What major city is Danville, VA near?

The center of each city listed is within 56 miles of Danville, VA.

Scroll down the page to find a list of big cities if you're booking a flight between airports, or a list of smaller surrounding towns if you're doing a road trip.

Map of local cities around Danville, VA

Major cities near Danville, VA

This is a list of large cities closest to Danville, VA. A big city usually has a population of at least 200,000 and you can often fly into a major airport. If you need to book a flight, search for the nearest airport to Danville, VA. You can also look for cities 4 hours from Danville, VA (or 3 hours or 2 hours or 1 hour) or just search in general for all of the cities close to Danville, VA.

More trip calculations

Local towns near Danville, VA

This is a list of smaller local towns that surround Danville, VA. If you're planning a road trip or exploring the local area, make sure you check out some of these places to get a feel for the surrounding community. You can also search for cities 100 miles from Danville, VA (or 50 miles or 30 miles).

Nearest cities

Travelmath helps you find cities close to your location. You can use it to look for nearby towns and suburbs if you live in a metropolis area, or you can search for cities near any airport, zip code, or tourist landmark. You'll get a map of the local cities, including the distance and information on each town. This can help in planning a trip or just learning more about a neighboring city so you can discover new places.

76 miles: Roanoke
87 miles: Raleigh
114 miles: Blacksburg (Virginia)
56 miles: Durham (North Carolina)
55 miles: Chapel Hill
46 miles: Greensboro
76 miles: Winston Salem
138 miles: Rocky Mount (North Carolina)
111 miles: Lexington (Virginia)
121 miles: Pinehurst (North Carolina)
101 miles: Natural Bridge (Virginia)
75 miles: Cary
41 miles: Mebane (North Carolina)
81 miles: Wake Forest
71 miles: Lynchburg

These are straight line distances in a radius around Danville (Virginia), suitable for a day trip or a short weekend trip within roughly 140 miles. You can also explore cities near Roanoke or cities near Raleigh. There are many towns within the total area, so if you're looking for closer places, try a smaller radius like 50 miles. If you're okay driving a greater distance, try 150 miles.

Things to do near Danville (Virginia)

48 miles: Duke University
40 miles: Greensboro Science Center
70 miles: North Carolina Museum of History
50 miles: Top of the Hill
52 miles: Blue Ridge Parkway Visitor Center
42 miles: Natty Greene's Pub & Brewing Co.
99 miles: Humpback Rocks
47 miles: Wet 'N Wild Emerald Pointe Water Park
67 miles: Raleigh Ringers Central
61 miles: B. Everett Jordan Lake
56 miles: Falls Lake State Recreation Area
57 miles: Kerr Lake
67 miles: Polar Ice House Cary
65 miles: Polar Ice House
35 miles: Smith Mountain Lake

Places to eat near Danville (Virginia)

70 miles: The Pit
66 miles: Peak City Grill & Bar
49 miles: Mateo Bar de Tapas
50 miles: 411 West
66 miles: Ole Time Barbecue
36 miles: Moe's Southwest Grill
72 miles: Sharkeys
57 miles: Local Roots -A Farm to Table Restaurant
55 miles: Choice Hibachi Buffet
61 miles: Harbor Inn Seafood
94 miles: Simple Twist
96 miles: The Highway Diner
57 miles: Bad Daddy's Burger Bar
58 miles: Johnson's Orchard
61 miles: Milner's American Southern Restaurant

Places to stay near Danville (Virginia)

48 miles: Washington Duke Inn and Golf Club
63 miles: The Umstead Hotel & Spa
61 miles: Peaks of Otter Lodge
50 miles: The Carolina Inn
70 miles: Sheraton Raleigh Hotel
96 miles: Pinehurst Resort
83 miles: Mountain Lake Lodge
98 miles: Hilton Garden Inn Roanoke Rapids
73 miles: Comfort Inn Farmville
56 miles: Holiday Inn Select Winston-Salem University Parkway
58 miles: Sheraton Imperial Hotel & Convention Center
57 miles: Rodeway Inn Civic Center Roanoke
63 miles: Hampton Inn Raleigh Wake Forest
47 miles: Quality Inn & Suites - Greensboro Airport
36 miles: Ramada Convention Center

Cities near

location (city name):

distance/time (100 miles/1 hour):

Planning a short road trip to a new destination that's within driving distance for the weekend? Try adjusting the number of miles, results will vary depending on the distance or time.

What is the closest major city to Danville VA?

Major cities near Danville, VA.
42 miles to Greensboro, NC..
49 miles to Durham, NC..
70 miles to Raleigh, NC..
124 miles to Charlotte, NC..
173 miles to Chesapeake, VA..
174 miles to Norfolk, VA..
191 miles to Virginia Beach, VA..
207 miles to Washington, DC..

What city is Danville near?

Alamo, CA. San Ramon, CA. Walnut Creek, CA.

What is the closest major airport to Danville Virginia?

Nearest major airport to Danville, Virginia The closest major airport to Danville, Virginia is Piedmont Triad International Airport (GSO / KGSO).

What towns are near Danville VA?

Cities 30 miles from Danville.
30 miles: Martinsville, VA..
30 miles: Riceville, VA..
26 miles: Laurel Park, VA..
26 miles: Chatmoss, VA..
26 miles: Alton, VA..
25 miles: Java, VA..
25 miles: Anderson, NC..
25 miles: Eden, NC..