What to expect after first laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is an aesthetic procedure that helps patients remove unwanted hair forever. Laser treatments for hair removal are fairly recent and it may be intimidating to take the plunge. However, it is worth it. Indeed, even after your first laser hair removal session, you will see results. Unwanted body hair will start shedding after your first session and you will see the difference.

Laser hair removal is superior to other hair removal methods in many ways. In the long-term, it is more sustainable and cheaper than waxing or shaving. Not only that plus it provides close to permanent hair removal. Patients will never have to shave or wax again. Laser hair removal is also great to reduce ingrown hair outbreaks and is not as painful as waxing.

So really, what are you waiting for? It is time to book your first laser hair removal session at Infinity Laser Spa. And what next? Well, you prepare for your laser session, you come in, get your laser treatment and go home. While there are a few aftercare recommendations to follow, patients should know what to expect after their first laser hair removal session.

How does it work?

Laser hair removal uses a concept called selective photothermolysis. The matching of a wavelength and a pulse duration allows the laser to target a specific object at the surface of the skin without damaging surrounding tissues. In the context of laser hair removal, the target is the pigment in the hair.

During a laser hair removal session, the laser emits light energy. This light will target the pigment in the hair. Once the melanin has absorbed the energy, the latter travels down to the hair follicle. There, it turns into thermal energy and anchors itself to the follicle. The heat damages the follicle, preventing further hair growth.

Is it permanent?

Laser hair removal is a long-term hair growth reduction method. It can reduce hair growth by up to 90%. The results of a laser hair removal treatment will depend on each person as well as the area of the body treated. While laser hair removal is not considered a permanent hair removal method as per the FDA standards, a lot of patients do experience permanent hair removal.

Skin tone, hair type, hair color, genetics, hormone levels, etc will impact the results of a laser hair removal treatment. Hormonal areas such as the bikini or the face will require more sessions than non-hormonal areas like the legs. Some patients may need touch-up sessions after their initial laser treatment.

Hair growth may happen again in case of intense hormonal change, like the one produced by a pregnancy for example.

How long is a laser session?

The duration of a laser session will depend on the size of the area treated. Treating a small area like the underarms will only take ten minutes. On the other hand, an extra large area like the full legs will require a thirty minute session. A full body laser hair removal session will take up to two hours. 

Does the procedure hurt?

Pain is a subject concept. Each individual has a different tolerance to pain. However, laser hair removal is not painful in the stricter sense of the term. Compared to waxing, laser hair removal does not hurt. 

The sensation is somehow unpleasant and can be uncomfortable. However, it is very tolerable. Laser hair removal feels like rubber band snapping against the skin. It is also akin to pinching. Most patients compare it to pinching or mosquito bites.

“Results vary depending on the individual” – something you’re probably used to hearing.

As vague as it sounds, it’s completely true and the results of Laser Hair Removal really do differ depending on you as an individual.

This is due to each persons hormones and specific hair cycle. But what can you roughly expect from the start of your course to finish? In this blog, we give you a timeline so you can plan your journey to hair-free skin efficiently!

Week 1: 1st Treatment

The first, initial treatment is said to have the most noticeable effects as it ‘shocks’ the follicles with the treatment. The heat from the laser either weakens or completely destroys the hair follicle. Immediately after, the skin may be red and swollen – clients can experience a ‘sun-burn sensation’ this is normal and will subside after a few hours.

5-19 Days Post-1st Treatment

The destroyed hair follicles eventually give-way and the hair begins to shed and fall. Clients can expect to see hair-thinning and patchiness; some areas may even appear completely hair-free.

Week 6-8: 2nd Treatment

The 2nd treatment sees greater results as the body hair goes through its’ resting and growth cycle, which is why a series of follow-up treatments are scheduled accordingly.

5-19 Days Post-2nd Treatment

The process repeats and the hair begins to fall from new areas.

Week 12-16: 3rd Treatment

The hair growth is now noticeably slowing down but it’s important to attend your treatment sessions! Although it may not seem like you need to, it’s vital and all a part of the process.

5-19 Days Post-3rd Treatment

The process repeats and the hair begins to fall from new areas.

Week 18-24: 4th Treatment

Between sessions, you can shave any hair re-growth but you’ll be happy to know, by this point it’ll be very patchy if not minimal.

5-19 Days Post-4th Treatment

The process repeats and the hair begins to fall from new areas.

Week 24-32: 5th Treatment

You can expect the area to feel smooth and appear hair-free!

5-19 Days Post-5th Treatment

The process repeats and the hair begins to fall from new areas.

Week 30-40: 6th & Final Treatment

After you have competed a full course, you can expect anything from 80% + reduction in hair growth.

5-19 Days Post-6th Treatment

After the course is complete, the treated area will feel smooth with a permanent reduction in hair growth.

Typically we recommend a minimum of 6 laser treatments for women and 8 for men. So you can expect to complete your course after 6-9 months.

Once the treated area has been assessed by your practitioner and she is happy that you’ve achieved optimum results, she will move you onto maintenance top-ups. Maintenance requires you to have an additional treatment every 3-12 months depending on the individuals hair cycle. This is to prolong the effects of Laser Hair Removal and to ensure smooth, silky skin.

It’s important to note that there are a number of things to trigger the re-production of hair growth including pregnancy, types of hormones of a person, types of hereditary and his or her medical conditions.

We’ve made it easy for you to get a quote, click here to visit our Laser Hair Removal Pricing Calculator & get your online quotation today which includes all promotional discounts!

For more information on Laser Hair Removal, or to book a complimentary consultation with one of our Aesthetic Practitioners, click here and we’ll be in touch

By HC MedSpa
24th January 2019

How long after first laser does hair fall out?

What happens right after the treatment? Do the hairs fall out right away? In many patients the skin is slightly pink for 1-2 days; in others (generally, fairer patients) there is no pinkness after laser hair removal. Hairs begin to fall out in 5-14 days and may continue to do so for weeks.

Do you see results after first session of laser hair removal?

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Now As a general rule of thumb, you can expect to see the results of each session one to three weeks after your session is complete. After that, you need to wait until the hair follicles in the area enter the active growth phase.

Does hair grow back slower after first laser?

Hair does not grow back slower after laser hair removal. However, you will have fewer noticeable follicles with each consecutive growth phase. Hair will appear finer and more sparse after every laser hair removal treatment.

How can I speed up the shedding after laser hair removal?

What Can I Do to Speed up Shedding? Shedding is a good sign, since it means the LHR treatments are effectively removing your hair. But if you want to help speed up this process, you can gently exfoliate your skin using a shower loofah or body scrub after laser hair removal.

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