What happens if you dont skip Stanley Parable?

The Stanley Parable players are in for a rather hilarious surprise if they manage to play the narrator's baby-crawling minigame for exactly four hours, as evidenced by the above video posted to YouTube by user "dustily."

In the baby game, players are presented with a cardboard cutout of a baby to their right and a roaring fire to their left. The baby crawls left towards the fire and players must repeatedly click a red button in the middle of the screen in order to bring him back to the right. If the baby reaches the fire, the game is over and players lose. After an hour or so, the narrator will switch things up and add another similar minigame to the mix involving a puppy and a pool of piranhas.

After four hours of playing both challenges simultaneously, a rather interesting entity appears. You can skip ahead to around 5 minutes in the video above to see this strange being — along with some humorous commentary on the narrator's obsession with artistic expression.

Read Polygon's review of The Stanley Parable here.

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At one point in the Stanley Parable, the game asks you to press different buttons and then usually makes a joke about you afterwards.

An example is:


I've waited a couple minutes to see if anything will ever happen on one of these button push screens, but I'm not ready to wait around for longer to see if anything ever happens.

The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe isn’t afraid to throw its scariest ending at players early on, and it all starts with a skip button.

Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe is usually a comedy game that relies on clever writing and Source-engine skills to deliver laughs. But some of the most memorable parts of the game are when things suddenly flip to a terrifying horror game. The Skip Button is Ultra Dexlue’s most terrifying new ending, and players get to experience it fairly early on.

This guide contains major spoilers for The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe. The game is best enjoyed blind.

How to get the Skip Button ending in Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe

After playing through The Stanley Parable for a certain amount of time, players will encounter a new door with a neon sign saying “New Content.” If the player told the game it had played The Stanley Parable before, this can happen as early as the third run. Meanwhile, new Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe players will take much longer to get the Skip Button ending, which can occur as early as the fourth run.

After doing the new content ending for the first time, the Narrator confesses his distaste for the addition and sends the player into a special area called the Memory Zone. First, the player gets to read actual reviews for the original Stanley Parable. They’re favorable, but the player invariably stumbles upon an ocean of Steam reviews.

The Narrator becomes distraught at their requests, fixating on the possibility of a skip button. This winds up being the Narrator’s undoing.

The player discovers a small room with a skip button that jumps past whatever the Narrator is currently saying. At first glance, it works perfectly as intended. But after a few tries, the Narrator notes that the clock in the background ceases to have meaning, and the nearby potted plant suddenly withers and dies. Each time the player skips, the time elapsed grows longer and longer.

 Things really get kicked up a notch once the Narrator effectively leaves. He’s absent for many of the later skips until the final one, where he repeats the game’s tagline out of insanity.

“The end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end…” players hear.

After hundreds, thousands, or millions of years, the building finally breaks down enough for Stanley to leave. He exits the building to find a washed-out and destroyed landscape. Mountains dot the impossibly massive distance of dust and sand. The world is entirely destroyed by time, and Stanley is the only one allowed to see it.

What happens if you quit Stanley Parable?

If the player waits it out, Stanley will indeed get crushed to death, and the game will have to be restarted manually.

How much time passed in the skip button ending Stanley Parable?

Stanley! Stanley, please don't push the button again, it's been 12 hours!

Is there a point to The Stanley Parable?

The Stanley Parable is an insult, directed to everyone who is happy with the status quo. It is so aware of itself and the current industry, that it is not afraid to mock even himself. The Stanley Parable pokes it's finger directly at the weakest point in video games - their, still, underdeveloped narrative skills.


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