What is the meaning of my name is?

What is the meaning of the name? Here you will find a complete overview of all names with meaning and much more. We search the entire internet so you don’t have to! Here you will find out everything about your name, not just the meaning but so much more, such as origin, pronunciation and more. Enter your name above and learn all about your name, or someone else’s name.

A (first) name is a proper name that is given to a child at birth and traditionally placed before the surname in Western Culture. This name (you may also have other middle names) distinguishes someone from others with the same surname within the family. However it is not unusual for children to be named after family members and the new child may therefore be given the title Junior or Jr. (Which often lapses later in life)

The rules for giving a first name vary widely by culture and subculture. This includes whether or not the child will be given a family name or whether they need to have a saint or faith name included. Research shows that the choice of first name can also be related to education and income levels.

Finally a first name can be rejected if is it considered to be inappropriate. Think abusive words, symbols, a name that consists of too many names, trademarks or is too long. Whilst the rules differ per country it is unusual to have a surname used as a first name in many countries unless it already exists as a first name.

The choice of first name often depends on the mother tongue, religion and gender of the child. There are however, a number of other influential factors such as traditions, (be they family, national or regional.) A name can be given because the parents believe it has the most appropriate ‘meaning’, or suits the appearance or describes the characteristics of the child. It may also suit the wishes or expectations of their parents for them. It may even be part of a political or ideological program.

This website came to life because I wanted to know the meaning of my name. I found this fairly quickly but other websites had other meanings and so quickly I was lost. I thought there must be a better way!

So now we search the various websites which provide information about your name and bundle this info and show the most common value. In addition, all sources are shown with a summary of the data that can be found on these websites.

In many Asian and African Cultures it is the family name that is used first and then the ‘first’ (individual) name, so in this case the term ‘first name’ does not really fit with these naming systems.

There are also cultures in which the name has a different function. In Indonesia, for example, the last name is not necessarily a family surname: A child can be given the surname other than that of its parent.

"What does my name mean?" is a common question people have. Find out if your name is helping or hurting you. Get an instant evaluation of what does your name mean.

First Name Analysis

The Energy In Your Name

The power of a name and its value has long been immortalized in prose, poetry, and religious ceremony. Everyone recognizes himself or herself by name.

The question is: What does my name mean and how does a name influence a person's character?

Let us consider what a name is. It is the grouping of several letters of an alphabet, or other symbols, which represent the identification of a person or an object.

The one thing which separates human beings from the animal kingdom is human mind, which has the ability to reason on a conscious level. To think consciously, one must use language. This point is not generally appreciated but it is vitally important. It is impossible to think without language. What allows language to serve in this manner? In the case of languages which have alphabets, letters are placed in a definite sequence in the alphabet, i.e., in the English alphabet, "A" is always in the first position, "B" in the second position, and so on. Any alphabet is an alphabet because symbols are recognized by their form or sound in a definite order--change the order and confusion results.

There is more than just sound and alphabetical symbols to language. What is it that language expresses? Is it not intelligence? Is not intelligence a mental power? Do we not learn through education--using language--to develop intelligence, which is recognized as mental growth and the individuality of the personal mind?

The link between human intelligence, mind, language, and the order of the letters in the alphabet is the key to measuring human mind and solving the major problem of mental discord and imbalance.

We have 1,126,339 names on our web site.

For an analysis of your full name, see our free detailed Name Report service.

You can change your life through the power of a Balanced Name. If you are already interested in making a name change, click here for the various services the Society of Kabalarians can provide you for this very important decision.

Analysis of Top 100 Baby Names

Look up the meaning of the top 100 Baby Names.

Thought for the Day

  • Universal Love is based on understanding. –Alfred J. Parker

  • If you are depressed, you are living in the past.
    If you are anxious, you are living in the future.
    If you are at peace, you are living in the present. –Unknown

  • From the time of Kepler to that of Newton, and from Newton to Hartley, not only all things in external nature, but the subtlest mysteries of life and organization, and even of the intellect and moral being, were conjured within the magic circle of mathematical formulae. –Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  • There is nothing in life harder to learn that the lesson of service to your fellow man - to love him for what he is. It is easy to love yourself, but it is hard to love someone else. That is the lesson we have to learn. Usually we learn this lesson through bitter experiences. –Alfred J. Parker

Link to master list of quotes

What name means gift from God?

Matthew – English, meaning "gift of God." Miracolo – Italian, meaning "a miracle."

Whats the meaning of the word is?

Definition of is (Entry 1 of 4) present tense third-person singular of be. dialectal present tense first-person and third-person singular of be.

What does your full name mean?

The complete name of a person, including first name, any middle names, and surname.

What means true name?

A true name is a name of a thing or being that expresses, or is somehow identical to, its true nature.


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