When you dream of breathing underwater

The water element itself often symbolizes the unconscious part of the human psyche, so breathing underwater can mean that a person who has such dreams is very much influenced by spontaneous ideas. This person can easily dive into the deeper layers of his consciousness, and feel great being in such a state.

Breathing underwater has other interpretations: it may mean that a person who dreams of such a plot will soon have some kind of change in his life. Moreover, if the thickness of the surrounding water has a transparent hue, then good events should be expected; if it is dirty, then the events will have negative consequences for a person.

Dreams, when a person tries to breathe under water, can be also interpreted as follows. These dreams mean that a person has a mini crisis, some kind of life situations cause feelings of panic and fear in reality. To be able to overcome these life problems you need to rely more on your intuition, and not try to solve problems using standard solution methods.

In order to receive the correct interpretation of this dream plot, you should pay attention to how a person felt being under water. If the feelings of the sleeper were comfortable, this means that even in an unforeseen situation the person will be able to control his emotions and his behavior, that is, the situation will be under his control. If the dreamer felt it was hard to breathe, then the solution of problems will not be easy for a person in real life.

If you literally dream of breathing underwater, as in you go to sleep and in your dreams you are going underwater and breathing it could mean one of several things. Since water is one area that we know seems as if it was not meant for humans (because of the fact that we don't have gills, and because of the fact that we naturally float as well as the fact that the creatures of the sea are much more well suited for sea travel and can more easily navigate waters, as well as kill us if we got into any fights.

To dream that you are able to breathe underwater would mean that you have conquered one of the things that keeps is from water the most, the fact that we cannot stay under for long periods of time without assistance. This would mean you have conquered areas that were previously off limits to you. There was some goal that you thought you would never achieve, but you were able to make it out of sheer will power. Congratulations, you should be proud of yourself for your accomplishment, it really means a lot.

It can also mean, when you dream of breathing underwater that you have conquered your fear of the water. The water is a scary place for many people, and still many more people refuse to swim in the water, especially not in open sea or in areas that seem particularly dangerous. For you to be able to go underwater and breathe means you can go anywhere in the water and probably will. You have no reason to fear drowning, so why would you ever be sacred. Try testing out in real life whether you are still afraid or not. Go take a dip in the public pool and see how you and your body react to the environment. Do you still feel scared? Use the gumption given to you by your mind to go out there and traverse the tricky waters. Maybe you don't need to go out and literally have a swim, but this spike in fearlessness shows you certainly have the will and ability to conquer other fears as well. Let's see how many you can cross off the list in the next few days now that one of the biggest ones is down.

To dream that you can breathe underwater also shows that you have obtained complete mastery over your emotions. Many times in dreams the sea or the ocean or any body of water will be representative of your emotional state. When you are on a boat, you are really showing that you have the ability to navigate through all of your complex emotional responses. However, when you are swimming in the water and don't even need a boat then this suggests that you have an even greater mastery than could have previously been seen. You are extremely in touch with yourself. Congratulations on your mastery of your own emotional climate.


To dream of being underwater represents being overwhelmed by negative thoughts, emotions, or uncertainty. It may also reflect preoccupation with sadness, guilt, or fear. Difficult circumstances. Overwhelming emotional turmoil. Feeling that you are struggling. Difficulty coping with pressure. Overwhelming family or relationship problems. A very hard time in your life. Feeling overwhelmed by problems. Consider the saying "deep trouble."

To dream of breathing underwater represents being overwhelmed by negative thoughts, emotions, or uncertainty while remaining calm or confident. It reflects a level head or intelligence while confronting negative emotions, or facing stressful or uncertain situations. Keep cool or finding your strength during a crisis.

To dream of choosing to submerge underwater may reflect situations where you are choosing to confront a negativity or uncertainty in your life. Choosing to be completely "submerged" in your problems.

Example real life situations that may encourage a dream of breathing underwater may be when you feel forced to lie, or when you are faced with an emergency that requires you to stay calm.

Example 1: A young man dreamed of being underwater. In waking life he was always sad because of his parents divorce.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being trapped in a car underwater. In waking life she life she felt trapped by serious financial problems.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being deep underwater. In waking life she was having serious problems in her marriage with no way to reconcile the relationship. She had just decided to file for divorce.

Example 4: A man dreamed of being deep underwater with a shark about to attack him. The shark suddenly dropped dead. In waking life he was in the middle of a serious argument with a woman and expected the argument to result in serious problems in his life, but he settled the argument in email. Being underwater in this case may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about how overwhelming the argument with the woman felt.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of her house being submerged underwater. In waking life she felt that her family's overwhelming problems were holding her back in life.e was always sad because of his parents divorce.

*Please See Drowning

*Please See Cage


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