What happens if you save Selina?

Selina is Catwoman. A badass martial art burglar. Harvey however, while being beefy as fuck, is just a civilian and seemingly the last chance for Gotham. I always try to see the bigger picture, and Harvey is just far more important that Catwoman, for Gotham and Bruce.

In my eyes Harvey is one of the most important characters of the Batman universe. If he's turn into Two-Face it is the ultimate proof that no one can stay good in Gotham, that Gotham will in the end corrupt everyone. If Harvey dies and Two-Face is born. Gotham dies with him.

In this take on the Batman Universe it's even more important to have Harvey as a beacon of hope, because even the Waynes are seemingly not one bit better that people like Falcone.

Disclaimer: I know it is a Batman story and far more important a Telltale Game. So Harvey will most likely turn into Two-Face one way or another. In my opinion it is just more dramatic if I focus on keeping Harvey out of harm's way.

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TomClark (Moderator)6 years ago#1

Choose to save Harvey over Selina?

I mean, the end result will be the same, but how does he get Two-Face'd?


GamerSlyRatchet 6 years ago#2

He doesn't. He's still in the hospital healing from the beating Cobblepot gave him earlier.


CalistoCoon 6 years ago#3

Yeah, I feel like it will make Catwoman a bigger antagonist, although, really she couldn't handle two guys with guns, I always underestimate people in these telltale games.

TomClark (Topic Creator)6 years ago#4

So Harvey isn't Two-Face if you save Selina? That's very interesting...


kio87gre 6 years ago#5

What happens to Selina then?

After the jolly barfight I just had to save her.

Domains under heaven, after a long period of division, tends to unite;
after a long period of union, tends to divide.

CalistoCoon 6 years ago#6

Tom Clark posted...

So Harvey isn't Two-Face if you save Selina? That's very interesting...

Yeah, he's got a black eye and that's it, but Selina gets shot in the shoulder but manages to escape, than another shot shows her being tracked in an alleyway with two goons following her blood trail but she manages to escape them.

TomClark (Topic Creator)6 years ago#7

Sounds like much bigger differences than we usually get for choices this early in a Telltale game - excellent.



kio87gre 6 years ago#8

CalistoCoon posted...

Tom Clark posted...
So Harvey isn't Two-Face if you save Selina? That's very interesting...

Yeah, he's got a black eye and that's it, but Selina gets shot in the shoulder but manages to escape, than another shot shows her being tracked in an alleyway with two goons following her blood trail but she manages to escape them.

That is very interesting. I love it. Seems like the decisions we make have bigger impact then ever.

Domains under heaven, after a long period of division, tends to unite;
after a long period of union, tends to divide.

CalistoCoon 6 years ago#9

There's also a scene in the next episode Preview of Selina being all seductive in Bruce's house saying something like "I'm just here to give you what you deserve."

My guess she is captured and convinced to work for the Children of Arkham.

VanguardFate 6 years ago#10

CalistoCoon posted...

Yeah, I feel like it will make Catwoman a bigger antagonist, although, really she couldn't handle two guys with guns, I always underestimate people in these telltale games.

Yeah, that's why I picked to save Harvey. I figured she could probably fend those guys off but Harvey is definitely going to get smashed here. Interesting that he got two faced there if you don't save him, Catwoman might be a little upset but it's Catwoman so she'll be back to flirting.

  1. Boards
  2. Batman: The Telltale Series - Episode 2: Children of Arkham
  3. What happens if you *SPOILERS*

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What happens to Selina If I save Harvey?

New World Order. The following week after the debate, Selina will accompany Bruce on a visit to Harvey, if he saved her instead of the latter. She will wonder why Bruce chose her over his friend, which he can respond to by clarifying that he needs her help, reveal his feelings to her or keep quiet and not give a reason ...

Can you get Selina to stay Batman?

Regard Selina as a thief or tell her you love her. If Bruce chooses to regard Selina as more than just a thief and brings up how she saved his life or how she fought alongside him, his relationship with Selina will either stay the same or improve.

What happens if you kiss Selina in Batman telltale?

KEY DECISION: WILL YOU TRY TO KISS SELINA KYLE? Selina seems to make a move on you in the alley. You can either make a move back and try to kiss her or make it apparent that you are not interested in more than a work-related partnership. When you make your choice, Selina will respond accordingly and then leave.

Can you save Catwoman?

after you save waller from vigilante joker, once batman wakes up in the ambulance with waller and gordan smoking, just pick "you owe me now" option while talking to waller and she will free catwoman.


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