What position is the Moon in tonight?

The Moon is currently in the constellation of Taurus. The current Right Ascension of The Moon is 04h 01m 25s and the Declination is +21° 43’ 28” (topocentric coordinates computed for the selected location: Greenwich, United Kingdom [change]). The current magnitude of The Moon is -11.52 (JPL).

Summary of key facts about The Moon [tip: you can also create a Quick Access page for this data if you access it frequently and would like to have a simpler view]:

Right Ascension

04h 01m 25s

If you need to access this information frequently for your observations, you can create a simple customized Quick Access page, so that you can easily bookmark it in your browser favorites or add a shortcut to your mobile phones' home screen.

Additional information about The Moon available on TheSkyLive:

Available Resources

  • What phase is the Moon in? Visualization and information about today's Moon phase.
  • Position and finder charts (see also Where is The Moon?)
  • Distance from Earth (see also How far is The Moon from Earth?)
  • Rise and set times (see also When does The Moon rise and set?)
  • Brightness (see also How bright is The Moon?)
  • Physical data. Detailed information about physical properties of The Moon, such as mass and geometric properties.
  • 15 days ephemerides. Table showing celestial coordinates and magnitude of The Moon for the past and next 7 days.
  • Interactive sky chart. An online planetarium application that shows where to locate The Moon in the sky from your location.

What Phase is the Moon in?

Today the Moon is Waning Gibbous and its age is 18.32 days.

The Moon Position and Finder Charts

Below we provide The Moon finder charts showing where the object is right now in the sky with respect to the brightest stars. The first finder chart has a field of view of 50 degrees, while the second one has a field of view of 10 degrees. Click on each finder chart to access a full screen interactive Online Planetarium.

What position is the Moon in tonight?

What position is the Moon in tonight?

Map showing The Moon in Taurus on October, 13 2022
Field of view: 50x30 degrees
View fullscreen

What position is the Moon in tonight?

What position is the Moon in tonight?

Map showing The Moon in Taurus on October, 13 2022
Field of view: 10x6 degrees
View fullscreen

Also check out Where is The Moon?, a page that provides all the information needed to find The Moon in the sky and additional links to sky charts.

The Moon Distance from Earth

The distance of The Moon from Earth is currently 395,262 kilometers, equivalent to 0.002642 Astronomical Units. Light takes 1.3185 seconds to travel from The Moon and arrive to us.

Distance Kilometers


Light Travel Time

1.3185 seconds

The following chart shows the distance of The Moon from Earth as a function of time. In the chart the distance data is measured in Astronomical Units and sampled with an interval of 1 day.

Distance of The Moon from Earth between January 2013 and December 2100

The value of the reported distance might be somewhat inaccurate around the times of closest approach for objects passing extremely close to Earth.

Closest approach of The Moon to Earth

Between January 2013 and December 2100, the closest approach of The Moon to Earth happens on Sun Nov 26 2034 at a distance of 0.002383 Astronomical Units, or 356,452 kilometers:

Distance Kilometers


NOTE: values for the closest approach are computed with a sampling interval of 1 day.

The Moon brightness

The current visual magnitude of The Moon is -11.52.

Apparent Diameter


The following chart is the predicted light curve (visual magnitude as a function of time) of The Moon, according to the most recent ephemerides data. Magnitude data is sampled with a 2 days interval and there might be inaccuracies for objects changing brightness very rapidly during the course of a few days. For comets there could be large discrepancies between the observed and predicted brightness because of their highly dynamic behaviour.

Predicted magnitude of The Moon between January 2013 and December 2100

The Moon rise and set times

Location: Greenwich, United Kingdom [change]
Latitude: 51° 28’ 47” N
Longitude: 0° 00’ 00” E
Timezone: Europe/London

Today's The Moon rise, transit and set times from Greenwich, United Kingdom [change] are the following (all times relative to the local timezone Europe/London):

Azimuth: 66.5°

RISE 19:22

Max altitude: 59.7°


Azimuth: 292.5°

SET 11:52

The rise and set times are defined as the time at which the upper limb of The Moon touches the horizon, considering the effect of the atmospheric refraction. As the atmospheric conditions cannot be modeled precisely the times reported here should be considered correct with an approximation of few minutes.

The Moon Physical Data

The following shows the known values of the most important physical parameters of The Moon. Source: JPL Small-Body Database

Physical ParameterValueRelative to Earth
Diameter 3474.2 km 0.2727
Mass 0.07342 x 1024 kg 0.0123
Density 3.344 gr/cm3 0.6065
Escape Velocity 2.38 km/s 0.2127
Sideral Rotation 655.7199 hours 27.3965
Absolute Magnitude -12.6
Geometric Albedo 0.136

The Moon 15 Days Ephemeris

The following table lists the ephemerides of The Moon computed for the past and next 7 days, with a 24 hours interval. Click on each row of the table to locate The Moon in our Online Planetarium at the chosen date.

DateRight AscensionR.A.DeclinationDec.MagnitudeMagApparent DiameterDiameterConstellation
2022 Oct 06 21h 44m 50s -19° 00’ 06” -11.47 1,937.1” Capricornus
2022 Oct 07 22h 39m 34s -13° 38’ 29” -11.82 1,930.4” Aquarius
2022 Oct 08 23h 31m 22s -07° 36’ 52” -12.15 1,919.4” Aquarius
2022 Oct 09 00h 21m 02s -01° 17’ 36” -12.47 1,904.3” Pisces
2022 Oct 10 01h 09m 38s +04° 58’ 59” -12.67 1,885.8” Pisces
2022 Oct 11 01h 58m 06s +10° 54’ 48” -12.36 1,865.1” Aries
2022 Oct 12 02h 47m 15s +16° 13’ 59” -12.02 1,843.5” Aries
2022 Oct 13 03h 37m 36s +20° 42’ 42” -11.69 1,822.6” Taurus
2022 Oct 14 04h 29m 24s +24° 09’ 32” -11.35 1,804.0” Taurus
2022 Oct 15 05h 22m 24s +26° 25’ 47” -11.02 1,788.8” Taurus
2022 Oct 16 06h 16m 04s +27° 26’ 17” -10.67 1,778.3” Gemini
2022 Oct 17 07h 09m 30s +27° 09’ 43” -10.30 1,773.0” Gemini
2022 Oct 18 08h 01m 57s +25° 38’ 47” -9.91 1,773.4” Cancer
2022 Oct 19 08h 52m 48s +22° 59’ 15” -9.47 1,779.6” Cancer

What position is the moon at right now?

Waning Gibbous Today's moon is 91,49% visible and is decrescent. 5 days left to the next phase 3rd Quarter.

Which direction do I look to see the moon tonight?

It is visible looking in the South-West direction at an altitude of 49° above the horizon.