What must an insurance application contain?

If you’ve been shopping for life insurance and have chosen your policy type, amount and company, you’re ready for the life insurance application. The process varies depending on the type of policy you get, but you can expect to answer a bunch of important questions about your health and lifestyle.

“Traditionally underwritten” policies have more in-depth applications and often involve a medical exam. There are also life insurance companies that offer “accelerated underwriting,” which leverages technology to pull and analyze data and shorten the application process.

No matter which type of life insurance you’re applying for, here’s what you’ll want to know to help everything go smoothly.

Life insurance medical and lifestyle questions

Your life insurance company wants to know how likely you are to die while you’re covered. To figure out that risk, it asks you a series of questions about your health, lifestyle and the activities you engage in. Some insurers also ask about the health of immediate family members, such as parents and siblings.

The less healthy you are, the more the company is going to charge you for coverage. That can lead some applicants to stretch the truth on their life insurance applications, which ends up being a horrible idea.

Lying on your life insurance application can lead to a denial of your application or a denial of benefits later on. Policies typically start with a life insurance “contestability period,” which is a two-year span when, if you die, the insurance company can dive into the details of your application and see if you omitted anything or lied. If you did, the insurer will likely deny your claim.

Your family’s health history

Since certain diseases among family members can affect your life expectancy, the life insurance company will want to know whether your parents or siblings have been diagnosed with or treated for heart or kidney disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer or other conditions.

If they have, know their age at the onset of the condition and, if they are deceased, their age at death. Insurers are mainly looking for earlier onset diseases, so if your parents died at an older age, this will most likely not matter. For instance, an insurer may ask if your family members had heart disease or cancer before age 60 or 65, depending on the company.

Although you provided information about your health to get a life insurance quote, you’ll need to provide it again for your application. There’s no point in fudging here because your insurer will use your medical records and information from a company called MIB Group (formerly the Medical Information Bureau) to verify everything.

Life insurance companies use MIB because it collects health information from many life and health insurance companies all in one place.

MIB maintains a database of health conditions applicants have reported on applications made in the last seven years for individual life, health, long-term care and other insurance types. If you previously applied for a life insurance policy and stated that you had been treated for cancer and your new application doesn’t mention the cancer treatment, this will raise a red flag from MIB, and your life insurer will likely want to investigate further.

Have the name, address and phone number of your primary physician and the physician you last saw, along with the date of your last visit.

Be prepared to report the date, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and date of recovery for a wide variety of medical conditions. The list will be very long and includes:

  • Cancer, tumor and melanoma.

  • Brain disorders (even chronic headaches).

  • Depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  • Problems with eyes, ears, nose or throat.

Current medications, drugs and alcohol

The life insurance application will ask about past use of illegal drugs, current alcohol consumption and prescription medications, and whether you’ve ever been advised to seek addiction treatment. For any prescriptions, be sure to list the full name of the medication, the dosage and frequency.

The life insurance company will typically ask if you have any criminal convictions or a history of a suspended driver’s license, moving violations or DUI. If you do, know the dates — insurers are generally only interested in events for a certain time period, such as the last five years.

Future plans for risky activities

Piloting a plane, rock climbing, ice climbing, hang gliding, scuba diving, skydiving and car racing can all increase your chance of death, so the life insurance application will ask if you have participated or intend to participate in those. Risky hobbies will boost your life insurance premiums or may result in a denial.

The application may also ask if you intend to travel outside the United States in the next year or two.

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Nonmedical life insurance questions

Your life insurance company also needs to know a lot of practical and logistical information when you apply for a policy. These questions don’t address the risk you present to a company, but without the answers, your life insurance wouldn’t work.

Life insurance beneficiaries

When you buy a policy, you’ll designate your life insurance beneficiaries on the application. Beneficiaries are the people who receive any benefits from the insurance policy if you die while it’s in force. You can assign different percentages of the benefit to each of your beneficiaries. For instance, you could assign 70% to your spouse and 30% to your brother.

You should also be prepared to designate a secondary beneficiary (known as a “contingent beneficiary”). This is the person who receives the benefit if the primary beneficiary dies before you do.

Be sure you have your beneficiaries' full legal name, Social Security numbers and dates of birth.

The application will likely ask how often you want to be billed. Common choices are single payment (meaning one large lump sum), annually, semi-annually, quarterly and monthly. Keep in mind the insurer might have service charges if you choose a more frequent schedule, to cover its administrative costs.

Other life insurance policies

The life insurance company will want to know if you have other life insurance applications pending, and for how much insurance. If you seem to be applying for more life insurance than your situation calls for, the company will likely ask why.

The application will also ask how much individual life insurance you already have in place.

The insurance company may ask questions about your income, net worth and assets. This is to ensure you can afford to pay the premiums to maintain your life insurance, and that the amount of coverage you’re applying for makes sense.

Why does signing your name deserve special attention? Because the life insurance application is a legal document. It can be used against you if you have intentionally misreported anything, which the insurer would consider fraud.

The insurance company is going to verify everything to the extent possible, which could include pulling your:

  • Prescription drug record.

  • Credit history (to look for bankruptcy).

Life insurance medical exam

After your application is submitted, you may need a life insurance medical exam to qualify for coverage or to get the best rates. The exam is paid for by the insurance company.

You’ll be contacted by a paramedical examiner to schedule an exam if your policy application requires one. You’ll arrange for a convenient time and place for the exam — for example, at home in the morning.

The exam generally includes height, weight, urine and blood samples and a review of all the medical questions again. It may also include a blood pressure measurement or an electrocardiogram or treadmill stress test to get a read on your heart health.

As part of the exam, the technician will most likely ask in-depth questions about your health history. Be sure to have information about any medical conditions and prescription medications on hand.

Not all life insurance requires a medical exam. Simplified issue and guaranteed issue life insurance both attempt to skip the exam by using more health data or by charging higher premiums for coverage than traditional life insurers.

How long it takes to issue your policy will depend on how quickly the insurer can get your medical records and verify your application information. If the insurer has any follow-up questions, that will extend the process.

Typically, it takes four to eight weeks for traditionally underwritten policies to be approved and issued. For instant life insurance policies that use accelerated underwriting, it’s possible for coverage to go into effect on the same day.

Which elements are components of an insurance application?

The insured's age. Driving record. the kind of car that is being insured..

What is an insurance application?

Application — a form providing the insurer with certain information necessary to underwrite a given risk. The applicant completes it to receive insurance.

How many parts are there in an insurance application?

There are four basic parts to an insurance contract: Declaration Page. Insuring Agreement. Exclusions.

What are the key ingredients of an insurance contract?

In general, an insurance contract must meet four conditions in order to be legally valid: it must be for a legal purpose; the parties must have a legal capacity to contract; there must be evidence of a meeting of minds between the insurer and the insured; and there must be a payment or consideration.


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