What is the equation of the line that passes through 5 2 and (

First, let's see it in action. Here are two points (you can drag them) and the equation of the line through them. Explanations follow.


The Points

We use Cartesian Coordinates to mark a point on a graph by how far along and how far up it is:

Example: The point (12,5) is 12 units along, and 5 units up


There are 3 steps to find the Equation of the Straight Line :

  • 1. Find the slope of the line
  • 2. Put the slope and one point into the "Point-Slope Formula"
  • 3. Simplify

Step 1: Find the Slope (or Gradient) from 2 Points

What is the slope (or gradient) of this line?

We know two points:

  • point "A" is (6,4) (at x is 6, y is 4)
  • point "B" is (2,3) (at x is 2, y is 3)

The slope is the change in height divided by the change in horizontal distance.

Looking at this diagram ...

Slope m  =  change in ychange in x  =  yA − yBxA − xB

In other words, we:

  • subtract the Y values,
  • subtract the X values
  • then divide

Like this:

m  =   change in y change in x   =   4−3 6−2   =   1 4 = 0.25

It doesn't matter which point comes first, it still works out the same. Try swapping the points:

m  =   change in y change in x   =   3−4 2−6   =   −1 −4 = 0.25

Same answer.

Step 2: The "Point-Slope Formula"

Now put that slope and one point into the "Point-Slope Formula"

Start with the "point-slope" formula (x1 and y1 are the coordinates of a point on the line):

y − y1 = m(x − x1)

We can choose any point on the line for x1 and y1, so let's just use point (2,3):

y − 3 = m(x − 2)

We already calculated the slope "m":

m = change in ychange in x = 4−36−2 = 14

And we have:

y − 3 = 14(x − 2)

That is an answer, but we can simplify it further.

Step 3: Simplify

Start with:y − 3 = 14(x − 2)

Multiply 14 by (x−2):y − 3 = x424

Add 3 to both sides:y = x424 + 3

Simplify:y = x4 + 52

And we get:

y = x4 + 52

Which is now in the Slope-Intercept (y = mx + b) form.


Check It!

Let us confirm by testing with the second point (6,4):

y = x/4 + 5/2 = 6/4 + 2.5 = 1.5 + 2.5 = 4

Yes, when x=6 then y=4, so it works!

Another Example

Example: What is the equation of this line?

Start with the "point-slope" formula:

y − y1 = m(x − x1)

Put in these values:

  • x1 = 1
  • y1 = 6
  • m = (2−6)/(3−1) = −4/2 = −2

And we get:

y − 6 = −2(x − 1)

Simplify to Slope-Intercept (y = mx + b) form:

y − 6 = −2x + 2

y = −2x + 8


The Big Exception

The previous method works nicely except for one particular case: a vertical line:

A vertical line's gradient is undefined (because we cannot divide by 0):

m = yA − yBxA − xB = 4 − 12 − 2 = 30 = undefined

But there is still a way of writing the equation: use x= instead of y=, like this:

x = 2



7270, 525, 526, 1165, 1166, 7291, 7292, 7300, 7301, 7302

Equation of a Straight Line Straight Line Graph Calculator Algebra Index

To find the solution, we can use the slope-intercept formula which is y=mx + b. Here, m is the slope which has formula

m=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) and b is the y-intercept. 


Let us find the slope first. Using our two points we get m=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) = (4--2)/(-3-5) = 6/-8 which reduces to -3/4.

Yes1 Yes2Yes3 Yes4Yes3 Yes6Yes3 Yes8Yes3 /* C++ program to find if line passing through0

/* C++ program to find if line passing through1

   /* C++ program to find if line passing through3 /* C++ program to find if line passing through4

/* C++ program to find if line passing through5


/* C++ program to find if line passing through6

Yes3 /* C++ program to find if line passing through8

/* C++ program to find if line passing through1

   0   1    2   3   4

   5   6   7   8

   0two coordinates also passes through origin0

   5   6two coordinates also passes through origin3   8

   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through3 two coordinates also passes through origin7

/* C++ program to find if line passing through5


two coordinates also passes through origin9



   2    3


   4    5


   0   8    9 Yes2Yes3 Yes4Yes3 Yes6

or not */5Yes3 Yes8Yes3 /* C++ program to find if line passing through0

   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through1

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   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through5


   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through6

   0using0    8 using2 using3

   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through1

#include <bits/stdc++.h>2   1 using8using9namespace0namespace1namespace0namespace3namespace0namespace5namespace6   3   4

namespace9Yes00   7Yes02

#include <bits/stdc++.h>2two coordinates also passes through origin0

namespace9Yes00two coordinates also passes through origin3Yes02

   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through5

/* C++ program to find if line passing through5








Yes16 Yes17

   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through3 Yes20Yes21 Yes22Yes23 Yes24Yes25Yes25 Yes27Yes21 Yes29Yes23 Yes31



   1 using8using9namespace0namespace1namespace0namespace3namespace0namespace5   4Yes25Yes25 Yes46Yes47

   0Yes49Yes50   7   4

two coordinates also passes through origin0Yes54

   0Yes49Yes50two coordinates also passes through origin3   4








using Yes67


   4    5


   0   8 Yes1 Yes2Yes3 Yes4Yes3 Yes6

Yes78Yes3 Yes8Yes3 /* C++ program to find if line passing through0

   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through1

#include <bits/stdc++.h>2/* C++ program to find if line passing through3 /* C++ program to find if line passing through4

   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through5


   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through6

   0using0    8 using2 Yes96

   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through1

#include <bits/stdc++.h>2   1    2   3   4

namespace9/* C++ program to find if line passing through05   7Yes02

#include <bits/stdc++.h>2two coordinates also passes through origin0

namespace9/* C++ program to find if line passing through05two coordinates also passes through origin3Yes02

   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through5

/* C++ program to find if line passing through5


/* C++ program to find if line passing through17


/* C++ program to find if line passing through18

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/* C++ program to find if line passing through24 Yes2/* C++ program to find if line passing through26namespace0/* C++ program to find if line passing through28namespace0

/* C++ program to find if line passing through30/* C++ program to find if line passing through31namespace0/* C++ program to find if line passing through33   4

/* C++ program to find if line passing through1

   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through3 Yes50/* C++ program to find if line passing through26 /* C++ program to find if line passing through40/* C++ program to find if line passing through33 Yes23/* C++ program to find if line passing through28namespace6

/* C++ program to find if line passing through45/* C++ program to find if line passing through28 /* C++ program to find if line passing through40/* C++ program to find if line passing through31 Yes23/* C++ program to find if line passing through26/* C++ program to find if line passing through51

/* C++ program to find if line passing through5


/* C++ program to find if line passing through6

   1 /* C++ program to find if line passing through55

   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through57Yes50   7Yes02

two coordinates also passes through origin0

   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through57Yes50two coordinates also passes through origin3Yes02



/* C++ program to find if line passing through68


/* C++ program to find if line passing through69


/* C++ program to find if line passing through70




   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through24 /* C++ program to find if line passing through75

   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through1

#include <bits/stdc++.h>2/* C++ program to find if line passing through3 /* C++ program to find if line passing through4

   0/* C++ program to find if line passing through5

/* C++ program to find if line passing through83 


/* C++ program to find if line passing through84


#include <bits/stdc++.h>2   1    2   3   4

namespace9/* C++ program to find if line passing through91   7Yes02

#include <bits/stdc++.h>2two coordinates also passes through origin0

namespace9/* C++ program to find if line passing through91two coordinates also passes through origin3Yes02


   00   02


Output: Yes


Time Complexity: O(1) 
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

This article is contributed by Aarti_Rathi. Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above

What is the equation of the vertical line through − 5 − 2 − 5 − 2?

Hence, the required equation of the vertical line passing through (-5,-2) is x = -5.

What is the equation of the line that passes through 5 2 and (

1 Expert Answer m=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) and b is the y-intercept. Let us find the slope first. Using our two points we get m=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) = (4--2)/(-3-5) = 6/-8 which reduces to -3/4.

What is the equation of the line through 5 2?

2 Answers By Expert Tutors The vertical line that goes through the point (5,2) has equation x = 5.

Which equation of the line has a slope of 5 and passes through point (

y = 5 x + 9 this is the slope intercept form equation that represents the line through (-2,-1) with the slope of 5.


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