What veggies can bearded dragons eat every day

Being a pet parent to a bearded dragon means knowing exactly what they need nutritionally in their diet so they can stay full, happy and healthy. The type of food you feed your bearded dragon is important, as well as how often you feed them, the reptile supplies you use to feed them and how you store their food. 

There isn’t bearded dragon food on grocery store shelves like there is for dogs and cats, so where should you start? Keep reading to learn more about what bearded dragons eat and how you can be the best pet parent for them. Remember to always consult with your veterinarian before making changes to your pet’s diet. 

Why a Good Diet is Essential: 

Just like other pets, beardies need to have a well-rounded and complete nutritional diet in order to stay healthy. What bearded dragon food goes in their belly has an impact on how they feel, their quality of life, how active they are and even how they look. 

Young bearded dragons are omnivorous (approximately 50% insects and 50% plant matter). As they mature, they will eat more vegetables and transition to mostly herbivorous (approximately 90% plant matter).

  • Insects - Feed gut-loaded insects (crickets or dubia roaches) 1x daily. Mealworms, superworms and waxworms should be offered in only small amounts. Young bearded dragons need a diet that’s more insects than vegetables because they need the added protein to grow and develop. 
  • Vegetables - Veggies should make up 25% of a young bearded dragon’s food and half of an adult’s. Favorites include kale, collard greens, mustard greens, zucchini and shredded carrots. Make sure to remove any vegetables that have not been eaten so they do not go bad inside their habitat. 
  • Fruits - Fruits like melons, berries and citrus may be offered 1 time a week.
  • Prepared Diets - Bearded dragon pellet food, moistened with water, may be offered daily. Commercial food adds variety to a beardie’s diet. Many brands are available in high-protein formulas for juvenile lizards and lower-protein versions for adult beardies.
  • Vitamins/Supplements- Dust food with a calcium/Vitamin D3 powder: 4-5x a week (juveniles); 2-3x a week (adults). Dust food with a multivitamin 1x a week (juveniles); 2x a month (adults), or as directed by your veterinarian.
  • Water -  Cleaned daily and provided at all times. Pet parents should empty out their beardie’s water and refresh it at least once a day. 

How Should I Feed My Bearded Dragon? 

Depending on the type of bearded dragon food you’re feeding your pet, there are different ways to feed them. 

Feeding Tongs: Reptile feeding tongs are small, tweezer-like tools that help you grab hold of insects and feed them to your bearded dragon.

Food Bowl: When feeding your beardie, reptile food bowls can be a great way to give them pellet or commercial food. 

Feeders - There are also reptile feeders that make it easy to give your pet things like mealworms. 

How Often Should They Eat?

Young bearded dragons will eat more often than adults. They need all of that extra energy while they grow. A bearded dragon that’s less than 18 months old might eat 2-5 times a day, whereas an adult bearded dragon only eats 1 time a day. 

Where Should I Store Their Food? 

Insects - There are a few different types of storage for reptile feeder insects. A cricket feeder is usually the best option if you’re feeding them crickets. For worms and other insects that aren’t hopping around, the container they come in or a plastic storage container usually works best. 

Vegetables and Fruits - Store your beardie’s fresh foods the same way you would store yours – in the fridge. 

Commercial/Pellet Food - Store bearded dragon pellets inside a sealed, airtight container to keep them fresh for your pet. 

Information in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure your pet and is not a substitute for veterinary care provided by a licensed veterinarian. For any medical or health-related advice concerning the care and treatment of your pet, contact your veterinarian.

Found in the wild in Australia, the bearded dragon is also a popular choice for those interested in keeping a reptile as a pet. The bearded dragon likes a varied diet. It enjoys many different types of foods, and it is important to provide variety in the diet to ensure he gets the nutrients needed to stay strong and healthy.

Bearded dragons’ name comes from their beard of scales around their neck, however, they don’t really have a beard of fur or hair. Bearded dragons wave to each other to acknowledge another dragon. Bearded dragons love to sunbathe and have plenty of different behaviors to add to their personalities. They can run up to 9 miles an hour and enjoy walks on leashes.

Bearded Dragons Eat Fruit

Fruit is an easy way to provide nutrients to your bearded dragon. It will enjoy these offerings, but it is important to understand that some fruit is not easy for it to digest. Citrus fruit and avocados, for example, should not be offered.

What fruits can bearded dragons eat? Several commonly available choices from the grocery store, such as apples, strawberries, grapes, melons, peaches, and even raisins, are popular with bearded dragons. Chop fruit into bite-sized pieces before serving to your bearded dragon.

While fruit is healthy and bearded dragons enjoy many different types of fruit, it should not make up the bulk of their diet. Occasional offerings are enough to add variety and nutrition to their meal plan.

Bearded Dragons Eat Vegetables

Vegetable choices like bell peppers, cabbage, celery, peeled cucumber, zucchini, and carrots are good choices for your bearded dragon. Nutrient-rich greens, such as collard and mustard greens are also an excellent choice. Avoid iceberg lettuce and spinach.

Calcium binds to spinach, making it a challenge for the bearded dragon to digest, and iceberg lettuce offers little nutritional value.

As with fruits, cut vegetables into manageable-sized chunks before offering them to your pet. When offering foods such as butternut and acorn squash, cook the vegetable first to enhance digestion and make it easier for your bearded dragon to eat.

A quick boil, bake, or steam, with no added fats or seasonings, ensures the vegetable is safe and healthy for your pet. Be sure to allow the food to cool to room temperature before offering it to your beardy.

Bearded Dragons Eat Bugs

Bearded dragons enjoy eating insects, but you must get them from a reputable source. Offering your beardie insects you catch yourself can cause health problems.

The insect most people think of when it comes to bearded dragons is the cricket. While crickets are a good choice, and beardies generally enjoy them, there are other insects you can offer as well. Dubai roaches, locusts, and black soldier fly larvae are also popular choices. Bearded dragons also enjoy different types of worms, such as earthworms, super worms, redworms, and butterworms.

To make sure the insects you provide your beardie offer the nutrition he needs, gut load them before feeding him. The gut loading process involves purchasing specialized food for the insects. Feeding the insects a gut-loading diet ensures the animals provide the nutrition your pet needs.

How Bearded Dragons Hunt

Provide live insects for your bearded dragon. Hunting them down in his enclosure provides enrichment activity as well as food. He will capture the insects just as he would in the wild, by quickly unfurling his sticky tongue to grab the morsel, then pulling it into his mouth.

Once in his mouth, his powerful jaws make quick work of the prey.

Special Treats for Your Bearded Dragon

The bearded dragon is found in the wild in Australia.


In addition to insects, fruit, and vegetables, there are some different plants and herbs your beardie may enjoy. Fresh herbs such as sage, basil, chives, and oregano are popular. Grasses such as dandelion greens and clover are as well. Flower s such as impatiens and carnations are also a nice treat for your beardie. As with anything you feed your pet, the plants must be free from pesticides and other chemicals.

The Bearded Dragon’s Diet By Age

Like many lizards, the bearded dragon has specific nutritional needs during different life stages. Until the beardie is 18 months old, he needs a high protein diet to support the rapid growth he experiences. Plan to feed a diet of 75 percent insects. The remaining 25 percent of the diet should be a variety of plant materials.

When less than two months old, the beardie needs insects such as crickets throughout the day. Once he reaches two months of age, his feeding schedule can be reduced to three meals a day.

Once the beardie is a year and a half old, he only needs one meal a day. He also doesn’t require as much protein. The bulk of his diet, about 75 percent, should be made up of plant materials. The remaining 25 percent should be insects.

What Eats a Bearded Dragon?

Lizards larger than the bearded dragon can make a meal of the animal, as can birds of prey and dingoes. Though like many lizards, their spikes will deter some predators.

What veg can bearded dragons eat daily?

Bearded Dragons can eat a wide range of live food such as crickets, mealworms and kingworms; vegetables such as sweet potato and pepper and leafy greens such as kale and parsley . They can also eat limited amounts of fruit.

Can I feed my bearded dragon vegetables everyday?

75-80% of an adult dragon's diet should be vegetables. If you're feeding a juvenile, a daily salad will suffice. Since bearded dragons are omnivores like humans, they need a variety.

What should a bearded dragon eat daily?

Bearded Dragon Diet Plan Since they are omnivores, they eat both plants and animals and can dine on a wide range of food, from live mealworms, kingworms and crickets to greens such as parsley and kale and vegetables like pepper and sweet potato. You can even give them limited amounts of fruit.

What fruits can I feed my bearded dragon everyday?

Bananas: Yes. You should only feed bananas occasionally as they have a high phosphorous to calcium ratio which can be unhealthy. Apples: Yes apples are an excellent choice of fruit to feed your bearded dragon. You should peel the apples and cut them into bite sized pieces before serving.


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