What is the Christmas colour for 2022?

Looking to spruce up your festive aesthetics?  Here’s 21 of the biggest Christmas trends 2022 that you won’t want to miss.

After the stop-start of last year’s Christmas and the wash-out of 2020, we are all in need of some good old-fashioned stress-free bring-the-neighbours-too Christmas celebrations for 2022!

And whilst more of us will be determined to get that fix of winter sun than in previous years, cost constraints and the final (please!!!) return to normality will see lots of festive celebrations at home too.  Hurrah!!

Looking for more décor inspiration to enjoy?  Click here to discover more creative ideas.

So we’ve been busy visiting trade shows, attending trend talks and researching everywhere.  All to bring you the latest Christmas décor trends.  Now you can be ahead of the festive game when it comes to planning for Christmas 2022.

From sustainable décor to botanicals, candles to paper decorations, we’ve got everything you need to know.  Plus we reveal the 2022 Christmas colour trends to watch out for! 

So if you’re looking to sprinkle a little something new into your décor and festive aesthetics, here’s our Jolly Festive forecast for the 21 biggest Christmas Trends 2022. 

Christmas Trends 2022: Colours

1. Natural Tones

This eco-first festive vision was growing in popularity last year.  And it is sure to be a key trend for Christmas 2022.

Light greens add colour to a predominantly white palette.  Accents of woody brown, terracotta and gold add warmth to designs.  The resulting fresh, natural aesthetic contrasts fabulously with the time of year. 

Or for an even more natural ambience, ease off the lighter tones and embrace a variety of shades of green (and greenery!) against darker earthy brown tones.  Finish with accents of matt black and gold for a modern take on cosy rustic.

Popular natural textures such as stone, linen, wood and cork will add depth and interest.  And delicate patterns inspired by the natural world will be prominent on everything from crockery and glassware to tree ornaments and tealight holders. 

2. Blue & Gold

Deep rich blues paired with luxurious warm gold looks set to be another one of the big Christmas Trends 2022.  Expect to see blue & gold offerings across the High Street and online.

This timeless elegant colour palette aligns perfectly with increasingly popular celestial designs and products.  Make the most of long December nights whilst remembering the importance of downtime and self-care.

And be sure to embrace the maximalist trend with a more is more approach to your luxurious design.  No need to hold back; it’s time to paint the town blue & gold!

Want to reflect back to last year’s Christmas Trends?  Click here for our 2021 lowdown.

3. Festival Brights

We have always believed in making Christmas perfectly yours.  And this is most certainly the year to do just that!

Be unashamedly you!

One of the key Christmas trends for 2022 looks set to be vibrant colours and atypical Christmas décor.  Lanterns, honeycomb balls and festoon lighting that we are far more used to seeing in summer parties will feature heavily in Christmas aesthetics this year.

The repurposing of year-round décor helps to manage cost.  And a desire to start new traditions, celebrate fully after all the recent doom and gloom, and embrace individuality all feed into this wonderfully colourful trend.  Expect to see bright pinks, oranges, blues and purples clashing together and creating a scene more festival than festive!

What a fabulous counter-balance to those darker winter days.

4. Lavender

Pastel colour palettes have been popular for Christmas in recent years, and this trend looks set to continue.  But we predict that the pale pinks will start to give way to light purple tones as we head into Christmas 2022 and beyond.

Lavender is very on trend everywhere right now.  Its calm tone is the perfect antidote to the busy time of year and brings a fresh lightness to more traditional colour palettes over the Christmas season.

Get our tutorial to make your own gorgeous pastel Christmas tree!

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Let’s sprinkle Christmas cheer far and wide!

Christmas Trends 2022: Trees

5. Flocked Christmas Trees

Flocked (snow-covered) Christmas Trees will be everywhere in 2022!  Helping us live out our dreams of a snowy Christmas, these white-dusted trees will take centre stage in living rooms across the country!

And close on their heels will be the all-white Christmas tree too.  So summon up your inner Bing Crosby … you know you want to!

Get our 10-step guide to all the secrets of creating a magazine cover worthy tree!

6. Alternative Christmas Trees

Space-saving (and pet friendly!) wall trees have grown in popularity in recent years.  Indeed google searches for ‘wall mounted Christmas tree with lights’ have increased by 600% over the last five years in the UK.

However increasing awareness of the environmental cost of seasonal Christmas trees is bringing more and more creative ideas to the fore.

From foraged bare branches adorned with baubles to year-round home plants covered in tiny fairy lights, anything and everything flora-related has the potential to replace or add to the Christmas tree décor in your home this year.

Christmas Trends 2022: Decorations

7. Candles

It really is all about the candles this year!  Tapered candles in beautiful candlesticks are set to be a key part of the 2022 Christmas tablescape.  Vibrant two-tone, twisted, shaped & embellished candles will feature widely, adding a pop of colour to festive aesthetics.

Candles will be high on everyone’s gifting list too, with original designs perfect to share with friends, family and beyond.  And a great way to support smaller independent local businesses too.  We particularly love some of the more quirky candles shapes, fragrances and packaging we’ve spotted coming to market.

And if you’re going all in on the candles, don’t forget that matches are no longer to be hidden in the bits and pieces drawer.  Now a gift in their own right, oversized eye-catching matchboxes are a fabulous finishing touch.

8. Paper Decorations

Whether it’s honeycomb Christmas trees, paper stars or the resurgence of paperchains and paper garlands, there is no doubt that paper décor is set to be one of the biggest Christmas Trends 2022.  And it has had a serious upgrade since our youth!

Paper décor ticks ALL the boxes – eco-friendly, fun, easy to make & use, and applicable to any celebration – it’s been a key trend all year long and is the perfect décor to adorn your home this festive season and beyond!

9. Bottle Brush Christmas Trees

With the retro décor trend still firmly underway, expect to see vintage Christmas decorations widely available this year.  And nothing says retro Christmas décor quite like the bottle brush Christmas tree!

These little tree decorations come in every size and colour imaginable.  Some with tiny baubles, some without.  Mounted on slices of wood, the tops of canisters or ready to push into position on your Christmas cake -there’s bound to be a bottle brush tree perfect for your Christmas display!

10. Owls

Why the owl has been adopted by Christmas we’re not quite sure!  But these fluffy nocturnal birds look set to be a huge Christmas Trend 2022.

Our renewed passion for the great outdoors has seen woodland creature featured widely on festive décor in recent years.  But top of the list for 2022 seems to be these bright-eyed beauties!

Expect to see owl decorations of all shapes and sizes on the High Street.  And owls will be competing with their more traditional red-breasted feathery festive friend for top position on cards, gifts and other designs too.

11. Coloured Glass

Colourful, chunky and patterned glass is most definitely on trend right now.  And this is sure to follow through into our Christmas décor.

Glassware is no longer just about showing off the contents inside.  Engraved designs, patterned glass and curvy bubble shapes will all be popular choices for Christmas dinner tables as well as gifts under the tree.

And dotted amongst this cheerful stemware will be vibrant glass candlesticks, bud vases and tealight holders, together creating a beautiful bountiful tablescape!

12. Reusable Crackers

As we all look for ways to minimise one-use products, crackers are another festive staple being given an eco-makeover.

Whilst a handful of companies offered beautiful reusable cracker designs last year, this trend looks set to go off with a sustainable snap for Christmas 2022!

We’ll be spoilt for choice now with reusable designs crafted from a whole host of materials – the perfect opportunity for us to get creative with personalised fillings for an extra thoughtful touch!

Christmas Trends 2022: Gifts

13. Shop Small Shop Local

As we look to embrace the ‘Buy Once Buy Better’ trend, we are increasingly eager to also support local and smaller independent companies.

Buying directly from small business owners offers that perfect win-win: fabulous service and unique, often bespoke, finds alongside a great feel-good feeling for us as buyers too.

What’s more, booming creativity during covid has resulted in so many new entrepreneurs and a virtually endless selection of gorgeous gift products.  The return of craft fairs together with a wealth of online platforms has made finding and purchasing these products simpler than ever too!

14. Sustainable Wrapping

Sustainable wrapping is set to be one of the biggest Christmas Trends 2022.

Beautiful Furoshiki gift wrap techniques has been rising in popularity in recent years, with a 300% increase in google searches in the last five years.

And with so many of us now looking for ways to minimise our environmental footprint, the desire to reduce waste at Christmas will be a top priority this coming festive season.

So alongside the growing range of beautiful fabrics to create elegant Furoshiki-wrapped gifts, there are now an increasing number of reusable and recyclable wrapping papers on the market.

And it doesn’t stop there … with an array of fabulous paper tapes, twines and natural embellishments on offer as well as a whole host of other creative ways to present our gifts under the tree.

Check out our simple alternative eco-conscious ways to wrap your gifts this year!

15. Homemade Christmas Gifts

Given the current cost of living challenges, it’s hardly surprising that we will be looking for ways to keep expenses down this coming Christmas.  So more economical homemade Christmas gifting is sure to be a popular choice.

With many of us taking up new hobbies during the lockdowns, this is a great opportunity to showcase our new skills to friends and family!  And even if time is limited, there are still plenty of great ways to bring together thoughtful handmade treats that are packed full of love.  Perfect for bringing Christmas celebrations back to basics.

16. Self-Care

After a hectic year, treating ourselves will be as important as spoiling our loved ones. No longer are we willing to relentlessly run ourselves into the ground.  Mental wellbeing and mindfulness are finally being recognised as essential to us as physical wellbeing.

So expect to see a wide range of products designed to help us unwind, process and re-invigorate.  From candles and spa treatments to journaling and surrounding ourselves with positive energy, self-care will be at the heart (and soul!) of the Christmas countdown for 2022.

Christmas Trends 2022: Themes & Ideas

17. Nostalgia

Nutcrackers at the ready…!

Nostalgia is synonymous with Christmas.  We spend so much of this special time of year reminiscing about Christmases past and embracing traditions we’ve had since our childhoods.

All the uncertainties of the last two years, not to mention worries for the future, will drive more of us than ever to cocoon ourselves in happy memories of simpler times.  Those classic Christmas icons, traditional colours and heirloom ornaments all help create a familiar comforting scene.

So it’s hardly surprising that these traditional festive elements are one of the key Christmas Trends for 2022.

18. Year Round Decorations

Statistics confirm that we are enjoying our Christmas decorations longer than ever.  Spurred on by covid and miserable news stories, we are putting up our festive décor earlier, and enjoying it for longer into January too.

More of us are finding ways to repurpose our decorations throughout the year as well.  Trees and wreaths are redecorated for Valentines and Easter whilst paper decorations are perfect for celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, ‘Friyays’ and everything in between!

The desire to make our décor purchases really work for us, whether from a financial or environmental point of view, is making us increasingly creative in how our décor is used.  The ‘Buy Once, Buy Better’ movement is gaining traction fast!

19. Greenery

Cheap, eco-friendly, fragrant and abundant, greenery is set to feature more highly than ever in Christmas décor this year.

With a renewed appreciation for our green spaces following the lockdowns and increased eco-awareness in everything we do, it’s hardly surprising that we’re reaching for the greenery now as we decorate tables, sideboards, staircases and beyond.

20. Light Up Everything

We’ve seen an increase in Christmas lighting purchases over the last two years as families rushed to cheer themselves and their local communities whilst festivities were limited.  But the continued rise in innovative design and efficient LED running costs ensure the return of this trend for Christmas 2022.

Giant fairy lit orbs and floating candles (reminiscent of Hogwarts Great Hall!) are amongst the products we expect to see on the High Street this festive season.  Perfect for brightening those December nights and repurposing later in the year come BBQ season too!

21. Maximalist

More is more for Christmas 2022!

From greenery to coloured glass, bud vases to tealights, and bowls of ornaments to overflowing tiered trays, homes are set to be packed to the brim with festive feels!  And guests will be thoroughly spoilt as they are surrounded by abundant tables, sideboards and hanging displays.

This isn’t about spending more … this is about using what you’ve got to the max!

So which of these Christmas trends 2022 will you be embracing?  Share your thoughts below.  We’d love to know.

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @jollyfestive.

And be sure to tag #jollyfestive in your photos.  We love to see which Christmas activities you’ve been enjoying!

More Décor Inspiration

What is the Christmas theme for 2022?

One of the key Christmas trends for 2022 looks set to be vibrant colours and atypical Christmas décor. Lanterns, honeycomb balls and festoon lighting that we are far more used to seeing in summer parties will feature heavily in Christmas aesthetics this year. The repurposing of year-round décor helps to manage cost.

What is the Christmas color for this year?

Shades of Purple The 2022 Pantone Color of the Year is “Very Peri,” a dusky purple with blue-gray undertones. This opens the door for purple Christmas ornaments in all shades of the spectrum, from romantic lavender to playful plums to deep amethyst and eggplant. Purple ornaments pop on green or flocked trees.

What Christmas crafts are trending for 2022?

Best selling Christmas crafts ideas 2022 that sell really well at bazaars and markets.
Gingerbread Sugar Scrub. ... .
Dollar Tree Christmas Book Stack. ... .
Wine Cork Angel Ornaments. ... .
Glitter Snowflake Soap. ... .
Homemade Christmas Stockings. ... .
Mason Jar Christmas Candle. ... .
Reindeer Stocking Holder. ... .
Flannel Trees..

What date should Christmas decorations come down 2022?

So this takes place on January 6 and is seen as the end of the Christmas period. According to tradition it is unlucky to leave your Christmas decorations up after the twelfth night – so this is why people generally take their decorations down in time for January 6. So the Twelfth Night is tonight.


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