When can I fully shower after LASIK?

Question: I had LASIK 3 weeks ago and while taking a shower a drop of water went into the eye, there is no discomfort but wondering if this is okay? or should i book an appointment with my optometrist?

Answer: Three weeks following surgery there is usually not an issue with getting a little water in the eye from the shower. Many LASIK centers typically allow patients to shower normally after just 1-2 weeks. Unless you vision is abnormal, there is pain, or some other sign that there might be something wrong, you can probably wait until your next appointment.

If this is causing you stress, however, it would be simple just to schedule a quick checkup. It might relieve your anxiety over this and give you greater peace of mind.

Another option would be to put a drop of the antibiotic in that eye. This is another frequently advised treatment even if water gets in the eye during the first day or two after LASIK.

How to Protect Your Eyes After Laser Eye Surgery

After laser eye surgery, take these precautions to prevent injury or infection:

  • Don't take a shower or wash your hair until the day after.
  • Avoid getting non-sterile water from shower, hair washing, etc. into your eyes during the first few days after surgery.
  • Be careful when you’re in the shower or bath. Be sure to keep soap out of your eye when you wash your hair, and watch out for hair spray and shaving lotion.
  • Don’t rub your eyes for at least a month.
  • Use all eye drops, including artificial tears, that are prescribed by your doctor.
  • Don't drive until you feel comfortable. Get your doctor’s OK first.
  • Wear the eye shield/goggles the doctor gave you while you sleep for the first week.
  • Keep tap water out of your eyes for at least a week.
  • Avoid pools, whirlpools, saunas, and lakes for at least 3 weeks.
  • No eye makeup for at least a week. Toss out partly used products to avoid an infection.
  • Don't get your hair colored or permed for at least 10 days.
  • No exercise for two days.
  • Wear eye protection for at least a month once you start exercise and sports activities again.
  • Your eyes will likely be sensitive to light for a while. Dark sunglasses are helpful.
  • Avoid dirty and dusty environments for 7 days.
  • Bright sunshine may cause scarring, so wear sunglasses on bright days for at least a year.

Get more information about recovering from LASIK eye surgery.

When Should I Call a Doctor?

If you have any questions, or if there’s pain, a sudden decrease in vision, redness, or discharge from your eye, contact your doctor right away.

It’s Saturday morning, the sun is up, and you roll over and decide it’s time for you to be up too.  You open your eyes…

Wait a minute!  You can see all the way across your bedroom, and there’s texture on the ceiling of your bedroom!  “Did I fall asleep with my contacts in again?” you ask yourself.  Then, like a lightning bolt across the sky, you remember!  “I had my LASIK surgery yesterday!”

Pretty awesome stuff!  This won’t be the last time that you marvel at how easy life is when you can just wake up and see!

You take off the goggles that you wore to bed last night and congratulate yourself on remembering to put them on before you went to sleep for the night.  Wearing the goggles helps you to not rub your eyes while you are sleeping for the first few nights after your LASIK procedure.

It’s drops time!  You refer to the instructions given to you yesterday at your LASIK appointment and put your drops in.  Okay, next, breakfast time & shower.  You head to the kitchen to get your day started with your favorite breakfast and again want to pinch yourself at how much simpler this morning is already!

“Oh…my…goodness!  My shower is dirty,” you think as you step in for your first shower with your new vision.  You have to give yourself a break.  It’s tough sometimes to really know what the status of your shower is when you can’t really see much in there!

The team at 20/20 told you that it is completely fine to shower after having LASIK, and that your friends will appreciate it!  You pay special attention to not have the water hit you directly on your eyes, and you skip washing your eyes & just let the water run over your eyes while they are closed.  When you get out of the shower, you dry off every part of your face except for your eyelids and around your eyes – that gets to air-dry for a couple weeks.  Works great, all clean!  Now, time for your checkup back at 20/20.

Starbucks & snack upon arrival, check!  Time to head back to an exam room with the friendly 20/20 staff member to check your vision.  You look on the eye chart and call out the letters: “T, Z, V, E, C” – the 20/20 row!  No glasses or contacts, Boom!  Dr. Danzo comes in and takes a look at your eyes with his microscope and lets you know that everything looks great.  He tells you to keep up with your eye drops and goggles at bedtime.  “So, doc, what do I need to do to protect my eyes from here?” you ask.  Good question.

Dr Danzo tells you that coming to your follow up appointments, is important as you heal, and that it is a good idea to avoid getting sweat in your eyes for the first week.  Awesome!  Now you finally have your excuse to wear your Richard Simmons headband to your workout!

Other than that, you’ll keep up with the medicine drops for a week, and artificial tears until you are fully healed.  UV-protection eyewear is ALWAYS recommended by eye doctors, especially here in Colorado, but now you can get a pair that aren’t going to cost and arm and a leg because you don’t have to get sunglasses with your prescription in them!

Lastly, Dr Danzo reminds you that you will come to 20/20 for checkups until your LASIK anniversary, and that after your anniversary, it will be good for you to have eye exams to continue to monitor eye health.  Dr. Danzo reminds you that while routine eye care is important for you to do for your eyes, you don’t have to be perfect with annual eye exam attendance in order for you to keep your Lifetime LASIK Assurance from 20/20 Institute.

“Just keep on seeing,” says Dr. Danzo!

Can I shower 3 days after LASIK?

About showering: You can bath or shower within 24 hours of your LASIK surgery, but the running water should not go into the eyes for at least one week. Also, it would be best to ignore applying a washcloth or towel to your eyes to minimize pressure during this time.

How many days after LASIK Can I wash my hair?

After laser eye surgery, take these precautions to prevent injury or infection: Don't take a shower or wash your hair until the day after. Avoid getting non-sterile water from shower, hair washing, etc. into your eyes during the first few days after surgery.

How do you protect your eyes in the shower after LASIK?

You can take a shower after LASIK. You will want to make sure that you keep your eyes completely closed to prevent soap, shampoo, and water from getting in your eyes. You'll also want to make sure that you don't rub your eyes when you are washing your face.

When can I get sweat in my eyes after LASIK?

Hold off for two weeks from spending time in Jacuzzis, playing water polo, or swimming just about anywhere. Remember if you sweat profusely not to rub your eyes for a month after your procedure. Just blot your face, not your eyes. I was a big eye-rubber (and have the wrinkles to prove it!) but I did it.


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