compared with the steamy heat of Tokyo.
    • The bathroom was warm and steamy and smelt of soap.
  2. (informal) sexually exciting synonym erotic
See steamy in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary

Flash flood warnings and severe thunderstorm warnings were issued throughout the region as a cold front mixed with steamy air lodged over the Washington area, triggering multiple thunderstorms.

  • A slow-moving but strong cold front running into steamy air lodged over the Washington region will act as the trigger for multiple rounds of showers and storms Thursday afternoon and evening.

  • High humidity makes it feel even steamier and fuels the afternoon thunderstorms that roll in.

  • There are sweeping gestures, bountiful sexual tension and a steamy scene over the Manhattan Bridge that succeeds at making a subway ride romantic.

    • Ella’s steamy, verdant Thailand shifts to the cold, slate gray rain of Elena’s Paris.

    • Zilch, what with Showtime's other steamy sex-heavy drama, The Affair, stealing its thunder.

    • This is nudity as lifestyle, health, openness — not seamy or steamy.

    • We were careful with how we dealt with suspected patients and what we did with our primitive coverings, it was steamy.

    • The packed church had grown steamy with the approach of a summer storm.

    • The trailer was too sappy to go with my friends and the poster was too steamy to go with my parents.

    • This steamy heat is the very deuce to work in, and I'll be glad of the lay-off on Sunday.

    • Even the West-end was hot and steamy on that broiling August day.

    • A mouth ripped apart on the skull, and the chest began to move with a wet steamy sound in irregular gasps.

    • After the noise and steamy heat of the dining-room, this was an example our two friends were not sorry to follow.

    • Merry saw how the thing was done one steamy hot day at Palembang, and he saw quite stark and plain.


    British Dictionary definitions for steamy

    adjective steamier or steamiest

    of, resembling, full of, or covered with steam

    informal lustful or eroticsteamy nightlife

    Derived forms of steamy

    steamily, adverbsteaminess, noun

    Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

    What does steamy mean in love?

    sexually exciting or including a lot of sexual activity: a steamy love scene.

    What does steamy mean?

    : consisting of, characterized by, or full of steam. : intensely or uncomfortably hot: such as. : hot and humid. a steamy afternoon.

    What type of word is steamy?

    adjective, steam·i·er, steam·i·est. consisting of or resembling steam. full of or abounding in steam; emitting steam.

    What is another word for steamy?

    What is another word for steamy?.