When is the best time for a 3D scan?

3D & 4D Scans are a truly wonderful experience for expectant parents. We intend on bringing them back on the 4th July, but we are aware that there may be some of you who may have missed the 4D scan window which here at Early Life Ultrasound Centre is between 24 and 34 weeks. We specify this time because around 24 weeks babies have reached a point where their features are clearer but, at the other end we specify 34 weeks due to growth as there may not be enough room to get images. Saying this, we have completed some amazing scans after 34 weeks and would like to extend the offer to those who are past the 34 week point who may have missed out that we will accept appointments and try to obtain images but if we can't we won't charge you. 

3D/4D scan images at different stages

What you see at a 3D or 4D ultrasound is dependent on a couple of things. Firstly, the gestational age of your baby. If your baby is 16 weeks you may see your baby's whole body. At this stage they are quite little and the facial features aren't very distinguishable due to there being very little fat under the skin and the baby being about the size of an avocado, but it is always lovely to see them wriggling.

If you are investing in a 3D or 4D scan then the earliest time to get the best images is at around 24 weeks and up to 34 weeks. At 24 weeks we are starting to see baby's features more clearly as babies are a bit bigger at this stage and the sound waves have to travel a much shorter distance and can pick up better echoes creating a clearer image. Of course, as with all imaging this is still dependent on whether or not there is sufficient clear fluid around the area that we wish to see.

From  28 weeks babies tend to look aesthetically more like they will when they born. We begin to see chubbier cheeks and we will sometimes see babies opening their eyes or blinking. We will not see eye colour as the 3D/4D ultrasound does not show colour, but as you can see from the example image below we have some lovely chubby cheeks! You won't be able to see the whole of your baby always as at this stage as babies are a bit bigger and the whole of baby can't be seen in one single image. If you aren't curious about the sex of your baby you can still have a 3D scan and not find out what gender your baby is. It's always good to mention this to your Sonographer but you will be asked this question before your appointment.

At 30 weeks we can see that those cheeks are just getting chubbier as babies begin to increase in weight. 30 weeks is the half way point where if you live in the UK (and are considered to be low risk) will be about the half way point from your 20 weeks routine scan and you due date. We find that this is an excellent time for 3D, 4D and HD Live ultrasound scans. The image below is a HD Live image which is a newer imaging software available at Early Life Ultrasound Centre with all 3D & 4D scan options.


It is beautiful to see our babies, but it should be remembered that we consider that as well as imaging to see your baby, well-being in the form of checking growth and fluid levels are also very much a priority. As a part most of the 3D, 4D and HD Live scan packages at Early Life Ultrasound Centre, these checks come as apart of the scan. 

 At 34 weeks and sometimes a couple of weeks after this point we can achieve some excellent results with 3D or 4D imaging, however, the further past 34 weeks, the higher the chance of not being able to achieve images due to reducing fluid levels and baby taking up a lot of space.

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Ultrasounds provide an amazing and in-depth look at your developing baby. However, 3D ultrasounds take this a step further, enabling you to “see” your baby’s face for the first time.

We’re proud to offer both 3D/4D ultrasounds. We’ll explain the difference between these vs “regular” ultrasounds and when is the best time to have one.

When Can You Get a 3D Ultrasound?

While you can get an ultrasound at various points in your pregnancy, the best time to get the most ideal 3D images of your baby is typically between 26 and 32 weeks.

Remember that a 3D/4D ultrasound is an elective one, meaning it is not medically necessary. Therefore, the cost of these 3D/4D baby ultrasounds are not covered by your insurance. You will be responsible for payment for this type of ultrasound at the time of your appointment.

What About Commercial 3D Ultrasound Centers?

While you can get a 3D baby ultrasound image from commercial centers, they do not offer the experienced techs that we have at Associates in Women’s Health Care. All of our sonographers are certified by the American Registry for Diagnostic and Medical Sonography. In addition, our sonographers also have more than 20 years of experience.

We also offer something that the commercial ultrasounds don’t—an assessment from one of our OBGYNs in Raleigh.

We’ll review the image with you to check your baby’s growth and the surrounding fluid.

What Is Tricefy © ?

This is a free service we’re excited about! We offer this to provide you with immediate access to all images and videos from the ultrasounds. These are delivered to your phone through a safe and secure link, making it easier to share these priceless memories with family and friends.

What is the Difference Between a 3D and a “Regular” Ultrasound?

To see the difference, you must first understand how an ultrasound works.

How an Ultrasound Works

An ultrasound uses a small probe (transducer) to send sound waves into your body. As the sound waves return, they are recorded and compiled into an image by a computer.

Unlike CT scans or X-rays, ultrasounds do NOT use any radiation.

In general, we suggest that women have three ultrasounds during their pregnancy. These will be during the first trimester or around 8 weeks. We want to have another one during the second trimester around 18 – 20 weeks to carefully evaluate the baby’s development. This is also the time when you can discover the baby’s gender. Third trimester ultrasounds at 36 weeks verify the baby’s position.

We may perform additional ultrasounds if the baby has a medical condition that needs closer observation. We recognize that every pregnancy is different, and therefore we tailor each treatment and care plan with you in mind.

What Makes a 3D Ultrasound Different From a 4D Ultrasound?

3D ultrasounds take the information from the transducer and create three-dimensional images of your baby. 4D ultrasounds create a video feed where you can watch your baby move or even smile. 3D ultrasounds give you a first look at your baby’s face.

We offer both 3D and 4D ultrasounds in our office.

Where to Get a 3D Ultrasound Near Me

Associates in Women’s Healthcare is the leading OBGYN in Raleigh, and we offer both 3D and 4D ultrasounds near you.

Our dedication to our patients spans decades as we tailor each care plan for every individual patient. We understand that no two pregnancies are alike, and we reflect this in our philosophy of personalized care.

Want to See Your Baby’s Face for the First Time? Talk to Us About our 3D/4D Ultrasounds

A 3D baby ultrasound is a special moment when you can see your baby’s growth and development. For a moment as special as this, you should be surrounded by a world-class health care team that places you and your care first.

Our experienced sonographers will work with you if you opt for a 3D ultrasound, and our experienced OBGYNs will provide an additional evaluation to help ensure your baby is healthy.

Contact us for more information and to schedule your 3D/4D ultrasound.

When is the best time to do a 4D ultrasound?

If you are only going to have one elective ultrasound, between 27-32 weeks is the BEST TIME. The baby has had time to build up body fat, but still has room to move around. Between 33-37 weeks is also a great time, if baby will cooperate.

Can you do a 3D ultrasound at 12 weeks?

The transvaginal scan is the preferable way of scanning during the first trimester of pregnancy. This is 3D surface rendering of the normal fetus at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Good quality 3D/4D images can be obtained only if the 2D image is clear.

How many weeks do you have to be for a 3D scan?

A 3D scan is a still image and a 4D scan captures a video showing your baby moving around inside the womb. 3D and 4D scans aren't typically made available to mums until around 24 weeks because time needs to be allowed for your baby to grow and gain some weight.

When is the best time to do a 5d ultrasound?

Here is Baby in Midland, Texas, shares that the best time frame for getting good images with a 5-D ultrasound is also similar to 3-D and 4-D — 24 to 32 weeks — as it's only the processing of the images that's different, not the scan itself.


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