What zodiac sign is the luckiest 2023?

Years of the Rabbit include 2023, 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927...

2023 is a year of the Water Rabbit, starting from January 22nd, 2023 (Chinese New Year), and ending on February 9th, 2024 (Chinese New Year’s Eve). The sign of Rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity in Chinese culture. 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope.

People born in a year of the Rabbit are called "Rabbits" and are believed to be vigilant, witty, quick-minded, and ingenious.

The most compatible zodiac signs for Rabbits are Goats, Dogs, and Pigs.

Content Preview

  • Rabbit Years
  • Rabbits' Personality
  • Rabbits' Love Compatibility
  • Lucky Things for Rabbits
  • The Luckiest Zodiac Sign in 2023
  • 2023 Horoscope Predictions for 12 Zodiac Signs
  • Is Rabbit Year 2023 Good for Having a baby?
  • Best-Suited Careers for Rabbits
  • Good Health for Rabbits
  • Why is the Rabbit Ranked Fourth in Chinese Zodiac?

Chinese Zodiac Rabbit Years

The Rabbit is the fourth animal sign in the Chinese zodiac cycle. The 12 zodiac animals are, in order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Each year has an animal sign according to the 12-year-cycle.

The Chinese zodiac year is usually said to start from Chinese New Year, whose date ranges from late January to mid-February. Therefore, if you were born in January or February in one of the above years, you might be a Rabbit, or possibly a Tiger.

Additionally, in one if you were born in January/February of the years immediately following those above (2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, etc.), then you may be a Rabbit or a Dragon.

You can use our free Chinese zodiac sign calculator tool below to find your zodiac animal sign or see the table below.

Chinese Zodiac Sign Calculator

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Dates for Rabbit Years

Rabbit YearsDateElement2023January 22, 2023 – February 9, 2024Water Rabbit2011February 3, 2011 – January 22, 2012Gold Rabbit1999February 16, 1999 – February 4, 2000Earth Rabbit1987January 29, 1987 – February 16, 1988Fire Rabbit1975February 11, 1975 – January 30, 1976Wood Rabbit1963January 25, 1963 – February 12, 1964Water Rabbit1951February 6, 1951 – January 26, 1952Gold Rabbit1939February 19, 1939 – February 7, 1940Earth Rabbit

Zodiac Rabbits' Personality: Quiet, Elegant...

According to Chinese astrology, Rabbits are predicted to be gentle, quiet, elegant, and alert as well as quick, skillful, kind, patient, and very responsible, sometimes reluctant to reveal their minds to others and having a tendency to escape reality, but always faithful to those around them.

Male Rabbits are characterized by always treating people politely, with a gentle smile that makes people feel that they are credible and sincere. When encountering tough difficulties, they are never discouraged but instead remain persistent in their endeavors to find solutions. This means they eventually achieve enviable success.

Female Rabbits are personified as follows: apart from having a pretty and demure appearance, they have a pure heart.

Wood, Fire, Earth, Gold, and Water Rabbits

In Chinese five element theory, each zodiac sign is associated with one of the five elements: Gold (Metal), Wood, Water, Fire, or Earth. For example, a Water Rabbit comes once in a 60-year cycle.

It is theorized that a person's characteristics are decided by their birth year's zodiac animal sign and element. This means there are five types of Rabbit, each with different characteristics:

Type of RabbitCharacteristicsWood RabbitClever, quick-witted, selfish, lively in appearance, but shrewd at heartFire RabbitBroad-minded, smart, and flexible, with unique viewsEarth Rabbit Frank, straightforward, ambitious, hard-working, but slightly reservedGold RabbitKind-hearted, conservative,lively and enthusiasticWater Rabbit Gentle, amicable, able to adjust readily to different conditions, but with a weak mindset and principles

See Chinese Zodiac Rabbits of 5 Elements: Characters and Destinies

Famous Rabbit Year People

Famous RabbitBirth DateElementAlbert EinsteinMarch 14th, 1879Earth RabbitMichael JordanFebruary 17th, 1963Water RabbitDavid BeckhamMay 2nd, 1975Wood RabbitLionel MessiJune 24th, 1987Fire Rabbit

Rabbits' Love Compatibility: Is She/He Compatible with You?

Each animal sign has its unique characteristics. Love compatibility among Chinese zodiac animals mostly takes into account the general characteristics of each animal. Those whose characteristics match each other well can be good partners.

This is the predicted compatibility of the Rabbit:

  • Best with: Goat, Dog, or Pig
  • Worst with: Rat or Rooster

Want to know if she/he is compatible with you? Use our zodiac love compatibility calculator below. Or you can check the 12 Chinese zodiac signs' love compatibility in detail. 

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Calculator

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Lucky Things for People Born in a Year of the Rabbit

Things that will bring Rabbits luck:

  • Lucky numbers: 3, 4, 6, and numbers containing them (like 34 and 46)
  • Lucky days: the 26th, 27th, and 29th of every Chinese lunar month
  • Lucky colors: red, pink, purple, blue
  • Lucky flowers: plantain lily, jasmine
  • Lucky directions: east, south and northwest
  • Lucky months: the 1st, 4th, 8th, and 11th Chinese lunar months

Things that Rabbits should avoid:

  • Unlucky numbers: 1, 7, and 8
  • Unlucky colors: dark brown, dark yellow, white
  • Unlucky directions: north, west, and southwest

Which Chinese Zodiac Sign is the Luckiest in 2023?

The luckiest Chinese zodiac signs in the year of the Rabbit 2023 are Oxes, Tigers, and Snakes.

Then, with not quite so much luck, come Dogs, Horses, Goats, and Pigs. 

Rabbits', Rats’ and Snakes’ fortunes will be influenced by ‘opposition to Tai Sui’. Roosters and Monkeys will have to work especially hard to make headway.

12 Chinese Zodiac Signs’ Horoscopes and Lucky Colors for 2023

In 2023 (a year of the Water Rabbit), every zodiac sign's horoscope is affected by the Water Rabbit influence. Some are predicted to become free of the misfortunes encountered in 2022, while are warned to be prepared for troubles and accidents.

Click a zodiac sign below to check out your general horoscope and lucky colors for 2023. 

  • Rat
  • OX
  • Tiger
  • Rabbit
  • Dragon
  • Snake
  • Horse
  • Goat
  • Monkey
  • Rooster
  • Dog
  • Pig

Rats' Horoscope and Lucky Colors for 2023

Due to being ‘in opposition to Tai Sui’, Rats will encounter more in the way of thorny problems this year. So, Rat people, you need to be more careful and watchful in 2023, and don’t be impulsive. In general, Rats, your career luck looks pretty good, but you’ll still come up against some obstacles, like ostracization by colleagues or rumors/slander behind your back.

Rats’ romantic fortunes will be on a downward trend, and single Rats are likely to stay single in 2023. Married Rats should be frank and talk more to maintain stable relations.

Rats, you should pay particular attention to any health problems this year, and get a check up if there is any discomfort. Maintain a good work-life with enough rest in your spare time.

How to be luckier: Display or wear lucky ox trinkets.

Lucky colors: blue, gold, green

Oxes' Horoscope and Lucky Colors for 2023

Oxes, this year your fortunes are on the rise! However, you’ll still have to work hard and take hold of opportunities to progress your career. You’ll have opportunities to be noticed more at work.

Romantically, luck’s on an upward trend too for Oxes. However, Oxes should be especially careful with their health, as there’s a strong risk of an operation in the wind. Get medical attention early, Oxes, if you sense a problem, to stop a small ailment becoming a large one.

How to be luckier: Display or wear lucky turtle trinkets.

Lucky colors: yellow, brown, white, golden, silver

Tigers' Horoscope and Lucky Colors for 2023

Tiger-birth-year people have an utterly satisfactory outlook for 2023: although there will be a few downhill times, the overall trend is luck in the ascendancy. Tigers, you should learn to gain valuable experience from your failures, fully understand your shortcomings, and coolly face adversity. Then, you will avert disaster, and face many more favorable situations.

Tigers, you’re set to see improvements in your career thanks to the help of benefactors. Although your financial fortunes are on a downward trend overall, you will still make more than the previous year. If you’re not too sure about financial cons, don’t go in for any investments this year: even if it’s a close friend opening a premises, don’t invest, otherwise it will lead to running losses in the end and a freezing over of the relationship.

How to be luckier: Display or wear lucky deer trinkets.

Lucky colors: green

Rabbits' Horoscope and Lucky Colors for 2023

2023 is Rabbit people’s benmingnian (本命年 běnmìngnián /bnn-ming-nyen/ 'origin (of) life year').

Rabbits, in your ‘birth year’, you are believed to offend Tai Sui (/tie-sway/), the God of Age in Chinese mythology, and so you are predicted many challenges with frequent life changes. You’re advised to be more careful about all aspects of your lives in 2023.

It’s better for you to avoid big changes, like getting married or starting a new company. Be circumspect with problem solving and communication, and wear red underwear and socks to reduce bad luck. Your career will be ok if you work hard, and, despite everything, a promotion’s likely. Believe that ‘a rainbow will come after the wind and rain’.

How to be luckier: Wear red underwear and socks, and carry or wear lucky dog trinkets.

Lucky colors: blue, green

Dragons' Horoscope and Lucky Colors for 2023

On the whole, 2023 should be totally unfavorable for Dragons due to Tai Sui opposition, but they shouldn’t worry too much. Dragons, this coming year, the lucky stars will also shine on you, so you just need to maintain the right focus and 2023 will go without a hitch.

Dragons, your career luck is set to be relatively good, with a good performance at work and help from influential persons leading to a promotion/raise. In romantic relationships, there will be mixed fortunes with the opposite sex, and marriage will be difficult to talk about due to personal problems. Dragons with partners will find it difficult to understand them and find themselves facing an interpersonal ‘cold war’. You should try to see things from your love’s point of view and interact more.

Dragons’ health horoscope is average and they won’t feel so fit. Dragon people, pay attention to daily relaxation and exercise, and develop habits of regular eating and sleep.

How to be luckier: Display or wear lucky phoenix trinkets.

Lucky colors: white

Snakes' Horoscope and Lucky Colors for 2023

Entering 2023, Snakes’ lives will go more smoothly. Career development prospects will be pretty good. Snakes, you should receive recognition from your leaders. After a series of tests, you’ll create ground for a promotion and/or salary increase.

Love relationships will develop steadily. Single Snakes will be able to attract the attentions of fine romantic partners. Speaking of Snakes who are in a relationship or married, you will have many disputes this year. When you see signs of a fight sprouting, you should immediately put out the fire of ire, and resolve the conflict with considerate dialogue.

Snakes are predicted small ailments in 2023. Away from work, Snakes, you should exercise often, and balance work and rest wisely.

How to be luckier: Wear or display lucky monkey-related trinkets

Lucky colors: yellow

Horses' Horoscope and Lucky Colors for 2023

For Horses, 2023 will be a year of changeable fortunes. Being perpendicularly aligned, Horses, you should do your anti-Tai-Sui preparations well. Be careful and circumspect. With constant effort, you will be able to get through this risky year unscathed. All things will be totally turbulent. In work, you must pay attention to detail.

In love, however, Horses will find everything going smoothly. Horse singles will find relationships blossoming and will reap a predestined affinity.

Horses, your monetary fortunes will undergo a shaking, however. Be cautious and risk-averse, and seek a firm footing financially. Now is not the time to be thinking about how to make more money or how you can help others more.

How to be luckier: Wear or display lucky tiger-related tokens.

Lucky colors: red

Goats' Horoscope and Lucky Colors for 2023

In 2023, Goats fortunes will play out rather erratically. So, Goats, you’ll have to look at things pragmatically. As long as you can mature in tough situations, this year will go ok. Your career outlook is not bad, and you should achieve the recognition of benefactors, with the associated benefits of promotion or salary increase.

Luck in love is rather average for you, and you may be find your relationship wilting, so when dealing with the opposite sex, don’t look to outward appearances, but focus more on your partner’s character and values.

Again, Goats, your health prospects are so-so. As your business prospects are good, and you will be busy at work, you should manage your time to appreciate a good work-life balance and the benefits of exercise outside work.

How to be luckier: Display or wear lucky pig items.

Lucky colors: orange, red, purple

Monkeys' Horoscope and Lucky Colors for 2023

Stepping into 2023, Monkeys’ luck prospects are flowing in three directions uncontrollably: falling, rising, and staying the same.

Monkey’s, your careers are in for a downwards slide, and work won’t seem as challenging as before. Monkeys should persevere in their current job/position this year, believing that 2023’s stagnation is only temporary. Just welcome tough times and rise above them, as these circumstances will pass.

Relationally, luck for Monkeys will see a steady rise, and they will be in favor with the opposite sex.

And Monkeys’ health prognosis is very stable. Monkeys with chronic conditions, all you have to do is take your medicine and have checkups regularly, and your condition should stay in check, not recurring or increasing.

How to be luckier: Wear or display lucky rat-related trinkets.

Lucky colors: white, golden, silver

Roosters' Horoscope and Lucky Colors for 2023

Roosters, unfortunately 2023 will be very unfavorable for you astrologically. You’ll struggle to make any progress in your career. You’ll be angered by the obstacles you face in your field of work, and you’ll have to be alert to the influence of petty people around you.

Regarding your wealth, because of Tai Sui’s negative influence on your work, development prospects are flat. If your ability to work is limited, you may lose your job. You need to do your best to improve your employability, stabilize your finances, and stop your money flowing out in large amounts

This year, the chances for any relational changes are relatively unmoving. Roosters who are dating will be drawn towards marriage.

How to be luckier: Wear or display lucky dragon-related trinkets

Lucky colors: yellow, white, golden, silver

Dogs' Horoscope and Lucky Colors for 2023

Entering into 2023, Dogs’ luck will be relatively stable, but it still carries with is some of the misfortune from the previous year. Health and wealth prospects will be continually declining, so care must be taken, Dogs, particularly with these aspects.

Regarding their careers, Dogs’ fortunes will be full of twists and turns. This year, there’s a danger of a big mistake at work, leading to the scrapping of an otherwise successful project, so Dogs need to work much harder than last year, and when trouble comes be ready to overcome adversity.

Dogs, in 2023 your romantic luck will be on an upward curve, but for single Dogs, your love life will be positively flourishing, and you will make many friendships that have a good chance of being your ideal love partner.

Dogs, in 2023, your health fortunes are trending down. For Dogs who already have physical problems, you should choose some exercise that your body’s able to bear well to strengthen it and build it up. In this way, you will be able to fight off the predicted increase in infections and ailments.

How to be luckier: Wear or display lucky rabbit-related trinkets.

Lucky colors: red, yellow, brown

Pigs' Horoscope and Lucky Colors for 2023

Pigs, prepare for a more stable year of luck in 2023. In your career, you will enjoy good cooperation with your colleagues and leaders and will have the chance for a promotion or raise. For business Pigs, the year will bring new cooperation/partnering or a new opening in your market.

In love, Pigs, your charm will increase, so, for singles there will be more favorable opportunities with the opposite sex, opening the way out of singlehood. Married Pigs, your spousal relations will be very harmonious, as will things within the wider family.

However, for Pigs, your health outlook is not such a happy picture. No matter how busy your work is, you must find a balance, at least finding time to eat and rest well.

How to be luckier: Wear or display lucky fish-related trinkets.

Lucky colors: black, yellow

Is Year of the Rabbit 2023 Good for Having a baby?

2023 is a good year to give birth. It is a Water Rabbit year. In Chinese astrology, water means longevity and peace, and the Rabbit is a symbol of vigilance, wittiness, cautiousness, deftness, and self-protection. People born in the year of the Water Rabbit year are predicted to enjoy good fortune and have a peaceful mind throughout their lives. (Check out 150 Popular Chinese Names for Boys and Girls: Meanings and Culture)

In Chinese mythology, the Rabbit is the only zodiac animal to live together with the Goddess Chang’e in the Moon. China named its first robotic lunar rover Jade Rabbit, which roved the moon’s surface in late 2013.

Being closely related to the Goddess of the Moon, the Rabbit is one of the most favored zodiac signs in Chinese astrology.

Best-Suited Careers for Rabbits

Intellectual, scholarly, and learned, Rabbits are more likelyto enjoy a good career as well as wealth.

With a pair of dexterous hands, Rabbits have a gift for calligraphy and painting as well as tailoring and cooking.

The best careers for Rabbits are in the fields of cultivation, breeding, education, religion, health care, medicine, culture, police/judiciary work, and politics.

Good Health for the Rabbit

Overall, Rabbits have average health.

Rabbits, in winter to late spring, when in relatively poor health, you should do more sports to prevent colds and other infectious diseases, and have a healthy daily diet. You are advised to do some indoor exercise to cope with stress and tension.

In the dry seasons, drinking more water, and moisturizing will help prevent skin problems.

Why is the Rabbit Ranked Fourth in Chinese Zodiac?

Legend has it that in ancient times, the zodiac Rabbit had a long, furry tail. Every day, he liked to curl his tail round himself and sleep comfortably in his hole. When hungry, he would stick his head out and lazily eat the green grass at the entrance of his hole.

It didn't take long for the grass on the entire hillside to be eaten up by Rabbit, revealing a bare hole. One day, a wolf noticed the bare grassy slope and found the place where the rabbit lived. It was quietly lurking in the grass not far from the entrance of the hole, preparing to ambush Rabbit.

When the sun was up, Rabbit woke up hungry and ate the grass beside the hole as usual. The wolf bit into Rabbit’s long tail , and only then, Rabbit reacted and kicked his hind legs vigorously. When the wolf was kicked in the face, its sharp teeth bit off Rabbit's tail with its own forceful reaction. After the wolf was knocked unconscious for a few seconds, it immediately gave chase in the direction of Rabbit.

At this moment, a roar came from the sky and a little white dragon stepped between Rabbit and the wolf. He stopped the wolf who was chasing the Rabbit. Rabbit’s instincts made him not stop to think about it, and just use his last ounce of strength to escape.

Eventually Rabbit could barely run any more. Just as he was about to rest under a tree for a while, he seemed to see Ox standing behind the line, Rat on Ox's head, and Tiger behind the Ox... It turned out that Rabbit had accidentally crossed the finish line of the zodiac sign race. When he woke up, he found 11 animals surrounding him, as well as the little white dragon who helped Rabbit escape the wolf's mouth. Therefore, in the ranking of the zodiac, Rabbit comes fourth and Dragon ranks fifth.

What is the lucky zodiac sign for 2023?

Which zodiac signs will be lucky in 2023? Libra, Scorpio & Gemini will be favored the most by luck in 2023.

Is 2023 a good year in astrology?

According to the yearly horoscope 2023, the year will be fantastic for lovemaking and married life. An auspicious change of position of Saturn will bring a vital change in life.

What will happen to the zodiac signs in 2023?

As per the horoscope 2023 trends, the luckiest zodiac sign in 2023 would be Sagittarius, Leo, and Libra. These zodiac signs can hope for a glorious 2023 in many aspects of life, especially love and career.

Which zodiac sign is the luckiest in?

Sagittarius. Sagittarius has luck on its side. In fact, three of our four astrology experts consider it the luckiest sign of them all (our fourth expert put it in their top three.)


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